This project is part of école 42 projects.
get_next_line(int fd)
function read from a file descriptor and print on the screen the result with the \n
if there is any.
The read
function, from library, read a certain amount of bytes from the passed file descriptor. These bytes are passed as BUFFER_SIZE at the compile time.
The expected behaviour is that the function must read and return BUFFER_SIZE bytes until a \n
or end of file (EOF), and must keep remaining bytes (if there is any) for a possible second call (or many other calls until EOF).
clang -D BUFFER_SIZE=5 get_next_line.c get_next_line_utils.c main.c -I. && ./a.out
- The get_next_line.c has the main function.
- The get_next_line_utils.c has auxiliary functions.
- The get_next_line.h has the header with the prototypes of utils.
- main.c has the test.
- -D means that you want to define a macro named...
- BUFFER_SIZE macro determines how many bytes the read function will read from a file descriptor (if = 0 the return value will be null).
include where is the .h header (in this case, at the same directory that the others). If ommited then you have to write the get_next_line.h file.
GNL version 10 hasn't many bonus part. The instructions are:
- Read from various file descriptors at the same time.
- Use only one static variable.
The standard code already has the bonus part included, it was write considering the above rules.
The collab:
Gabi Sertori |
Lucas Krebs |
Please, if you encounter any bug, errors or have any tips, feel free to make contact. Open an issue here with the title [bug], [problem], [sugestion] or [update] and describe the issue.