Functions to create and call functions and evaluate expressions.
npm install eva
bower install eva
Use dist/eva.js
or dist/eva.min.js
(minified version).
var eva = require("eva");
define(["path/to/dist/eva.js"], function(eva) {
<!-- Use bower_components/eva/dist/eva.js if the library was installed by Bower -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/dist/eva.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// eva is available via eva field of window object
var func = eva.createFunction("(a || 0) + (b || 0) + (c || 0)", {paramNames: "a, b, c", expression: true});
console.log(func("abc")); // abc00
console.log(func(10, 1, 5, 8)); // 16
func = eva.createFunction("if (obj.b) {return a + b;} else {return 'a=' + a;}", {scope: true, paramNames: "obj"});
console.log( func({a: "a", b: "bc"}) ); // abc
console.log( eva.evalWith("this.a + this.b", {a: 1, b: 9}) ); // 10
console.log( eva.evalWith("fn(this.expr)", {expr: "Math.sin(0)"}, {fn: eva.evalWith}) ); // 0
var obj = {};
eva.createDelegateMethod(eva, "evalWith", {destination: obj, destinationMethod: "expr"});
console.log( obj.expr("Math.cos(0)") ); // 1
func = eva.closure(eva.evalWith, ["this.a * this.b"]);
console.log( func({a: 4, b: 7}) ); // 28
console.log( func({a: -3, b: 5}) ); // -15
func = eva.closure(eva.evalWith, [{a: 3, b: -9}], null, {prependArgs: true});
console.log( func("this.a + this.b") ); // -6
console.log( func("this.a - this.b") ); // 12
var funcList = [
eva.closure(eva.evalWith, ["this.a + this.b"]),
eva.closure(eva.evalWith, ["this.a * this.b"]),
eva.closure(eva.evalWith, ["Math.max(this.a, this.b)"])
console.log(, [{a: 2, b: -7}]) ); // [-5, -14, 2]
Create function to further use.
Calculate/evaluate value of specified expression using given context and scope.
Create function that executes specified method of the given object.
Create function that executes specified function with given parameters and context and returns result of call.
map(funcList: Array, [paramList: Array | Function], [context: Object | Function], [settings: Object]): Array
Call each function from specified list and return array containing results of calls.
See doc
folder for details.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Denis Sikuler
Licensed under the MIT license.