Simple static web generator, similar to (s)werc, written in Go. In contrast to werc it generates static web sites that don't require (fast)cgi execution on demand.
staw supports a very simple migration from existing werc sites to static staw sites.
staw creates HTML output for each directory and markdown input file. It also copies all other files to the output directory. The output directory should be served as docroot for the particular site by a regular web server.
staw uses Go's template approach and the markdown package.
; staw -h
Usage of ./staw:
-in string
input site directory (required)
-out string
output site directory (required)
-t string
site title of the site (required)
-tpl string
template file to be used (required) (default "page.tpl")
Have a look at the
staw uses a recursive menu structure and defines the following variables that can be used during the template execution on each markdown page:
.Site string
.SiteTitle string
.Title string
.HtmlContent string
.Items range {
.Path string
.Name string
.Sel bool
.Items range...
Happy hacking.