Kind | Name |
Web Framework | Sinatra |
SQL ORM | ActiveRecord |
Logging | stdlib |
Test Framework | Minitest |
Test Coverage | Simplecov |
Password encryption | bcrypt-ruby |
User authentication | Warden |
Linting | NYI |
- Hello world routes
- CRUD routes for persisting posts
- Database access
- Request logging to /srv/app/log/app.log
- Unit tests
- Unit test coverage reporting
- Automated testing using TravisCI
- Automated coverage reporting using Coveralls
- CRUD routes for user management
- Password encryption using bcrypt
- Routes protected by cookie session
- Entities linked to logged in user
- Routes protected via HTTP authentication
- Routes protected via API key
- Linting
- Logging to file
- Logging to Logstash
- Routes protected via ACLs
- Migrations
- GraphQL endpoint
- Validates environment (env vars, database host and port are accessible)