xx Aug 2013 New version 1.158 (SOON)
Page tabs are now dynamic.
Plugins support started.
Services-Tab plugin added.
Bulk Tools Services plugin added.
Bulk Tools Hosts plugin added (in progress).
03 Jul 2013 New version 1.157
Fixes to get GUI working in Internet Explorer 8.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.
Hosts page showing an Edit Host dialog.
The Services Tab, Bulk Tools plugin:
More screen shots can be seen in the Nagios Exchange Gallery at:
'Nagrestconf' is a REST interface and configuration GUI for Nagios.
'Nagrestconf' is written in Bash and PHP.
Specifically, 'Nagrestconf':
allows Nagios configuration files to be written using a REST api.
allows the server to be restarted using the REST api.
provides a configuration Web GUI built on the REST api.
It can be useful for:
Bulk loading
Bulk editing
Catching common configuration mistakes
Configuration Delegation. This is coarse delegation - per environment.
Distributed monitoring (using mod_gearman).
Supports distributed monitoring with mod_gearman.
Supports all mod_gearman Common Scenarios including the advanced distributed setup.
When using the mod_gearman scenario Distributed Setup With Remote Scheduler:
Nagrestconf provides the `configuration sync' component.
`Testing mode' becomes possible. Testing mode is where some service checks are only visible on the slave worker. When testing is complete, testing-mode can be turned off for that service check and the check will appear in the Master Nagios.
A new concept, service-sets, is introduced. This is where a number of services are defined, and later this definition can be used when creating new hosts. This allows new servers to be added to monitoring using a single REST command.
Many things can be disabled:
Service checks can be disabled.
Entire servers can be disabled.
Configurations are versioned using subversion.
Ability to revert to the last-known-good configuration. Useful if lots of changes have been made but the user then decides to back out.
Multi-user. Many people or scripts can make changes and apply configurations simultaneously. This is achieved partly by ensuring that every REST POST command creates a valid configuration, so at any point the configuration can be applied and Nagios won’t be broken.
No database required.
A configuration GUI is included.
Add more Nagios options, which are supported by REST, to the GUI. (by request)
Add urlencoding to the GUI `Commands' page.
Add plugins support to the GUI to do:
bulk editing
switching folders (environments)
rollback using subversion
Performance enhancements:
Only create/overwrite host files for those that have been added/edited.
The REST interface
REST queries are received by a PHP script, rest/index.php. This script checks general syntax and options, creates a nagctl command line then runs the `nagctl' script using this command line.
`Nagctl' writes comma delimited format files that will be read by `csv2nag'. It is safe (but not recommended) to edit the `csv' files if the directory is locked first and it is also safe to run `csv2nag' by hand, from the command line. `Nagctl' makes a number of checks and cross-checks to try to ensure a valid Nagios configuration will be created by csv2nag. All the real checks are done here and any errors are passed back to `rest/index.php'.
One REST call, `apply/nagiosconfig', runs the csv2nag script. The only purpose of this script is to read the comma delimited files made by `nagctl' and write the Nagios configuration. `Csv2nag' does not check for a valid Nagios configuration since that is done by `nagctl'.
The configuration GUI
The configuration GUI relies entirely on the REST interface to operate, and hence can be run on a different machine if required.
Configuration Synchronisation
Nagios configurations are stored on each worker and synchronised `up' to the Nagios master. When the Nagios master notices that a subversion repository has changed it will remake the Nagios configuration files for that environment. Many of the configuration items will be `mangled' to stop name collisions. However, note that host names are not `mangled'. It is a requirement that host names are unique accross all Nagios workers. This should be enforced through naming convention - using full DNS names as host names is recommended.
If a configuration needs to be rolled back then it must be done on the Nagios slave worker from the command line and applied, then the configuration will be subversion mirrored 'up'.
____ +---------+ _( )_ +--------+ | Nagios | _( )_ | Nagios | | Master |<-----(_- - - -_)----| Worker | | | \ (_ WAN _) +--------+ +---------+ \ (____) /\ ^ svn+ssh || | \ REST interface | \ +---------+ /\ /\ '--------------| Nagios | || || / | Worker | || Web GUI / +---------+ || Configuration /\ Automation is sent to the || Master Nagios REST interface /\ /\ || || || Web GUI || Automation
Nagrestconf components
Program | Language | Description |
rest/index.php |
Provides the REST interface and calls 'nagctl'. |
'nagctl' |
Bash |
Writes the CSV .setup files and calls 'csv2nag'. |
'csv2nag' |
Bash |
Writes the Nagios .cfg object files |
'restart_nagios' |
Bash |
Called periodically by cron. |
'slc_configure' |
Bash |
For initial configuration. |
nagrestconf/index.php |
A Configuration GUI that uses the REST api. |
For the Web GUI the following Browsers work: Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Internet Explorer 8, Safari and also the Browsers on Maemo, iPad and Android devices.
Software Requirement | Reason |
php |
for REST interface and Web GUI. v5.3+ only. |
nagios |
for checking the configuration. v3+ only. |
apache |
for serving PHP pages. |
subversion |
for managing configuration versions. |
mod_ssl |
for secure communications. |
bash |
for non-web scripts. |
grep |
used in the bash scripts. |
sed |
used in the bash scripts. |
gawk |
used in the bash scripts. |
procmail |
for locking with 'lockfile'. |
The `command' and `svcdesc' fields are now urlencoded so the `.setup' files need to be converted. Take a backup then do the following, changing the FOLDER variable if necessary.
Only run the following commands ONCE when upgrading to 1.149, otherwise your data will be double-urlencoded! |
# Change the FOLDER then copy-paste the rest to the target server. FOLDER="local" # Backup the FOLDER mkdir ~/delme cp -a /etc/nagios/objects/${FOLDER} ~/delme/ # Set up urlencoding function urlencode() { arg="$1"; i="0"; while [ "$i" -lt ${#arg} ]; do c=${arg:$i:1}; if [[ "$c" =~ [0-9a-zA-Z_.-] ]]; then echo -n "$c"; elif [[ "$c" = " " ]]; then echo -n "+"; else echo -n "%"; printf "%X" "'$c'"; fi; i=$((i+1)); done; } # Update the .setup files FILE="servicesets" while IFS=, read c1 c2 c3 c4 c5; do echo -n "$c1,$c2,"; urlencode "$c3"; echo -n ","; urlencode "$c4"; echo ",$c5"; done </etc/nagios/objects/${FOLDER}/setup/${FOLDER}_${FILE}.setup >/tmp/${FOLDER}_${FILE}.setup sed -i "s/%60/%2C/g" /tmp/${FOLDER}_${FILE}.setup mv -f /tmp/${FOLDER}_${FILE}.setup /etc/nagios/objects/${FOLDER}/setup/${FOLDER}_${FILE}.setup chown apache: /etc/nagios/objects/${FOLDER}/setup/${FOLDER}_${FILE}.setup FILE="services" while IFS=, read c1 c2 c3 c4 c5; do echo -n "$c1,$c2,"; urlencode "$c3"; echo -n ","; urlencode "$c4"; echo ",$c5"; done </etc/nagios/objects/${FOLDER}/setup/${FOLDER}_${FILE}.setup >/tmp/${FOLDER}_${FILE}.setup sed -i "s/%60/%2C/g" /tmp/${FOLDER}_${FILE}.setup mv -f /tmp/${FOLDER}_${FILE}.setup /etc/nagios/objects/${FOLDER}/setup/${FOLDER}_${FILE}.setup chown apache: /etc/nagios/objects/${FOLDER}/setup/${FOLDER}_${FILE}.setup # Now update nagrestconf
After the upgrade run `/usr/bin/'. It can be run any number of times and will not harm data if it is run unnecessarily.
Get the relevant RPM for Centos/Redhat from Sourceforge at:
Debian install packages are also available.
Do not install on an existing Nagios server. Use the following procedure after freshly installing the Operating System with a minimal set of packages.
Install the prebuilt package downloaded from Sourceforge. For example:
# On Debian: apt-get update gdebi nagrestconf_1.157_all.deb # On Centos/Redhat: yum install nagrestconf-1.157-1.noarch.rpm
Configure the system:
Use the two helper scripts nagrestconf_install and slc_configure. A sample configuration is also included in the system doc/ directories. For example:
# On Centos/Redhat cd /etc/ mv nagios/ nagios.orig cp -a /usr/share/doc/nagrestconf-1*/initial-config/ nagios # On Centos/Redhat/Debian nagrestconf_install -a slc_configure --folder=local
Test the installation with:
# On Centos/Redhat htpasswd -bc /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin a_password # On Centos/Redhat/Debian bash /usr/share/doc/nagrestconf*/bulk-loading/
Then check that it can be seen and edited in the 'Nagrestconf' GUI by pointing a supported Web Browser at `http://localhost/nagrestconf'.
