Gael Marcadet, Radu Ciucanu, Pascal Lafourcade, Marta Soare, Sihem Amer-Yahia
Demo paper published at ICDE 2022
If you use our code, please cite
author = {Marcadet, G. and Ciucanu, R. and Lafourcade, P. and Soare, M. and {Amer-Yahia}, S.},
title = {{SAMBA: A System for Secure Federated Multi-Armed Bandits}},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) -- Demo},
pages = {3154--3157},
year = {2022}
To launch the demo, run the following command in your terminal in the root of the project:
./ download data build
Everything will be automatically installed, setup and run.
To run the Samba Application, you have to get installed Docker and Docker-Compose. If it is not, please refer to the Docker Installation Guide. In case where Docker-Compose is not installed, please refer to the Docker-Compose Installation Guide.
As an alternative, the following commands would install Docker and Docker-Compose on your system:
# install Docker
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine containerd runc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
curl \
gnupg \
curl -fsSL sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
echo \
"deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] \
$(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
# install Docker-Compose
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose
Type the following commands to be sure that every dependancies is well installed on your system:
sudo docker container run hello-world
sudo docker-compose version
Samba Application need to access to some pre-computed data, included in the Data
folder. These data can be refreshed by typing the following commands:
cd data
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd ..
The Samba Application is composed by an FastAPI backend written in Python 3.8 and a front-end written in Angular.
To limit the numerous system installation to get all dependancies, Docker and Docker-Compose have been used. Briefly, Docker is the engine that allows to set-up a ready-to-use virtual machine on your system called container. Docker-Compose, however, is able to set-up a network of virtual machines working together.
In the case of Samba Application, there are two containers: the samba-api
container executing the Samba API Python back-end, and the samba-app
container executing the Angular front-end.
To run the Samba Application (i.e., the network of containers), assuming placed at the project root, type the following command in your terminal:
sudo docker-compose build
sudo docker-compose up
From this point, both api and app are running and are logging in your terminal.
To access to the application, open your favorite web browser at the address http://localhost:4200