Starlette resource classes that helps you follow a layered architecture.
This module was made to facilitate the implementation of a layered architecture.
The Resource
and WebSocketResource
classes are essentially the same things as Starlette's
and WebSocketEndpoint
classes. So you can use these classes in the same way.
The difference is that the Resource
and WebSockerResource
must be instantiated before being passed to Starlette's Route
Works with Python 3.8+.
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse
from starlette.routing import Route, WebSocketRoute
from starlette.websockets import WebSocket
from starlette_resource import Resource, WebSocketResource
class GreetingService:
async def greet(self, name: str) -> str:
return f'Hello {name}!'
class GreetingResource(Resource):
def __init__(self, hello_service: GreetingService) -> None:
self.hello_service = hello_service
async def get(self, req: Request) -> PlainTextResponse:
name = req.path_params['name']
greeting_message = await self.hello_service.greet(name)
return PlainTextResponse(greeting_message)
async def post(self, req: Request):
async def put(self, req: Request):
async def delete(self, req: Request):
class GreetingWebSocketResource(WebSocketResource):
def __init__(self, hello_service: GreetingService) -> None:
self.hello_service = hello_service
async def on_receive(self, websocket: WebSocket, data: str) -> None:
greeting_message = await self.hello_service.greet(data)
await websocket.send_text(greeting_message)
# Services
greeting_service = GreetingService()
# Resources
greeting_resource = GreetingResource(greeting_service)
greeting_websocket_resource = GreetingWebSocketResource(greeting_service)
app = Starlette(
Route('/greet/{name}', greeting_resource),
WebSocketRoute('/websocket_greet', greeting_websocket_resource)
Simply install from PyPI:
pip install starlette-resource