If something goes wrong then there are configuration files in the directory '/etc/nagrestconf' that might need correcting.
Please look at the '' script located in the bulk-loading/ document directory. This script shows how a complete monitoring configuration can be made using the REST interface.
More examples are in the sections `REST Commands' and `Object Definitions and Options' below.
Interesting curl options:
--key KEY
--socks4 IP:PORT
Method 1: Use a `.netrc' file
cat <EnD >>~/.netrc machine login nagrestconf password thepassword EnD cat <EnD >>env1.conf OPTS="-n" IP= FOLDER="env1" EnD
Method 2: Don’t Use a `.netrc' file
cat <EnD >>env1.conf OPTS="-u nagrestconf:thepassword" IP= FOLDER="env1" EnD
# Load the conf file made above source env1.conf # RAW output curl $OPTS -kn https://$IP/rest/show/hosts'?json=\{"folder":"'$FOLDER'"\}' # PRETTY output curl $OPTS -kn https://$IP/rest/show/hosts'?json=\{"folder":"'$FOLDER'"\}' | -b | grep ',"name"'
There is no way to delete an entire environment using the REST interface. An environment is initially added using 'slc_configure' on the Worker Nagios, and 'dcc_configure' on the Master Nagios.
To disable an environment, or `Folder', so it disappears from Nagios:
Stop the Worker server.
Either shutdown the server or stop Nagios and associated services.
Edit `/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg' on the Master.
Find the `cfg_dir=' line containing the folder name and comment it out.
Restart Nagios with `/etc/init.d/nagios restart'.
At this point the environment is disabled and will no longer show in the Master Nagios GUI, but it can be easily re-enabled. However, It may be necessary to completely delete an environment. This could be due to:
An aborted/erroneous Worker installation.
To reinstall from scratch.
Because it is no longer required.
To completely delete an environment:
On the Worker.
Either shutdown the server or stop Nagios and associated services.
Delete the `/etc/nagios' directory.
On the Master.
Find the `cfg_dir=' line, in `/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg', containing the folder name and delete it.
Restart Nagios with `/etc/init.d/nagios restart'.
Delete the similarly named directory in `/etc/nagios/repos/folder_name' and `/etc/nagios/objects/folder_name'.
Service sets can be really useful for automation but there is no `import' or `export' feature. It’s easy to create service sets in the GUI, but how can they be exported?
Solution 1: Copy the `.setup' file
This will work but bypasses REST and introduces the risk of making mistakes, such as incorrect file permissions, or accidental overwrites etc., but is easier than the REST method.
Simply copy the `/etc/nagios/objects/<FOLDER>/setup/<FOLDER>_servicesets.setup' file to the other server, changing the name of the file to match the new FOLDER.
Ensure the file is owned by the user that runs Apache, then view and apply using the nagrestconf GUI.
Solution 2: Export to a file and use REST
This has the additional benefit of being able to update many servers from a central location and allows REST to check each entry before adding.
Run the following command on the Nagios Worker that holds the service sets that need exporting, changing the FOLDER variable only:
FOLDER="local"; FILE="/etc/nagios/objects/$FOLDER/setup/${FOLDER}_servicesets.setup"; \ ( echo "N=-1"; cat $FILE | while IFS=, read a b c d e; do echo $a; done | sort -u | \ while read a; do echo -en "serviceset_name[++N]=\"$a\"\nserviceset_svctemplate[N]="; \ echo -e "\"std_stmpl\"\nserviceset[N]='"; grep "^$a," $FILE | while IFS=, read a1 b1 c1 \ d1 e1; do echo '\"'"$c1"'\",\"svcdesc\":\"'"$d1"'\",\"template\":\"'"$b1"'\"'; done; echo "'"; \ done ) | sed 's/%22/%5C%22/g' >~/script_vars
The bash command above creates configuration variables that can appended to a configuration script so copy `~/script_vars' to a linux box.
On the linux box create a configuration file and append `~/script_vars' to it, but change `MASTER_NAGIOS_IP' to the IP address of the Master Nagios:
# Go to the home directory cd # Create a configuration stub cat <<EnD >worker.conf # CURL OPTS OPTS="-u nagrestconf:a_password" # IP: The ip address of the remote worker IP=MASTER_NAGIOS_IP # FOLDER: the folder name to work in on the remote worker FOLDER="pvlive" # DELETE: 1 - delete existing config, 0 - don't DELETE=1 EnD # Append the generated service set config cat ~/script_vars >>worker.conf
Now apply the configuration to the remote Nagios Worker using a script:
cat <<EnD > #!/bin/bash # Uncomment the following line to show the commands without running them. #curl() { :; } [[ -z $1 ]] && { echo "Usage: `basename $0` CONFFILE" exit 0 } [[ ! -r $1 ]] && { echo "$1 unreadable." exit 0 } . $1 if [[ $DELETE -eq 1 ]]; then echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo "- Delete EVERYTHING" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo echo curl $OPTS -knX POST \ -d "'json={\"folder\":\"$FOLDER\", \"name\":\".*\", \"svcdesc\":\".*\"}'" \ https://${IP}/rest/delete/servicesets curl $OPTS -knX POST \ -d "json={\"folder\":\"$FOLDER\", \"name\":\".*\", \"svcdesc\":\".*\"}" \ https://${IP}/rest/delete/servicesets echo fi echo echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo "- Add Service Sets" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo for i in `seq 0 $((${#serviceset[*]}-1))`; do while read j; do [[ -z $j || $j == "#"* ]] && continue # Allow use of a custom service template if ( echo "$i" | grep -qs "template\":" ); then echo curl $OPTS -knX POST \ -d "'json={\"folder\":\"$FOLDER\", \"name\":\"${serviceset_name[$i]}\", \"command\":$j}'" https://${IP}/rest/add/servicesets curl $OPTS -knX POST \ -d "json={\"folder\":\"$FOLDER\", \"name\":\"${serviceset_name[$i]}\", \"command\":$j}" https://${IP}/rest/add/servicesets else echo curl $OPTS -knX POST \ -d "'json={\"folder\":\"$FOLDER\", \"name\":\"${serviceset_name[$i]}\", \"template\":\"${serviceset_svctemplate[$i]}\", \"command\":$j}'" https://${IP}/rest/add/servicesets curl $OPTS -knX POST \ -d "json={\"folder\":\"$FOLDER\", \"name\":\"${serviceset_name[$i]}\", \"template\":\"${serviceset_svctemplate[$i]}\", \"command\":$j}" https://${IP}/rest/add/servicesets fi echo done < <( echo "${serviceset[$i]}" | sed "s/qUoTe/'/g" ) done echo EnD # Make it runnable chmod +x # And, run it... ./ worker.conf
The progress can be watched by refreshing the `Service Sets' page in the nagrestconf GUI on the remote worker.
These instructions are for creating a single, stand-alone, Nagios server that will be configured using nagrestconf. On modest hardware it should be able to monitor up to around 500 servers.
The server can be created in a partitioned system using a chroot/systemd-nspawn/lxc environment if necessary, for production or test purposes.
First, install the Centos/RedHat 5.x operating system, then:
Set up Yum to use the EPEL and smorg repositories:
wget -O - > /etc/yum.repos.d/smorg.repo rpm -ivh
Install all required software:
yum install nagrestconf nagios-www
Optionally bulk-install plugins (with the check_any patch included):
yum install smorg-nagios-plugins smorg-nagios-plugins-extra smorg-nrpe smorg-nrpe-plugin
Create the base Nagios configuration from the nagrestconf sample:
cd /etc/ mv nagios/ nagios.dist cp -a /usr/share/doc/nagrestconf-1*/initial-config/ nagios nagrestconf_install -a slc_configure --folder=local
Create a test configuration using REST:
bash /usr/share/doc/nagrestconf-1.*/bulk-loading/
Manually restart Nagios (in case crond is not running):
rm /tmp/nagios_restart_request /usr/bin/restart_nagios
Create a Nagios password:
htpasswd -bc /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin a_decent_password /etc/init.d/httpd restart
Now connect to and configure the server. Use ssh port forwarding to connect to the nagrestconf GUI if necessary, or configure Apache in `/etc/httpd/conf.d/nagrestconf.conf'.
TODO - incomplete/unchecked…​
In this scenario, nagrestconf provides the `configuration sync' component mentioned in the mod_gearman documentation, Distributed Setup With Remote Scheduler, using the dup_server option. For historical reference the dup_server option was originally added to mod_gearman by the author of nagrestconf.
Setting up a distributed environment involves:
Choosing short `folder' names for each environment.
Each Nagios Worker will host a single environment in a single `folder'. The Nagios Master will prefix many items with the `folder' name, for example, all host group names will be prefixed with the `folder' name, and this will be shown in the Nagios GUI on the Master Nagios. For this reason try to keep `folder' names as short as possible.
