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Joel Kuzmarski edited this page Aug 1, 2016 · 1 revision

Install Fonts

Install the fonts from the ./build directory by double-clicking them in

  • devicons-regular.ttf
  • fontawesome-regular.ttf
  • octicons-regular.ttf
  • pomicons-regular.ttf


You can organize them in a collection:


Disable System Integrity Protection

Reboot your mac and hold CMD+R after the startup chime.

Launch from the Utilities menu once booted into System Recovery and run:

csrutil disable; reboot

Edit Plist

Once rebooted back into normal mode, use to open and edit the plist file after first copying it to ~/Desktop:

cp /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/Resources/DefaultFontFallbacks.plist ~/Desktop
open -a ~/Desktop/DefaultFontFallbacks.plist

In the plist editor, expand "monospace" then click the + icon to add a new row and type in Pomodoro. Do this three more times for FontAwesome, Octicons, and Icomoon until the plist looks like:


Overwrite DefaultFontFallbacks.plist

Make a backup of the original DefaultFontFallbacks.plist:

cp /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/Resources/DefaultFontFallbacks.plist ~/DefaultFontFallbacks.plist.bak

Close and move the file back into place, overwriting the original:

sudo mv ~/Desktop/DefaultFontFallbacks.plist /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/Resources/DefaultFontFallbacks.plist

Re-Enable System Integrity Protection

Now reboot into recovery mode again (CMD+R) and re-enable System Integrity Protection:

csrutil enable; reboot

Tested with iTerm2 Build 3.0.5