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Kublog is a simple yet complete way to have a Product Blog that integrates with your apps user base. It includes social sharing, atom feeds and moderated comments.

Built for Rails 3.1, Kublog is a complete stack, fully configurable solution.

Currently live for Rutanet on and other products at Innku.


  • Publish posts with the most basic and simple wysiwyg

  • Attach multiple images to your content

  • Share your posts on your Product’s Twitter Page and Facebook Fan Page

  • E-mail personalized versions of your posts to all your users

  • Optional background processing with Delayed Job

  • Moderated comments from apps users, apps admins, and visitors

  • Atom feed for main blog and individual post categories

Kublog Basic Usage

Kublog is a mountable Engine that assumes you use the following tools for development:

  • Rails 3.1

  • ActiveRecord

Generate migrations and all the code you’ll likely want to customize.

rails generate kublog:install

Run the migrations

rake db:migrate

Mount the engine on your routes

mount Kublog::Engine => "/blog(.:format)"

Include the author module under the model that will have access to create posts on the blog:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Kublog::Author

Configure your blog’s basic information on initializers/kublog.rb

Kublog.setup do |config|
  config.blog_name = 'Example blog'
  config.blog_description = 'Best blog ever'
  config.default_url_options = {:host => ''}

Kublog uses I18n, the install generator will create the file locales/kublog/en.yml, make sure to add its content to your own en.yml file or add the following line on your application.rb also include the folders under locales:

config.i18n.load_path += Dir[File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'locales', '**', '*.{rb,yml}')]

To get the most of Kublog you’ll want to **Integrate your Users**, **Add E-mail Notifications** and **Configure your Social Networks**.

Integrate your Users

The install generator will create the file controllers/kublog/application_controller.

On this file you will see the definitions of two empty methods current_user and **is_admin?**. Since Kublog is an isolated mountable Engine, you will need to define this methods, even if you have them on your apps application_controller.

After you finish, it might will look something like this:

def current_user
  @current_user ||= User.find(session[:user_id])

def is_admin?

It’s important to know that if you’re using Devise, you won’t need a current_user method. If the model you’re using is named something other than user, you can call the controller access method inside of current_user.


I recommend you define a to_s method for your Author such as:

def to_s
  "#{} #{self.last_name}"

Add E-mail Notifications

To add E-mail notifications, include the Kublog::Notifiable module into the user class that will be notified.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Kublog::Notifiable

The E-mail from which they will receive the notification is configured in your kublog.rb initializer:

config.author_email "Kublog Test <>"

You may also configure a block to specify that the user receives the notification from the author’s E-mail:

config.author_email do |post|

Configure your social Networks

Configuring Twitter is pretty easy, you might want to create a twitter app on

You will need to feed Kublog:

  • Consumer Key

  • Consumer Secret

  • Oauth Token

  • Oauth Secret

Sample twitter configuration on initializers/kublog.rb

config.twitter do |twitter|
  twitter.consumer_key = 'your-consumer-key'
  twitter.consumer_secret = 'your-consumer-secret'
  twitter.oauth_token = 'your-oauth-token'
  twitter.oauth_token_secret = 'your-consumer-secret'

Configuring Facebook Fan page posts is a little trickier, you will only need the access token for your Fan Page.

Find out how to get it here:

Sample Facebook configuration on initializers/kublog.rb

config.facebook_page_token = 'your-page-token'

What’s coming

  • Drafts

  • Captcha for unsigned user notifications

  • Pagination

If you wish to work on this. Fork it and pull request, please =)

Check out the code

Kublog is made to be as simple as possible so you can modify fork it, modify it and reuse it. Please do.









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  • JavaScript 51.0%
  • Ruby 42.2%
  • CoffeeScript 6.8%