Money is a rational game based on social economy concepts, inspired by Five YouTubers. Five games. a prize game created by the famous youtuber Tom Scott. Our version of the game works with 4 players, each of whom will also have a superpower that can be used once per game to gain different advantages.
Make sure you have installed:
- XCode (MacOS only)
- Visual Studio with visual C++ dev kit (Windows only)
- Cocoapods (MacOS only)
- Flutter SDK: To install flutter follow the guide here
- VSCode (with the Flutter extension)
- Java: You need to install java to run the backend of our game, we use the jdk 19 version.
$ ~ git clone
$ ~ cd money
$ ~/money
$ ~ cd backend/out/artifacts/backend_jar
$ ~ java -jar backend.jar
$ ~/money cd frontend
$ ~/money/frontend flutter pub get
and then
$ ~/money/frontend flutter run -d [linux/windows/macos]
Run -> Start debugging
If you're experiencing errors that include the xcodebuild command please execute:
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
If you're running Money 💸 locally, just insert as the address and 1234 as the port
If you want to play online with other players you need ngrok. Download it and execute the command
$ ~ ngrok tcp 1234
which forwards every connection from an external device to your computer, to the backend server on the 1234 port. Later, insert the "Forwarding" tcp address and port into the respective fields.
We provided 4 test users you can use to try Money 💸 alone or with friends.
Username: t1
Password: t1
Username: t2
Password: t2
Username: t3
Password: t3
Username: t4
Password: t4
Login with this data when in front of the login screen.
Have fun! 💸