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An Ansible role for installing and managing Galaxy servers. Despite the name confusion, Galaxy bears no relation to Ansible Galaxy.

Getting started with this module? Check out our Tutorial


This role has the same dependencies as the git module. In addition, pip and Python virtualenv are required. These can easily be installed via a pre-task in the same play as this role:

- hosts: galaxyservers
    - name: Install Dependencies
        name: "{{ item }}"
      become: yes
      when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
        - git
        - python-pip
        - python-virtualenv
    - name: Install Dependencies
        name: "{{ item }}"
      become: yes
      when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
        - git
        - python-virtualenv
    - galaxyproject.galaxy

If your git executable is not on $PATH, you can specify its location with the git_executable variable. Likewise with the virtualenv executable and corresponding galaxy_virtualenv_command variable.

Role Variables

Not all variables are listed or explained in detail. For additional information about less commonly used variables, see the defaults file.

Many variables control where specific files are placed and where Galaxy writes data. In order to simplify configuration, you may select a layout with the galaxy_layout variable. Which layout you choose affects the required variables.

Required variables

If using any layout other than root-dir:

  • galaxy_server_dir: Filesystem path where the Galaxy server code will be installed (cloned).

If using root-dir:

  • galaxy_root: Filesystem path of the root of a Galaxy deployment, the Galaxy server code will be installed in to a subdirectory of this directory.

Optional variables

The galaxy_config_perms option controls the permissions that Galaxy configuration files will be set to. This option has been added in version 0.9.18 of the role and the default value is 0640 (user read-write, group read-only, other users have no permissions). In older versions, the role did not control the permissions of configuration files, so be aware that your configuration file permissions may change as of 0.9.18 and later.

Layout control

  • galaxy_layout: available layouts can be found in the vars/ subdirectory and possible values include:
    • root-dir: Everything is laid out in subdirectories underneath a single root directory.
    • opt: An FHS-conforming layout across multiple directories such as /opt, /etc/opt, etc.
    • legacy-improved: Everything underneath the Galaxy server directory, as with
    • legacy: The default layout prior to the existence of galaxy_layout and currently the default so as not to break existing usage of this role.
    • custom: Reasonable defaults for custom layouts, requires setting a few variables as described in vars/layout-custom.yml

Either the root-dir or opt layout is recommended for new Galaxy deployments.

Options below that control individual file or subdirectory placement can still override defaults set by the layout.

Process control with Gravity

The role can manage the Galaxy service using gravity. This is the default for Galaxy 22.05 and later. Additionally, support for the galaxy_restart_handler_name variable has been removed. If you need to enable your own custom restart handler, you can use the "listen" option to the handler as explained in the handler documentation. The handler should "listen" to the topic "restart galaxy".

Galaxy Themes

From release 22.01, Galaxy users can select between different UI themes. You can define themes using the galaxy_themes variable, the syntax of which is the same as the themes_conf.yml file described in the themes training.

The galaxy_manage_themes variable controls whether the role manages theme configs and is automatically enabled if galaxy_themes is defined. If you just want to load the the sample themes from Galaxy's themes_conf.yml.sample without defining your own, you can manually set galaxy_manage_themes to true.

Galaxy Subdomains

From release 22.01 Galaxy can serve different static content and themes per host (e.g. subdomain).

By setting galaxy_manage_subdomain_static: yes you enable the creation of static directories and configuration per host.

In order to use this feature, you need to create the following directory structure under files/ (customizable with the galaxy_themes_ansible_file_path variable):

│   └── static
│       ├── dist (optional)
│       │   └── some-image.png
│       ├── images (optional)
│       │   └── more-content.jpg
│       └── welcome.html (optional, will be displayed otherwise.)
├── <subdomain-name-2>                            
│   └── static
│       ├── dist (optional)
│       │   ├── another-static-image.svg
│       │   └── more-static-content-2.svg
│       └── welcome.html (optional)
... (and many more subdomains)

Where the should exactly match your subdomain's name. The subdirectory static is mandatory, while all subdirectories in static are optional. Which subdirectories and files are copied is managed by the static_galaxy_themes_keys variable.

Also make sure that you set galaxy_themes_welcome_url_prefix, so your welcome pages are templated correctly.