Building the Master Nagios.
Building the Master Nagios.
Building the Master Nagios in a Chroot
Building the Worker Nagios (repeat as necessary).
TODO - incomplete/unchecked…​
The backup and high-availability features of a virtual infrastructure could allow for a single Master Nagios.
IP x IP x / \ |___/ \___| | | results are sent to the master nagios | Thruk GUI could be used to | servers using the gearman protocol | provide an enhanced but | / | familiar nagios GUI | | / Client ==> | \ | +---<-----< nagios worker 1 > access ==> | +--------------+ | | to the ==> | | Master | | +---<-----< nagios worker 2 > Web GUI ==> |--->----| Nagios | |---<---| | | | | +---<-----< nagios worker .. > | | |---<----| | | +--------------+ | +---<-----< nagios worker N > | | | \ | | \ | | nagrestconf sends configuration to | | master nagios using subversion mirroring.
The Worker Nagios, which sends the service check results to the Master Nagios, needs to be created. Building the Worker consists of four main steps:
Install software
Test the installed software
Configure Apache
Configure the system
Set up Yum to use the EPEL and smorg repositories:
wget -O - > /etc/yum.repos.d/smorg.repo rpm -ivh
Log on to the new Nagios virtual machine and install the software.
ssh user@$NEWSERVER sudo su - yum install nagrestconf smorg-gearmand mod_gearman nagios-www \ smorg-nagios-plugins smorg-nagios-plugins-extra \ smorg-nrpe smorg-nrpe-plugin nsca pnp4nagios \ php53-gd mk-livestatus
Don’t skip this step as it also sets up some files ready for the `real' install later on.
Make a brand new Nagios configuration using the nagrestconf sample.
cd /etc/ mv nagios/ nagios.dist cp -a /usr/share/doc/nagrestconf-1*/initial-config/ nagios nagrestconf_install -a --dcc slc_configure --folder=local
Create a simple test configuration using REST from the example in the nagrestconf docs.
bash /usr/share/doc/nagrestconf-1.*/bulk-loading/
Add a nagiosadmin user with password set to nagiosadmin. This is just for testing.
htpasswd -bc /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin nagiosadmin
And now allow anyone to connect without authenticating.
sed -i 's/\([[:space:]]*\)\(Allow from .*\)/\1#\2\n\1Allow from all/' /etc/httpd/conf.d/nagrestconf.conf /etc/init.d/httpd restart
Connect to http://NEWSERVER/nagrestconf/ using a Web Browser and the nagrestconf GUI should be shown with two server entries and a fully working test configuration.
Connect to http://NEWSERVER/nagios and check that it works, using the user nagiosadmin with password nagiosadmin.
Once nagios and nagrestconf are verified working continue to the next section.
This is an example HTTP daemon configuration to restrict access to secure HTTP with Basic authentication only.
cat >/etc/httpd/conf.d/nagios.conf <<EnD ScriptAlias /nagios/cgi-bin "/usr/lib64/nagios/cgi" <Directory "/usr/lib64/nagios/cgi"> SSLRequireSSL Options ExecCGI AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all # Order deny,allow # Deny from all # Allow from AuthName "Nagios Access" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users Require valid-user </Directory> Alias /nagios "/usr/share/nagios" <Directory "/usr/share/nagios"> SSLRequireSSL Options None AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all # Order deny,allow # Deny from all # Allow from AuthName "Nagios Access" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users Require valid-user </Directory> EnD cat >/etc/httpd/conf.d/nagrestconf.conf <<EnD Alias /nagrestconf "/usr/share/nagrestconf/htdocs/nagrestconf" <Directory /usr/share/nagrestconf/htdocs/nagrestconf/> SSLRequireSSL # Only allow from the local host #Order deny,allow #Deny from all #Allow from AllowOverride All # Require authentication AuthName "Nagrestconf Access" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /etc/nagios/nagrestconf.users Require valid-user </Directory> EnD cat >/etc/httpd/conf.d/rest.conf <<EnD Alias /rest /usr/share/nagrestconf/htdocs/rest <Directory /usr/share/nagrestconf/htdocs/rest/> SSLRequireSSL # Only allow from the local host #Order deny,allow #Deny from all #Allow from AllowOverride All # Require authentication AuthName "REST Access" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /etc/nagios/rest.users Require valid-user </Directory> EnD
Activate the new httpd configuration
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
Delete the 'local' configuration created previously and copy the nagrestconf example configuration again.
/etc/init.d/nagios stop cd /etc rm -rf nagios cp -av /usr/share/doc/nagrestconf-1*/initial-config.dcc/ nagios
Optionally create a new `/etc/nagios/cgi.cfg' - this allows any authenticated to use the gui in read/write mode, except the `nagios' user, who has read-only access.
cat >/etc/nagios/cgi.cfg <<EnD main_config_file=/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg physical_html_path=/usr/share/nagios url_html_path=/nagios show_context_help=0 use_pending_states=1 use_authentication=1 use_ssl_authentication=0 authorized_for_system_information=nagiosadmin authorized_for_configuration_information=nagiosadmin authorized_for_system_commands=nagiosadmin authorized_for_all_services=* authorized_for_all_hosts=* authorized_for_all_service_commands=* authorized_for_all_host_commands=* authorized_for_read_only=nagios default_statusmap_layout=5 default_statuswrl_layout=4 ping_syntax=/bin/ping -n -U -c 5 $HOSTADDRESS$ refresh_rate=90 result_limit=100 escape_html_tags=0 action_url_target=_blank notes_url_target=_blank lock_author_names=1 EnD
Comment out existing livestatus broker_module line and add a new one.
sed -n 's/\(broker_module=.*livestatus\.o.*\)/#\1/p' /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg echo 'broker_module=/usr/lib64/mk-livestatus/livestatus.o /var/log/nagios/rw/live' \ >>/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
Comment out existing broker_module lines and append new lines.
# LIVESTATUS sed -i 's/\(broker_module=.*livestatus\.o.*\)/#\1/' /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg # MOD_GEARMAN sed -i 's/\(broker_module=.*mod_gearman\.o.*\)/#\1/' /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg echo 'broker_module=/usr/lib64/mod_gearman/mod_gearman.o config=/etc/mod_gearman/mod_gearman_neb.conf' \ >>/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
Mod_gearman adjustments (Change 'the_shared_key' to the correct key).
sed -i 's/^key=.*/key=the_shared_key/' \ /etc/mod_gearman/mod_gearman_neb.conf \ /etc/mod_gearman/mod_gearman_worker.conf sed -i 's/^eventhandler=.*/eventhandler=no/' \ /etc/mod_gearman/mod_gearman_neb.conf sed -i 's/^services=.*/services=no/' \ /etc/mod_gearman/mod_gearman_neb.conf sed -i 's/^hosts=.*/hosts=no/' \ /etc/mod_gearman/mod_gearman_neb.conf
Add the initial users.
htpasswd -c /etc/nagios/rest.users nagrestconf htpasswd -c /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin htpasswd -b /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users nagios nagios htpasswd -c /etc/nagios/nagrestconf.users your_userid
Make sure things are set to start up on initial boot.
chkconfig nrpe on chkconfig gearmand on chkconfig nagios on chkconfig httpd on chkconfig mod_gearman_worker off
Configure as a Nagios Master.
sed -i 's/\(^#*DCC=.*\)/\DCC=1/' /etc/nagrestconf/csv2nag.conf
Restart everything.
/etc/init.d/httpd restart /etc/init.d/gearmand restart /etc/init.d/mod_gearman_worker stop /etc/init.d/nagios restart
Final Steps
Due to the change in security settings the nagrestconf GUI will not work, and '/etc/nagrestconf/nagrestconf.ini' will need editing. Edit 'nagrestconf.ini' and check that the nagrestconf GUI works.
Check that the following crontabs are present using 'crontab -l'.
* * * * * /usr/bin/update_nagios */10 * * * * /usr/bin/auto_reschedule_nagios_check
Ensure the RPM added the extra sudoers entries to /etc/sudoers:
Defaults:%nagios !requiretty %nagios ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/nagios -v *, /usr/bin/csv2nag -y all
Continue on to `Building the Worker Nagios (Redhat/Centos 5)' below to complete the configuration.
When installed on physical hardware, a `chroot’ed system could simplify high-availability failover for the Master Nagios - A shared disk, or DRBD, could be used to protect against hardware failure.
_.-----._ .- shared -. |-_ disk _-| `._~-----~_.' |"-----"| | X +----------+ +----------+ | Master | | Failover | | Nagios |----| Partner | | | | | +----------+ +----------+ ____________________________ IP x ^ | check results | +------+ | / +-------+ | '--<-| +--------+ | | Worker Nagios servers \ | Worker | |-+ at other Data Centres. | Nagios |-+ +--------+ IP x - An IP address for use by the Master or Failover
Continue on to `Building the Worker Nagios (Redhat/Centos 5)' below to complete the configuration.
