Various custom snippets designed for RStudio, but possibly useful elsewhere.
Copy the snippets into the correct language file from the Global Options > Code > Edit Snippets menu.
Or use dgrtwo/snippr to install:
# remotes::install_github("dgrtwo/snippr")
# For all snippets
# For just the R snippets
snippets_install_github("gadenbuie/snippets", language = "r")
# For just an individual snippet
snippets_install_github("gadenbuie/snippets", language = "r", name = "aa")
For manual installation, copy the snippets to ~/.R/snippets/r.snippets
or ~/.config/rstudio/snippets
for RStudio 1.3. (Windows uses a different directory that I don't know off the top of my head, sorry.). usethis::edit_rstudio_snippets()
may provide better advice.
snippets_dir <- fs::path_home(".config", "rstudio", "snippets")
fs::dir_create(snippets_dir) # make sure ~/.R/snippets exists
gh_base_url <- ""
for (snippet in paste0(c("r", "markdown", "css", "html"), ".snippets")) {
paste0(gh_base_url, snippet),
fs::path(snippets_dir, snippet)
You may be able to find other useful snippets using this GitHub search.