This is an example of how to use Symfony with Gacela modules.
The trick is to allow the auto-wiring mechanism from Symfony so the Facade injects its Factory and the Factory injects whatever you want. This is a useful way to get the Symfony Repositories in your Factory, so you can inject them in your application services.
There are two commands and two controllers inside the Product module:
This repository example uses sqlite, so you can easily check out and try it yourself :)
IMPORTANT: Do not forget to run bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Product > Infrastructure > Console > { AddProductCommand | ListProductCommand }
bin/console gacela:product:add {PRODUCT_NAME} [--price={PRODUCT-PRICE}]
bin/console gacela:product:list
Product > Infrastructure > Controller > { AddProductController | ListProductController }
In order to run locally the application, run symfony server:start
(instructions here)
bin/console debug:router
Name | Method | Scheme | Host | Path |
product_list | GET | ANY | ANY | /list |
product_add | GET | ANY | ANY | /add/{name}/{price} |
A new EntityManager
wouldn't have all services already defined by Symfony Kernel. For that reason, you want to create a binding from EntityManagerInterface
to the $kernel->getContainer()->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager')
Gacela Bindings docs:
Create a binding between the EntityManagerInterface
and the actual doctrine entity manager from Symfony using the symfony kernel.
<?php # index.php
// ... Symfony setup ...
// This is the actually Symfony Kernel
$kernel = new Kernel($_SERVER['APP_ENV'], (bool)$_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']);
// You can define this in the same file `index.php` or in a separate file `gacela.php`
// Read more:
static function (GacelaConfig $config) use ($kernel) {
// ...
static fn() => $kernel->getContainer()->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager')
And then when the EntityManagerInterface
is found, then the callable from that binding will be resolved.
<?php # ProductRepository.php
final class ProductRepository implements ProductRepositoryInterface
private EntityManagerInterface $entityManager;
public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
// ...
For example, in the DependencyProvider
final class ProductDependencyProvider extends AbstractDependencyProvider
public function provideModuleDependencies(Container $container): void
fn() => $container->getLocator()->get(ProductRepositoryInterface::class)
// ...