The Worker Nagios, which sends the service check results to the Master Nagios, needs to be created. Building the Worker consists of four main steps:
Install software
Test the installed software
Configure Apache
Configure the system
Set up Yum to use the EPEL and smorg repositories:
wget -O - > /etc/yum.repos.d/smorg.repo rpm -ivh
Log on to the new Nagios virtual machine and install the software.
ssh user@$NEWSERVER sudo su - yum install nagrestconf smorg-gearmand-server mod_gearman nagios-www \ smorg-nagios-plugins smorg-nagios-plugins-extra \ smorg-nrpe smorg-nrpe-plugin MySQL-shared-compat
Don’t skip this step as it also sets up some files ready for the `real' install later on.
Make a brand new Nagios configuration using the nagrestconf sample.
cd /etc/ mv nagios/ nagios.dist cp -a /usr/share/doc/nagrestconf-1*/initial-config/ nagios nagrestconf_install -a slc_configure --folder=local
Create a simple test configuration using REST from the example in the nagrestconf docs.
bash /usr/share/doc/nagrestconf-1.*/bulk-loading/
Add a nagiosadmin user with password set to nagiosadmin. This is just for testing.
htpasswd -bc /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin nagiosadmin
And now allow anyone to connect without authenticating.
sed -i 's/\([[:space:]]*\)\(Allow from .*\)/\1#\2\n\1Allow from all/' /etc/httpd/conf.d/nagrestconf.conf /etc/init.d/httpd restart
Connect to http://NEWSERVER/nagrestconf/ using a Web Browser and the nagrestconf GUI should be shown with two server entries and a fully working test configuration.
Connect to http://NEWSERVER/nagios and check that it works, using the user nagiosadmin with password nagiosadmin.
Once nagios and nagrestconf are verified working continue to the next section.
This is an example HTTP daemon configuration to restrict access to secure HTTP with Basic authentication only.
cat >/etc/httpd/conf.d/nagios.conf <<EnD ScriptAlias /nagios/cgi-bin "/usr/lib64/nagios/cgi" <Directory "/usr/lib64/nagios/cgi"> SSLRequireSSL Options ExecCGI AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all # Order deny,allow # Deny from all # Allow from AuthName "Nagios Access" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users Require valid-user </Directory> Alias /nagios "/usr/share/nagios" <Directory "/usr/share/nagios"> SSLRequireSSL Options None AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all # Order deny,allow # Deny from all # Allow from AuthName "Nagios Access" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users Require valid-user </Directory> EnD cat >/etc/httpd/conf.d/nagrestconf.conf <<EnD Alias /nagrestconf "/usr/share/nagrestconf/htdocs/nagrestconf" <Directory /usr/share/nagrestconf/htdocs/nagrestconf/> SSLRequireSSL # Only allow from the local host #Order deny,allow #Deny from all #Allow from AllowOverride All # Require authentication AuthName "Nagrestconf Access" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /etc/nagios/nagrestconf.users Require valid-user </Directory> EnD cat >/etc/httpd/conf.d/rest.conf <<EnD Alias /rest /usr/share/nagrestconf/htdocs/rest <Directory /usr/share/nagrestconf/htdocs/rest/> SSLRequireSSL # Only allow from the local host #Order deny,allow #Deny from all #Allow from AllowOverride All # Require authentication AuthName "REST Access" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /etc/nagios/rest.users Require valid-user </Directory> EnD
Activate the new httpd configuration
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
Delete the 'local' configuration created previously and copy the nagrestconf example configuration again.
/etc/init.d/nagios stop cd /etc rm -rf nagios cp -av /usr/share/doc/nagrestconf-1*/initial-config/ nagios
Optionally create a new `/etc/nagios/cgi.cfg' - this allows any authenticated to use the gui in read/write mode, except the `nagios' user, who has read-only access.
cat >/etc/nagios/cgi.cfg <<EnD main_config_file=/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg physical_html_path=/usr/share/nagios url_html_path=/nagios show_context_help=0 use_pending_states=1 use_authentication=1 use_ssl_authentication=0 authorized_for_system_information=nagiosadmin authorized_for_configuration_information=nagiosadmin authorized_for_system_commands=nagiosadmin authorized_for_all_services=* authorized_for_all_hosts=* authorized_for_all_service_commands=* authorized_for_all_host_commands=* authorized_for_read_only=nagios default_statusmap_layout=5 default_statuswrl_layout=4 ping_syntax=/bin/ping -n -U -c 5 $HOSTADDRESS$ refresh_rate=90 result_limit=100 escape_html_tags=0 action_url_target=_blank notes_url_target=_blank lock_author_names=1 EnD
Comment out existing broker_module lines and append new lines.
# LIVESTATUS sed -i 's/\(broker_module=.*livestatus\.o.*\)/#\1/' /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg # MOD_GEARMAN sed -i 's/\(broker_module=.*mod_gearman\.o.*\)/#\1/' /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg echo 'broker_module=/usr/lib64/mod_gearman/mod_gearman.o config=/etc/mod_gearman/mod_gearman_neb.conf' \ >>/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg # PNP4NAGIOS sed -i 's/\(broker_module=.*npcdmod\.o.*\)/#\1/' /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
Mod_gearman adjustments (Change 'the_shared_key' to the correct key).
sed -i 's/^key=.*/key=the_shared_key/' \ /etc/mod_gearman/mod_gearman_neb.conf \ /etc/mod_gearman/mod_gearman_worker.conf
Add the initial users.
htpasswd -c /etc/nagios/rest.users nagrestconf htpasswd -c /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin htpasswd -b /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users nagios nagios htpasswd -c /etc/nagios/nagrestconf.users your_userid
Make sure things are set to start up on initial boot.
chkconfig nrpe on chkconfig gearmand on chkconfig mod_gearman_worker on chkconfig nagios on chkconfig httpd on
Point the worker at the Master Nagios. Change `MASTER_NAGIOS_IP' to the IP address of the Master Nagios.
MASTER_IP_ADDR=MASTER_NAGIOS_IP sed -i 's/\(^#dupserver=.*\)/\1\ndupserver=$MASTER_IP_ADDR:4730/' /etc/mod_gearman/mod_gearman_worker.conf sed -i 's/\(^#dcc=.*\)/\1\ndcc=$MASTER_IP_ADDR/' /etc/nagrestconf/restart_nagios.conf /etc/init.d/mod_gearman_worker restart
Optional - If the Master Nagios is running in a chroot allow svn and ssh to use the chroot port.
# ONLY DO THIS IF THE MASTER IS IN A CHROOT # Add 'tun1 = ssh -p 2222' to the '[tunnels]' section in '~/.subversion/config'. cat <<EnD >>/etc/nagrestconf/restart_nagios.conf SSH=tun1 SSH_OPTS="-p 2222" EnD
Make sure auto-login works. For security, only a limited number of commands should be allowed to be executed using the svnsync account on the Nagios Master.
ssh -p 2222 svnsync@MASTER_NAGIOS ls /
A root directory listing MUST succeed before running slc_configure below.
Log onto the Master Nagios normally as root now and run the following code, supplying the new folder (environment) name when asked, then log out.
chroot /var/nagios dcc_configure sed -i 's/\(<Location.*\/thruk>\)/\1\n SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth +StdEnvVars\n SSLRequireSSL/' \ /var/nagios/etc/httpd/conf.d/thruk.conf
Go back to the new Nagios Worker.
Add the new environment supplying the new folder (environment) name when asked.
slc_configure --usedcc
Set up all the custom service-sets, contacts, etc. in a customised `' script then run it. A few variables at the top of the script will need changing now that extra security has been added.
cd bash ./
Restart everything.
/etc/init.d/httpd restart /etc/init.d/gearmand restart /etc/init.d/mod_gearman_worker restart /etc/init.d/nagios restart
Final Steps
Due to the change in security settings the nagrestconf GUI will not work, and '/etc/nagrestconf/nagrestconf.ini' will need editing. Edit 'nagrestconf.ini' and check that the nagrestconf GUI works.
Check that the following crontabs are present using 'crontab -l'.
* * * * * /usr/bin/test -e /tmp/nagios_restart_request && ( /bin/rm /tmp/nagios_restart_request; /usr/bin/restart_nagios; ) */10 * * * * /usr/bin/auto_reschedule_nagios_check
Ensure the RPM added the extra sudoers entries to /etc/sudoers:
Defaults:%nagios !requiretty %nagios ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/nagios -v *, /usr/bin/csv2nag -y all
TODO - For ideas see: nagrestconf-from-puppet-yaml
Ensure some dev files exist:
ln -s /proc/self/fd /dev/fd cd /dev MAKEDEV stdin MAKEDEV stdout MAKEDEV stderr
The URL is in the general form 'https://<HOST>/rest/<COMMAND>/<COMMANDARG>'.