It is mandatory to set the variables under galaxy_themes_subdomains as shown in the example in defaults/main.yml. If you enabled the galaxy_manage_host_filters variable, you can also specify the tool sections that should be shown for each individual subdomain.

Each subdomain can be given its own theme, which is defined under the theme key of the subdomain's entry in galaxy_themes_subdomains. This theme will be the default for the subdomain, and any other themes defined globally for the server will also be available for the user to select. If a subdomain's theme is not defined, the global default is used. An example is provided in defaults/main.yml.

Feature control

Several variables control which functions this role will perform (all default to yes except where noted):

  • galaxy_create_user (default: no): Create the Galaxy user. Running as a dedicated user is a best practice, but most production Galaxy instances submitting jobs to a cluster will manage users in a directory service (e.g. LDAP). This option is useful for standalone servers. Requires superuser privileges.
  • galaxy_manage_paths (default: no): Create and manage ownership/permissions of configured Galaxy paths. Requires superuser privileges.
  • galaxy_manage_clone: Clone Galaxy from the source repository and maintain it at a specified version (commit), as well as set up a [virtualenv][virtualenv] from which it can be run.
  • galaxy_manage_download: Download and unpack Galaxy from a remote archive url, as well as set up a [virtualenv][virtualenv] from which it can be run.
  • galaxy_manage_existing: Take over a Galaxy directory that already exists, as well as set up a [virtualenv][virtualenv] from which it can be run. galaxy_server_dir must point to the path which already contains the source code of Galaxy.
  • galaxy_manage_static_setup: Manage "static" Galaxy configuration files - ones which are not modifiable by the Galaxy server itself. At a minimum, this is the primary Galaxy configuration file, galaxy.ini.
  • galaxy_manage_mutable_setup: Manage "mutable" Galaxy configuration files - ones which are modifiable by Galaxy (e.g. as you install tools from the Galaxy Tool Shed).
  • galaxy_manage_database: Upgrade the database schema as necessary, when new schema versions become available.
  • galaxy_fetch_dependencies: Fetch Galaxy dependent modules to the Galaxy virtualenv.
  • galaxy_build_client: Build the Galaxy client application (web UI).
  • galaxy_client_make_target (default: client-production-maps): Set the client build type. Options include: client, client-production and client-production-maps. See Galaxy client readme for details.
  • galaxy_manage_systemd (default: no): Install a systemd service unit to start and stop Galaxy with the system (and using the systemctl command).
  • galaxy_manage_errordocs (default: no): Install Galaxy-styled 413 and 502 HTTP error documents for nginx. Requires write privileges for the nginx error document directory.
  • galaxy_manage_cleanup (default: no): Install a cron job to clean up Galaxy framework and job execution temporary files. Requires tmpwatch(8) on RedHat-based systems or tmpreaper(8) on Debian-based systems. See the galaxy_tmpclean_* vars in the defaults file for details.

Galaxy code and configuration

Options for configuring Galaxy and controlling which version is installed.

  • galaxy_config: The contents of the Galaxy configuration file (galaxy.ini by default) are controlled by this variable. It is a hash of hashes (or dictionaries) that will be translated in to the configuration file. See the Example Playbooks below for usage.
  • galaxy_config_files: List of hashes (with src and dest keys) of files to copy from the control machine. For example, to set job destinations, you can use the galaxy_config_dir variable followed by the file name as the dest, e.g. dest: "{{ galaxy_config_dir }}/job_conf.xml". Make sure to add the appropriate setup within galaxy_config for each file added here (so, if adding job_conf.xml make sure that galaxy_config.galaxy.job_config_file points to that file).
  • galaxy_config_templates: List of hashes (with src and dest keys) of templates to fill from the control machine.
  • galaxy_local_tools: List of local tool files or directories to copy from the control machine, relative to galaxy_local_tools_src_dir (default: files/galaxy/tools in the playbook). List items can either be a tool filename, or a dictionary with keys file, section_name, and, optionally, section_id. If no section_name is specified, tools will be placed in a section named Local Tools.
  • galaxy_local_tools_dir: Directory on the Galaxy server where local tools will be installed.
  • galaxy_dynamic_job_rules: List of dynamic job rules to copy from the control machine, relative to galaxy_dynamic_job_rules_src_dir (default: files/galaxy/dynamic_job_rules in the playbook).
  • galaxy_dynamic_job_rules_dir (default: {{ galaxy_server_dir }}/lib/galaxy/jobs/rules): Directory on the Galaxy server where dynamic job rules will be installed. If changed from the default, ensure the directory is on Galaxy's $PYTHONPATH (e.g. in {{ galaxy_venv_dir }}/lib/python2.7/site-packages) and configure the dynamic rules plugin in job_conf.xml accordingly.
  • galaxy_repo (default: Upstream Git repository from which Galaxy should be cloned.
  • galaxy_commit_id (default: master): A commit id, tag, branch, or other valid Git reference that Galaxy should be updated to. Specifying a branch will update to the latest commit on that branch. Using a real commit id is the only way to explicitly lock Galaxy at a specific version.
  • galaxy_force_checkout (default: no): If yes, any modified files in the Galaxy repository will be discarded.
  • galaxy_clone_depth (default: unset): Depth to use when performing git clone. Leave unspecified to clone entire history.

