This repository allows to try GAP in a Jupyter notebook. It does not require to have a local GAP installation. Instead, it allows to use a browser to access a remote GAP installation running on Binder (
To start a new GAP session, perform the following steps:
Click on the "launch binder" badge in this README file on GitHub, or open in the browser.
A message
Loading repository: gap-system/try-gap-in-jupyter/master
will be displayed, followed by a non-interactive preview. Please be patient, since it may take a while, depending on the current load on Binder. When the server will be ready, you will see the GAP Jupyter notebook with some examples.
Please note that the notebook will not be preserved after the window will be closed, but you will be able to download the notebook in various formats by going to "File" -> "Download as" in the Jupyter menu.
For further information about Jupyter, see