Valid COMMANDS are check, show, add, delete, modify, restart, apply and pipecmd.
COMMAND options are added to the HTTP GET or POST query string in the form 'json={"option":"value"[,"option":"value"]…​}'.
GET requests are for operations that don’t modify data.
nagiosconfig json={"folder":"<name>"[,"verbose":"true"]}
hosttemplates json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
servicetemplates json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hosts json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
services json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
servicesets json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
servicegroups json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hostgroups json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
contacts json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
contactgroups json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
timeperiods json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
commands json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
servicedeps json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hostdeps json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
serviceesc json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hostesc json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
serviceextinfo json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hostextinfo json={"folder":"<name>"[,"filter":"<regex>"][,"column":"<integer>"][,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
POST requests are for operations that might modify data or state.
hosttemplates json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
servicetemplates json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hosts json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
services json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
servicesets json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
servicegroups json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hostgroups json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
contacts json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
contactgroups json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
timeperiods json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
commands json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
servicedeps json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hostdeps json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
serviceesc json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hostesc json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
serviceextinfo json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hostextinfo json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hosttemplates json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
servicetemplates json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hosts json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
services json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
servicesets json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
servicegroups json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hostgroups json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
contacts json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
contactgroups json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
timeperiods json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
commands json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
servicedeps json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hostdeps json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
serviceesc json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hostesc json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
serviceextinfo json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hostextinfo json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hosttemplates json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
servicetemplates json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hosts json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
services json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
servicesets json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
servicegroups json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hostgroups json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
contacts json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
contactgroups json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
timeperiods json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
commands json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
servicedeps json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hostdeps json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
serviceesc json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hostesc json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
serviceextinfo json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
hostextinfo json={"folder":"<name>"[,"<option>":"<value>"]*}
nagios json={"folder":"<name>"}
nagiosconfig json={"folder":"<name>"[,"verbose":"true"]}
nagioslastgoodconfig json={"folder":"<name>"}
enablehostsvcchecks json={"folder":"<name>","name":"<hostname>}
disablehostsvcchecks json={"folder":"<name>","name":"<hostname>" [,"comment","<comment>"]}
enablesvccheck json={"folder":"<name>","name":"<hostname>, "svcdesc":"<Service Description>" [,"comment","<comment>"]}
disablesvccheck json={"folder":"<name>","name":"<hostname>" "svcdesc":"<Service Description>" [,"comment","<comment>"]}
schedhstdowntime json={"folder":"<name>","name":"<hostname>,"starttime":"<unixtime>","endtime":"unixtime" [,"flexible":"<0|1>","duration":"<minutes>","author":"<name>","comment","<comment>"]}
delhstdowntime json={"folder":"<name>","name":"<hostname>,"svcdesc":"<Service Description>" [,"comment","<comment>"]}
schedhstsvcdowntime json={"folder":"<name>","name":"<hostname>","svcdesc":"<Service Description>" [,"comment","<comment>"]}
delhstsvcdowntime json={"folder":"<name>","name":"<hostname>","svcdesc":"<Service Description>" [,"comment","<comment>"]}
schedsvcdowntime json={"folder":"<name>","name":"<hostname>","svcdesc":"<Service Description>" [,"comment","<comment>"]}
delsvcdowntime json={"folder":"<name>","name":"<hostname>","svcdesc":"<Service Description>" [,"comment","<comment>"]}
Refer to the Nagios object definitions documentation for more information about individual options in the following tables. It can be found at the following URL:
The `Column' number in the following tables relate to the column number in the database files on the nagios server. These are comma delimited files used by 'csv2nag' to create the nagios configuration files.
Key for the `Flags' column:
\'U' - The option is Unimplemented.
\'R' - A required field.
\'K' - A key field. Required to uniquely identify an entry.
\'L' - A list field. Lists consist of zero or more items separated by spaces.
\'C' - A compound field: <name>|<value>[,<name>|<value>]…​
\'X' - Not available in the Web front-end.
\'M' - Name mangling is applied to a passive-only nagios server. (Where the DCC variable is set to `1' in /etc/nagrestconf/csv2nag.conf.)
The `REST variable name' column lists the option names that can be used in the `json=' part of the query. These names are used in place of `<option>' shown in the `Rest Commands' section above.
Many examples use `', which can be found here: |
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Contact name |
name |
contact_name |
2. |
Use |
RM |
use |
use |
3. |
Alias pretty name |
R |
alias |
alias |
4. |
Email address |
emailaddr |
5. |
Service notification period |
RM |
svcnotifperiod |
service_notification_period |
6. |
Service notification options |
LR |
svcnotifopts |
service_notification_options |
7. |
Service notification commands |
svcnotifcmds |
service_notification_commands |
8. |
Host notification period |
RM |
hstnotifperiod |
host_notification_period |
9. |
Host notification options |
LR |
hstnotifopts |
host_notification_options |
10. |
Host notification commands |
hstnotifcmds |
host_notification_commands |
11. |
Can submit commands |
cansubmitcmds |
can_submit_commands |
12. |
Disable |
U |
disable |
13. |
Service notification enabled |
X |
svcnotifenabled |
service_notifications_enabled |
14. |
Host notification enabled |
X |
hstnotifenabled |
host_notifications_enabled |
15. |
Pager |
X |
pager |
pager |
16. |
Address1 |
X |
address1 |
address1 |
17. |
Address2 |
X |
address2 |
address2 |
18. |
Address3 |
X |
address3 |
address3 |
19. |
Address4 |
X |
address4 |
address4 |
20. |
Address5 |
X |
address5 |
address5 |
21. |
Address6 |
X |
address6 |
address6 |
22. |
Retain status info |
X |
retainstatusinfo |
retain_status_information |
23. |
Retain non-status info |
X |
retainnonstatusinfo |
retain_nonstatus_information |
24. |
Contact groups |
contactgroups |
contactgroups |
Show all 'contacts' entries and attributes:
curl -kn '\{"folder":"local"\}' \ | -b
Delete ALL contacts (contacts that are referenced elsewhere in the configuration will not be deleted):
curl -knX POST -d 'json={"folder":"local","name":".*"}'
Use a loop to add a number of contacts:
