Team: Nitzan, Dror, Ariel, Gal
- What to do about polluted / non-real data (since foursquare is user input....)
- using Stored Procedures
- using for PHP-SQL -- BUT only using it's "rawQuery" method
- Finish DB Populate
- Finish Server
- Finish Client
- Review Project Requirements
- Prepare Presentation/Explanation/Document/Whatever according to requirements
- Test everything on Nova Server
- Run PHP insert_toTempTable.php with LL params ( latitude start & finish, and longitude start & finish)
- Run SQL SP - dbPopulate_ins_data_from_temp_table
- Run PHP insert_places_info.php - it will add additional info needed per place
- finish running on all USA (started at 31, currently at 41 out of 48)
- run insert_places_info.php for all the places
- Start thinking about what Queries
- develop Queries (probably as stored procedures)
- develop PHP files to connect DB & Client calls
- places search
- places list
- place page
- add review
- day search result
- replacements options menu
- show replacement details
- replace mocks with requests