This is a simple command line lottie json to android animated vector drawable xml converter.
It is fork of Currently I just added command line interface. Core code is not changed.
Option 1:
Clone this repo
In cmd or terminal inside project directory run command like:
node lottie-to-avd.js -i sample.json
Option 2:
Clone this repo
npm install -g .
then outside project directory run command like:
lottie-to-avd -i sample.json
Option 3:
npm install -g lottie-to-avd
then outside project directory run command like:
lottie-to-avd -i sample.json
Usage: lottie-to-avd -i path/input.json -o path/output.xml
-i, --input Input file path(required) [string] [required]
-o, --output Output file path(optional) [string]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
lottie-to-avd -i sample.json -o sample.xml