Additional config files

Some optional configuration files commonly used in production Galaxy servers can be configured from variables:

  • galaxy_dependency_resolvers: Populate the dependency_resolvers_conf.yml file. See the sample XML configuration for options.
  • galaxy_container_resolvers: Populate the container_resolvers_conf.yml file. See the sample XML configuration for options.
  • galaxy_job_metrics_plugins: Populate the job_metrics_conf.yml file. See the sample XML configuration for options.

As of Galaxy 21.05 the sample configuration files for these features are in XML, but YAML is supported like so:

  - type: <XML tag name>
    <XML attribute name>: <XML attribute value>

For example:

  - type: galaxy_packages
  - type: conda
    prefix: /srv/galaxy/conda
    auto_init: true
    auto_install: false

Path configuration

Options for controlling where certain Galaxy components are placed on the filesystem.

  • galaxy_venv_dir (default: <galaxy_server_dir>/.venv): The role will create a [virtualenv][virtualenv] from which Galaxy will run, this controls where the virtualenv will be placed.
  • galaxy_virtualenv_command: (default: virtualenv): The command used to create Galaxy's virtualenv. Set to pyvenv to use Python 3 on Galaxy >= 20.01.
  • galaxy_virtualenv_python: (default: python of first virtualenv or python command on $PATH): The python binary to use when creating the virtualenv. For Galaxy < 20.01, use python2.7 (if it is not the default), for Galaxy >= 20.01, use python3.5 or higher.
  • galaxy_config_dir (default: <galaxy_server_dir>): Directory that will be used for "static" configuration files.
  • galaxy_mutable_config_dir (default: <galaxy_server_dir>): Directory that will be used for "mutable" configuration files, must be writable by the user running Galaxy.
  • galaxy_mutable_data_dir (default: <galaxy_server_dir>/database): Directory that will be used for "mutable" data and caches, must be writable by the user running Galaxy.
  • galaxy_config_file (default: <galaxy_config_dir>/galaxy.ini): Galaxy's primary configuration file.

User management and privilege separation

  • galaxy_separate_privileges (default: no): Enable privilege separation mode.
  • galaxy_user (default: user running ansible): The name of the system user under which Galaxy runs.
  • galaxy_privsep_user (default: root): The name of the system user that owns the Galaxy code, config files, and virtualenv (and dependencies therein).
  • galaxy_group: Common group between the Galaxy user and privilege separation user. If set and galaxy_manage_paths is enabled, directories containing potentially sensitive information such as the Galaxy config file will be created group- but not world-readable. Otherwise, directories are created world-readable.