CONTACTS=" user1,User One, user2,User Two,user.two@company.tld " echo "$CONTACTS" | \ while IFS="," read name alias emailaddr; do curl -knX POST \ -d "json={\"folder\":\"local\", \"name\":\"$name\", \"alias\":\"$alias\", \"emailaddr\":\"$emailaddr\", \"svcnotifperiod\":\"24x7\", \"svcnotifopts\":\"w u c r\", \"svcnotifcmds\":\"notify-service-by-email\", \"hstnotifperiod\":\"24x7\", \"hstnotifopts\":\"d u r\", \"hstnotifcmds\":\"notify-host-by-email\", \"cansubmitcmds\":\"\"}" \ done
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Contact group name |
name |
contactgroup_name |
2. |
Alias pretty name |
R |
alias |
alias |
3. |
Members list |
members |
members |
4. |
Disable |
U |
disable |
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Host name |
RK |
name |
host_name |
2. |
Alias |
R |
alias |
alias |
3. |
IP Address |
R |
ipaddress |
address |
4. |
Host Template |
RM |
template |
use |
5. |
Shown Hostgroup |
LM |
hostgroup |
hostgroups |
6. |
Contact |
LM |
contact |
contacts |
7. |
Contact Group |
LM |
contactgroups |
contact_groups |
8. |
Active checks |
activechecks |
active_checks_enabled |
9. |
Service Set |
servicesets |
N/A |
10. |
Disable [0,1,2] |
disable |
N/A |
11. |
Display name |
displayname |
display_name |
12. |
Parents |
parents |
parents |
13. |
Check command |
XM |
command |
check_command |
14. |
Initial state |
X |
initialstate |
initial_state |
15. |
Max check attempts |
maxcheckattempts |
max_check_attempts |
16. |
Check interval |
X |
checkinterval |
check_interval |
17. |
Retry interval |
X |
retryinterval |
retry_interval |
18. |
Passive checks enabled |
X |
passivechecks |
passive_checks_enabled |
19. |
Check period |
XM |
checkperiod |
check_period |
20. |
Obsess over host |
X |
obsessoverhost |
obsess_over_host |
21. |
Check freshness |
X |
checkfreshness |
check_freshness |
22. |
Freshness threshold |
X |
freshnessthresh |
freshness_threshold |
23. |
Event handler |
X |
eventhandler |
event_handler |
24. |
Event handler enabled |
X |
eventhandlerenabled |
event_handler_enabled |
25. |
Low flap threshold |
X |
lowflapthresh |
low_flap_threshold |
26. |
High flap threshold |
X |
highflapthresh |
high_flap_threshold |
27. |
Flap detection enabled |
X |
flapdetectionenabled |
flap_detection_enabled |
28. |
Flap detection options |
LX |
flapdetectionoptions |
flap_detection_options |
29. |
Process perf data |
X |
processperfdata |
process_perf_data |
30. |
Retain status information |
retainstatusinfo |
retain_status_information |
31. |
Retain nonstatus information |
retainnonstatusinfo |
retain_nonstatus_information |
32. |
Notification interval |
X |
notifinterval |
notification_interval |
33. |
First notification delay |
X |
firstnotifdelay |
first_notifdelay |
34. |
Notification period |
XM |
notifperiod |
notification_period |
35. |
Notification opts |
LX |
notifopts |
notification_options |
36. |
Notifications enabled |
X |
notifications_enabled |
notifications_enabled |
37. |
Stalking options |
LX |
stalkingoptions |
stalking_options |
38. |
Notes |
X |
notes |
notes |
39. |
Notes url |
X |
notes_url |
notes_url |
40. |
Icon image |
X |
icon_image |
icon_image |
41. |
Icon image alt |
X |
icon_image_alt |
icon_image_alt |
42. |
Vrml image |
X |
vrml_image |
vrml_image |
43. |
Statusmap image |
X |
statusmap_image |
statusmap_image |
44. |
2d coords |
X |
coords2d |
2d_coords |
45. |
3d coords |
X |
coords3d |
3d_coords |
46. |
Action url |
X |
action_url |
action_url |
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Name |
name |
name |
2. |
Use |
RM |
use |
use |
3. |
Contacts |
LM |
contacts |
contacts |
4. |
Contact groups |
LM |
contactgroups |
contact_groups |
5. |
Normal check interval |
U |
normchecki |
normchecki |
6. |
Check interval |
R |
checkinterval |
check_interval |
7. |
Retry interval |
R |
retryinterval |
retry_interval |
8. |
Notification period |
RM |
notifperiod |
notification_period |
9. |
Notification option |
L |
notifopts |
notification_options |
10. |
Disable |
U |
disable |
11. |
Check period |
RM |
checkperiod |
check_period |
12. |
Max check attempts |
R |
maxcheckattempts |
max_check_attempts |
13. |
Check command |
M |
checkcommand |
check_command |
14. |
Notification interval |
R |
notifinterval |
notification_interval |
15. |
Passive checks enabled |
X |
passivechecks |
passive_checks_enabled |
16. |
Obsess over host |
X |
obsessoverhost |
obsess_over_host |
17. |
Check freshness |
X |
checkfreshness |
check_freshness |
18. |
Freshness threshold |
X |
freshnessthresh |
freshness_threshold |
19. |
Event handler |
X |
eventhandler |
event_handler |
20. |
Event handler enabled |
X |
eventhandlerenabled |
event_handler_enabled |
21. |
Low flap threshold |
X |
lowflapthresh |
low_flap_threshold |
22. |
High flap threshold |
X |
highflapthresh |
high_flap_threshold |
23. |
Flap detection enabled |
X |
flapdetectionenabled |
flap_detection_enabled |
24. |
Flap detection options |
LX |
flapdetectionoptions |
flap_detection_options |
25. |
Process perf data |
X |
processperfdata |
process_perf_data |
26. |
Retain status information |
X |
retainstatusinfo |
retain_status_information |
27. |
Retain nonstatus information |
X |
retainnonstatusinfo |
retain_nonstatus_information |
28. |
First notification delay |
X |
firstnotifdelay |
first_notifdelay |
29. |
Notifications enabled |
X |
notifications_enabled |
notifications_enabled |
30. |
Stalking options |
LX |
stalkingoptions |
stalking_options |
31. |
Notes |
X |
notes |
notes |
32. |
Notes url |
X |
notes_url |
notes_url |
33. |
Icon image |
X |
icon_image |
icon_image |
34. |
Icon image alt |
X |
icon_image_alt |
icon_image_alt |
35. |
Vrml image |
X |
vrml_image |
vrml_image |
36. |
Statusmap image |
X |
statusmap_image |
statusmap_image |
37. |
2d coords |
X |
coords2d |
2d_coords |
38. |
3d coords |
X |
coords3d |
3d_coords |
39. |
Action url |
X |
action_url |
action_url |
Show all 'hosttemplates' and attributes:
curl -kn '\{"folder":"local"\}' \ | -b
Set the action_url for the host template:
curl -knX POST -d 'json={"folder":"local","name":"std_htmpl", "action_url":"/pnp4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$"}' \
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Name |
RK |
name |
host_name |
2. |
Service template |
RM |
template |
use |
3. |
Service command |
RM |
command |
check_command |
4. |
Service description |
RK |
svcdesc |
service_description |
5. |
Service groups |
L |
svcgroup |
servicegroups |
6. |
Contacts |
LM |
contacts |
contacts |
7. |
Contact groups |
LM |
contactgroups |
contact_groups |
8. |
Freshness threshold (auto)* |
freshnessthresh |
N/A |
9. |
Active checks enabled |
activechecks |
active_checks_enabled |
10. |
Custom variables |
C |
customvars |
N/A |
11. |
Disable[0,1,2] |
disable |
12. |
Display name |
X |
displayname |
display_name |
13. |
Is volatile |
X |
isvolatile |
is_volatile |
14. |
Initial state |
X |
initialstate |
initial_state |
15. |
Max check attempts |
maxcheckattempts |
max_check_attempts |
16. |
Check interval |
checkinterval |
check_interval |
17. |
Retry interval |
retryinterval |
retry_interval |
18. |
Passive checks enabled |
passivechecks |
passive_checks_enabled |
19. |
Check period |
XM |
checkperiod |
check_period |
20. |
Obsess over service |
X |
obsessoverservice |
obsess_over_service |
21. |
Freshness threshold (manual) |
manfreshnessthresh |
freshness_threshold |
22. |
Check Freshness |
checkfreshness |
check_freshness |
23. |
Event handler |
X |
eventhandler |
event_handler |
24. |
Event handler enabled |
X |
eventhandlerenabled |
event_handler_enabled |
25. |
Low flap threshold |
X |
lowflapthresh |
low_flap_threshold |
26. |
High flap threshold |
X |
highflapthresh |
high_flap_threshold |
27. |
Flap detection enabled |
X |
flapdetectionenabled |
flap_detection_enabled |
28. |
Flap detection options |
LX |
flapdetectionoptions |
flap_detection_options |
29. |
Process perf data |
X |
processperfdata |
process_perf_data |
30. |
Retain status information |
retainstatusinfo |
retain_status_information |
31. |
Retain nonstatus information |
retainnonstatusinfo |
retain_nonstatus_information |
32. |
Notification interval |
X |
notifinterval |
notification_interval |
33. |
First notification delay |
X |
firstnotifdelay |
first_notifdelay |
34. |
Notification period |
XM |
notifperiod |
notification_period |
35. |
Notification opts |
LX |
notifopts |
notification_options |
36. |
Notifications enabled |
X |
notifications_enabled |
notifications_enabled |
37. |
Stalking options |
LX |
stalkingoptions |
stalking_options |
38. |
Notes |
X |
notes |
notes |
39. |
Notes url |
X |
notes_url |
notes_url |
40. |
Action url |
X |
action_url |
action_url |
41. |
Icon image |
X |
icon_image |
icon_image |
42. |
Icon image alt |
X |
icon_image_alt |
icon_image_alt |
43. |
Vrml image |
X |
vrml_image |
vrml_image |
44. |
Statusmap image |
X |
statusmap_image |
statusmap_image |
45. |
2d coords |
X |
coords2d |
2d_coords |
46. |
3d coords |
X |
coords3d |
3d_coords |
* Freshness thresh (auto) also sets check_command to no-checks-received, active_checks_enabled to 0 (depending on whether the host is a dcc or not), passive_checks_enabled to 1 and check_freshness to 1. Use manfreshnessthresh to restrict to only setting the freshness_threshold.
Show all 'services' and attributes:
curl -kn '\{"folder":"local"\}' \ | -b
Show all host names that have a 'Disks' service description (column 4)
curl -kn '\{"folder":"local","column":"4","filter":"Disks"\}' \ | -b | grep '\[[0-9]\+,0,'
Change a service attribute for every host:
# Create a list of hosts curl -kn '\{"folder":"local"\}' \ | -b \ | sed -n 's/\[[0-9]\+,0,.*][[:space:]]*["]*\([^"]*\).*/\1/p \ >list1 # Modify the attribute on each host in a loop # All key fields must be supplied - there are two key fields for the 'services' table, # name and svcdesc (the host name and service description). # In this example the `command' is changed for every host cat list1 | while read host; do curl -knX POST -d 'json={"folder":"local", "name":"'$host'","svcdesc":"Disk space", "command":"check_disk!10%!5%"}' \; done
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Serviceset name |
RK |
name |
N/A |
2. |
Service template |
R |
template |
use |
3. |
Service command |
R |
command |
check_command |
4. |
Service description |
RK |
svcdesc |
service_description |
5. |
Service groups |
L |
svcgroup |
servicegroups |
6. |
Contacts |
L |
contacts |
contacts |
7. |
Contact groups |
L |
contactgroups |
contact_groups |
8. |
Freshness threshold (auto)* |
freshnessthresh |
N/A |
9. |
Active checks |
activechecks |
active_checks_enabled |
10. |
Custom variables |
C |
customvars |
N/A |
11. |
Disable |
U |
disable |
12. |
Display name |
X |
displayname |
display_name |
13. |
Is volatile |
X |
isvolatile |
is_volatile |
14. |
Initial state |
X |
initialstate |
initial_state |
15. |
Max check attempts |
X |
maxcheckattempts |
max_check_attempts |
16. |
Check interval |
X |
checkinterval |
check_interval |
17. |
Retry interval |
X |
retryinterval |
retry_interval |
18. |
Passive checks enabled |
X |
passivechecks |
passive_checks_enabled |
19. |
Check period |
X |
checkperiod |
check_period |
20. |
Obsess over service |
X |
obsessoverservice |
obsess_over_service |
21. |
Freshness threshold (manual) |
X |
manfreshnessthresh |
freshness_threshold |
22. |
Check Freshness |
X |
checkfreshness |
check_freshness |
23. |
Event handler |
X |
eventhandler |
event_handler |
24. |
Event handler enabled |
X |
eventhandlerenabled |
event_handler_enabled |
25. |
Low flap threshold |
X |
lowflapthresh |
low_flap_threshold |
26. |
High flap threshold |
X |
highflapthresh |
high_flap_threshold |
27. |
Flap detection enabled |
X |
flapdetectionenabled |
flap_detection_enabled |
28. |
Flap detection options |
LX |
flapdetectionoptions |
flap_detection_options |
29. |
Process perf data |
X |
processperfdata |
process_perf_data |
30. |
Retain status information |
X |
retainstatusinfo |
retain_status_information |
31. |
Retain nonstatus information |
X |
retainnonstatusinfo |
retain_nonstatus_information |
32. |
Notification interval |
X |
notifinterval |
notification_interval |
33. |
First notification delay |
X |
firstnotifdelay |
first_notifdelay |
34. |
Notification period |
X |
notifperiod |
notification_period |
35. |
Notification opts |
LX |
notifopts |
notification_options |
36. |
Notifications enabled |
X |
notifications_enabled |
notifications_enabled |
37. |
Stalking options |
LX |
stalkingoptions |
stalking_options |
38. |
Notes |
X |
notes |
notes |
39. |
Notes url |
X |
notes_url |
notes_url |
40. |
Action url |
X |
action_url |
action_url |
41. |
Icon image |
X |
icon_image |
icon_image |
42. |
Icon image alt |
X |
icon_image_alt |
icon_image_alt |
43. |
Vrml image |
X |
vrml_image |
vrml_image |
44. |
Statusmap image |
X |
statusmap_image |
statusmap_image |
45. |
2d coords |
X |
coords2d |
2d_coords |
46. |
3d coords |
X |
coords3d |
3d_coords |
* Freshness thresh (auto) also sets check_command to no-checks-received, active_checks_enabled to 0 (depending on whether the host is a dcc or not), passive_checks_enabled to 1 and check_freshness to 1. Use manfreshnessthresh to restrict to only setting the freshness_threshold.
Show all 'servicesets' entries and attributes:
curl -kn '\{"folder":"local"\}' \ | -b
Show only the name of all 'servicesets':
curl -kn '\{"folder":"local"\}' \ | -b \ | sed -n 's/\[[0-9]\+,0,.*][[:space:]]*["]*\([^"]*\).*/\1/p' \ | sort -u
Change a serviceset attribute for every serviceset:
# Create a list of 'servicesets' curl -kn '\{"folder":"local"\}' \ | -b \ | sed -n 's/\[[0-9]\+,0,.*][[:space:]]*["]*\([^"]*\).*/\1/p' \ | sort -u \ >list1 # Modify the attribute on each serviceset in a loop # In this example the `command' is changed for every serviceset cat ~/list1 | while read name; do curl -knX POST -d 'json={"folder":"local", "name":"'$name'", "svcdesc":"Disk space", "command":"check_disk!10%!5%"}' \; \ done
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Name |
name |
name |
2. |
Use |
XM |
use |
use |
3. |
Contacts |
LM |
contacts |
contacts |
4. |
Contact groups |
LM |
contactgroups |
contact_groups |
5. |
Notification options |
L |
notifopts |
notification_options |
6. |
Check interval |
R |
checkinterval |
check_interval |
7. |
Normal check interval |
U |
normchecki |
normchecki |
8. |
Retry interval |
R |
retryinterval |
retry_interval |
9. |
Notification interval |
R |
notifinterval |
notification_interval |
10. |
Notification period |
RM |
notifperiod |
notification_period |
11. |
Disable |
U |
disable |
12. |
Check period |
RM |
checkperiod |
check_period |
13. |
Max check attempts |
R |
maxcheckattempts |
max_check_attempts |
14. |
Freshness threshold (auto)* |
freshnessthresh |
N/A |
15. |
Active checks |
activechecks |
active_checks_enabled |
16. |
Custom variables |
C |
customvars |
17. |
Is volatile |
X |
isvolatile |
is_volatile |
18. |
Initial state |
X |
initialstate |
initial_state |
19. |
Passive checks enabled |
X |
passivechecks |
passive_checks_enabled |
20. |
Obsess over service |
X |
obsessoverservice |
obsess_over_service |
21. |
Freshness threshold (manual) |
X |
manfreshnessthresh |
freshness_threshold |
22. |
Check Freshness |
X |
checkfreshness |
check_freshness |
23. |
Event handler |
X |
eventhandler |
event_handler |
24. |
Event handler enabled |
X |
eventhandlerenabled |
event_handler_enabled |
25. |
Low flap threshold |
X |
lowflapthresh |
low_flap_threshold |
26. |
High flap threshold |
X |
highflapthresh |
high_flap_threshold |
27. |
Flap detection enabled |
X |
flapdetectionenabled |
flap_detection_enabled |
28. |
Flap detection options |
LX |
flapdetectionoptions |
flap_detection_options |
29. |
Process perf data |
X |
processperfdata |
process_perf_data |
30. |
Retain status information |
X |
retainstatusinfo |
retain_status_information |
31. |
Retain nonstatus information |
X |
retainnonstatusinfo |
retain_nonstatus_information |
32. |
First notification delay |
X |
firstnotifdelay |
first_notifdelay |
33. |
Notifications enabled |
X |
notifications_enabled |
notifications_enabled |
34. |
Stalking options |
LX |
stalkingoptions |
stalking_options |
35. |
Notes |
X |
notes |
notes |
36. |
Notes url |
X |
notes_url |
notes_url |
37. |
Action url |
X |
action_url |
action_url |
38. |
Icon image |
X |
icon_image |
icon_image |
39. |
Icon image alt |
X |
icon_image_alt |
icon_image_alt |
40. |
Vrml image |
X |
vrml_image |
vrml_image |
41. |
Statusmap image |
X |
statusmap_image |
statusmap_image |
42. |
2d coords |
X |
coords2d |
2d_coords |
43. |
3d coords |
X |
coords3d |
3d_coords |
* Freshness thresh (auto) also sets check_command to no-checks-received, active_checks_enabled to 0 (depending on whether the host is a dcc or not), passive_checks_enabled to 1 and check_freshness to 1. Use manfreshnessthresh to restrict to only setting the freshness_threshold.
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Command name |
name |
command_name |
2. |
Command line |
R |
command |
command_line |
3. |
Disable |
U |
disable |
N/A |
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Hostgroup name |
name |
hostgroup_name |
2. |
Alias |
R |
alias |
alias |
3. |
Disable |
disable |
N/A |
4. |
Members |
LX |
members |
members |
5. |
Hostgroup members |
hostgroupmembers |
hostgroup_members |
6. |
Notes |
X |
notes |
notes |
7. |
Notes url |
X |
notes_url |
notes_url |
8. |
Action url |
X |
action_url |
action_url |
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Servicegroup name |
RK |
name |
servicegroup_name |
2. |
Alias |
R |
alias |
alias |
3. |
Disable |
U |
disable |
N/A |
4. |
Members |
LX |
members |
members |
5. |
Servicegroup members |
LX |
servicegroupmembers |
servicegroup_members |
6. |
Notes |
X |
notes |
notes |
7. |
Notes url |
X |
notes_url |
notes_url |
8. |
Action url |
X |
action_url |
action_url |
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Timeperiod name |
name |
timeperiod_name |
2. |
Alias |
R |
alias |
alias |
3. |
Freestyle time definition |
C |
definition |
4. |
Timeperiod to exclude |
LM |
exclude |
exclude |
5. |
Disable |
U |
disable |
N/A |
6. |
Freestyle time exception |
exception |
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Dependent host name |
dephostname |
dependent_host_name |
2. |
Dependent hostgroup name |
dephostgroupname |
dependent_hostgroup_name |
3. |
Dependent service description |
depsvcdesc |
dependent_service_description |
4. |
Host name |
hostname |
host_name |
5. |
Hostgroup name |
hostgroupname |
hostgroup_name |
6. |
Service description |
svcdesc |
service_description |
7. |
Inherits parent |
X |
inheritsparent |
inherits_parent |
8. |
Execution failure criteria |
LX |
execfailcriteria |
execution_failure_criteria |
9. |
Notification failure criteria |
LX |
notiffailcriteria |
notification_failure_criteria |
10. |
Dependency period |
XM |
period |
dependency_period |
11. |
Disable |
X |
disable |
N/A |
Rows 1,2,4 and 5 are not lists in REST as they are in a Nagios configuration file. One of rows 1 and 2 plus one of rows 4 and 5 are required. |
Show all 'servicedeps' entries and attributes:
curl -kn '\{"folder":"local"\}' \ | -b
When a bunch of hosts go down the check latency and number of parallel running jobs increases due to failing checks taking longer to exit. To help alleviate this it might be worth making all services on all hosts depend on the PING service residing on each host. Note that this is a lengthy operation.
# Create a list of host names + services curl -kn '\{"folder":"local"\}' \ | -b | grep '\[[0-9]\+,[03],' | sed 's/^[^ ]\+][[:space:]]*//' | tr -d \" \ | sed '$!N;s/\n/ /' >list
# Exclude PING. (Not strictly necessary as REST will not allow adding the # circular dependency.) sed -i '/PING$/d' list
# Use the lists to create the dependencies # Note that you can't use the much simpler "depsvcdesc":"* !PING", sorry. while read HNAME SVC; do curl -knX POST -d 'json={"folder":"local", "hostname":"'$HNAME'", "svcdesc":"PING", "dephostname":"'$HNAME'", "depsvcdesc":"'"$SVC"'", "execfailcriteria":"w u c"}' done < list
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Dependent host name |
dephostname |
dependent_host_name |
2. |
Dependent hostgroup name |
dephostgroupname |
dependent_hostgroup_name |
3. |
Host name |
hostname |
host_name |
4. |
Hostgroup name |
hostgroupname |
hostgroup_name |
5. |
Inherits parent |
RX |
inheritsparent |
inherits_parent |
6. |
Execution failure criteria |
execfailcriteria |
execution_failure_criteria |
7. |
Notification failure criteria |
notiffailcriteria |
notification_failure_criteria |
8. |
Dependency period |
period |
dependency_period |
9. |
Disable |
UX |
disable |
N/A |
Columns 1 and 2 are not lists in REST as they are in a Nagios configuration file. |
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Host name |
hostname |
host_name |
2. |
Hostgroup name |
XM |
hostgroupname |
hostgroup_name |
3. |
Service description |
svcdesc |
service_description |
4. |
Contacts |
contacts |
contacts |
5. |
Contact groups |
contactgroups |
contact_groups |
6. |
First notification |
RX |
firstnotif |
first_notification |
7. |
Last notification |
RX |
lastnotif |
last_notification |
8. |
Notification interval |
RX |
notifinterval |
notification_interval |
9. |
Escalation period |
XM |
period |
escalation_period |
10. |
Escalation options |
LX |
escopts |
escalation_options |
11. |
Disable |
X |
disable |
N/A |
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Host name |
hostname |
host_name |
2. |
Hostgroup name |
XM |
hostgroupname |
hostgroup_name |
3. |
Contacts |
contacts |
contacts |
4. |
Contact groups |
contactgroups |
contact_groups |
5. |
First notification |
RX |
firstnotif |
first_notification |
6. |
Last notification |
RX |
lastnotif |
last_notification |
7. |
Notification interval |
RX |
notifinterval |
notification_interval |
8. |
Escalation period |
XM |
period |
escalation_period |
9. |
Escalation options |
LX |
escopts |
escalation_options |
10. |
Disable |
X |
disable |
N/A |
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Host name |
RX |
hostname |
host_name |
2. |
Service description |
X |
svcdesc |
service_description |
3. |
Notes |
X |
notes |
notes |
4. |
Notes url |
X |
notes_url |
notes_url |
5. |
Action url |
X |
action_url |
action_url |
6. |
Icon image |
X |
icon_image |
icon_image |
7. |
Icon image alt |
X |
icon_image_alt |
icon_image_alt |
8. |
Disable |
X |
disable |
N/A |
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
1. |
Host name |
RX |
hostname |
host_name |
2. |
Notes |
X |
notes |
notes |
3. |
Notes url |
X |
notes_url |
notes_url |
4. |
Action url |
X |
action_url |
action_url |
5. |
Icon image |
X |
icon_image |
icon_image |
6. |
Icon image alt |
X |
icon_image_alt |
icon_image_alt |
7. |
Vrml image |
X |
vrml_image |
vrml_image |
8. |
Statusmap image |
X |
statusmap_image |
statusmap_image |
9. |
2d coords |
X |
coords2d |
2d_coords |
10. |
3d coords |
X |
coords3d |
3d_coords |
11. |
Disable |
X |
disable |
N/A |
Show all 'hostextinfo' entries and attributes:
curl -kn '\{"folder":"local"\}' \ | -b
Set action_url for a host:
curl -knX POST -d 'json={"folder":"local", "hostname":"linhst2", "action_url":"/pnp4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$"}' \
Set action_url for ALL hosts. Note that it would probably be better to set the action_url in the host template or for each host.
# Create a list of hosts curl -kn '\{"folder":"local"\}' \ | -b | grep '\[[0-9]\+,0,' | sed 's/^[^ ]\+][[:space:]]*//' | tr -d \" >list1
# Use the list to create hostextinfo entries while read HNAME x; do curl -knX POST -d 'json={"folder":"local", "hostname":"'$HNAME'", "action_url":"/pnp4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$"}' done < list1
Delete ALL hostextinfo entries:
curl -knX POST -d 'json={"folder":"local","hostname":".*"}'
Enables active checks for the host then enables all passive and active service checks for the host. The following nagios pipe commands are sent:
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
N/a. |
Host name |
RX |
name |
N/A |
Disables active checks for the host then disables all passive and active service checks for the host. Status is changed to green for the host and all of its service checks and the comment is set. The following nagios pipe commands are sent:
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
N/a. |
Host name |
RX |
name |
N/A |
N/a. |
Comment for the Nagios GUI |
X |
comment |
N/A |
Enables an individual service check and optionally sets a comment otherwise the default comment will be used: "Un-disabled via REST. Check scheduled.". The following nagios pipe commands are sent:
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
N/a. |
Host name |
RX |
name |
N/A |
N/a. |
Service description |
RX |
svcdesc |
N/A |
N/a. |
Comment for the Nagios GUI |
X |
comment |
N/A |
Disables an individual service check and optionally sets a comment otherwise the default comment will be used: "Disabled via REST interface.". The following nagios pipe commands are sent:
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
N/a. |
Host name |
RX |
name |
N/A |
N/a. |
Service description |
RX |
svcdesc |
N/A |
N/a. |
Comment for the Nagios GUI |
X |
comment |
N/A |
Schedule fixed or flexible downtime for a host. The following nagios pipe commands are sent:
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
N/a. |
Host name |
RX |
name |
N/A |
N/a. |
Start time [unix time] |
RX |
starttime |
N/A |
N/a. |
End time [unix time] |
RX |
endtime |
N/A |
N/a. |
Flexible downtime [0|1] |
X |
flexible |
N/A |
N/a. |
Duration (flexible downtime in minutes) |
X |
duration |
N/A |
N/a. |
Comment for the Nagios GUI* |
X |
comment |
N/A |
N/a. |
Author |
X |
author |
N/A |
* If comment is not supplied then the default comment, ``Scheduled via the REST interface.'', is used.
Delete all scheduled downtime for a host. The following nagios pipe commands are sent:
Column | Description | Flags | REST variable name | Nagios argument name |
N/a. |
Host name |
RX |
name |
N/A |
Schedule fixed or flexible downtime for a host and all its services.