Access method control

The role needs to perform tasks as different users depending on which features you have enabled and how you are connecting to the target host. By default, the role will use become (i.e. sudo) to perform tasks as the appropriate user if deemed necessary. Overriding this behavior is discussed in the defaults file.


systemd is the standard system init daemon on most modern Linux flavors (and all of the ones supported by this role). If galaxy_manage_systemd is enabled, a galaxy service will be configured in systemd to run Galaxy. This service will be automatically started and configured to start when your system boots. You can control the Galaxy service with the systemctl utility as the root user or with sudo:

# systemctl start galaxy     # start galaxy
# systemctl reload galaxy    # attempt a "graceful" reload
# systemctl restart galaxy   # perform a hard restart
# systemctl stop galaxy      # stop galaxy

You can use systemd user mode if you do not have root privileges on your system by setting galaxy_systemd_root to false. Add --user to the systemctl commands above to interact with systemd in user mode:

Error documents

  • galaxy_errordocs_dir: Install Galaxy-styled HTTP 413 and 502 error documents under this directory. The 502 message uses nginx server side includes to allow administrators to create a custom message in ~/maint when Galaxy is down. nginx must be configured separately to serve these error documents.
  • galaxy_errordocs_server_name (default: Galaxy): used to display the message "galaxy_errdocs_server_name cannot be reached" on the 502 page.
  • galaxy_errordocs_prefix (default: /error): Web-side path to the error document root.

Miscellaneous options

  • galaxy_admin_email_to: If set, email this address when Galaxy has been updated. Assumes mail is properly configured on the managed host.
  • galaxy_admin_email_from: Address to send the aforementioned email from.



Example Playbook


Install Galaxy on your local system with all the default options:

- hosts: localhost
    galaxy_server_dir: /srv/galaxy
  connection: local
     - galaxyproject.galaxy

If your Ansible version >= 2.10.4, then when you run ansible-playbook playbook.yml you should supply an extra argument -u $USER, otherwise you will get an error.

Once installed, you can start with:

$ cd /srv/galaxy
$ sh

Best Practice

Install Galaxy as per the current production server best practices:

  • Galaxy code (clone) is "clean": no configs or mutable data live underneath the clone
  • Galaxy code and static configs are privilege separated: not owned/writeable by the user that runs Galaxy
  • Configuration files are not world-readable
  • PostgreSQL is used as the backing database
  • The 18.01+ style YAML configuration is used
  • Two job handler mules are started
  • When the Galaxy code or configs are updated by Ansible, Galaxy will be restarted using galaxyctl or systemctl restart galaxy-*
- hosts: galaxyservers
    galaxy_config_style: yaml
    galaxy_layout: root-dir
    galaxy_root: /srv/galaxy
    galaxy_commit_id: release_23.0
    galaxy_separate_privileges: yes
    galaxy_force_checkout: true
    galaxy_create_user: yes
    galaxy_manage_paths: yes
    galaxy_manage_systemd: yes
    galaxy_user: galaxy
    galaxy_privsep_user: gxpriv
    galaxy_group: galaxy
      - name: galaxy
        password: null
      - name: galaxy
        owner: galaxy
        process_manager: systemd
        galaxy_root: "{{ galaxy_root }}/server"
        galaxy_user: "{{ galaxy_user_name }}"
        virtualenv: "{{ galaxy_venv_dir }}"
          # listening options
          bind: "unix:{{ galaxy_mutable_config_dir }}/gunicorn.sock"
          # performance options
          workers: 2
          # Other options that will be passed to gunicorn
          # This permits setting of 'secure' headers like REMOTE_USER (and friends)
          extra_args: '--forwarded-allow-ips="*"'
          # This lets Gunicorn start Galaxy completely before forking which is faster.
          preload: true
          concurrency: 2
          enable_beat: true
          enable: true
          queues: celery,galaxy.internal,galaxy.external
          pool: threads
          memory_limit: 2
          loglevel: DEBUG
            processes: 2
              - job-handlers
              - workflow-schedulers
        database_connection: "postgresql:///galaxy?host=/var/run/postgresql"
    - name: Install Dependencies
          - sudo
          - git
          - make
          - python3-venv
          - python3-setuptools
          - python3-dev
          - python3-psycopg2
          - gcc
          - acl
          - gnutls-bin
          - libmagic-dev
      become: yes
    # Install with:
    #   % ansible-galaxy install galaxyproject.postgresql
    - role: galaxyproject.postgresql
      become: yes
    # Install with:
    #   % ansible-galaxy install natefoo.postgresql_objects
    - role: galaxyproject.postgresql_objects
      become: yes
      become_user: postgres
    - role: galaxyproject.galaxy


Academic Free License ("AFL") v. 3.0

Author Information

This role was written and contributed to by the following people: