Welcome to the workshop!
This will be a fast paced introduction to the Kotlin language, plus associated libraries and frameworks. Your coach for the afternoon with be Garth Gilmour (garth.gilmour@instil.co).
Most of our time will be spent coding together, but we will also be looking at some pre-built examples and exercises. All of these can be found in this repo, along with the introductory slides.
For the workshop you will need:
- A Java Development Kit (version 11 or above).
- The IntelliJ IDE (the Community Edition is fine).
- Permissions to run Gradle build files and load dependencies over the network.
There are no formal prerequisites to attend the workshop. But in order to follow along with the live coding you will need to be proficient in one of the C family of languages. If you already have Java, C#, JavaScript, C++, Swift etc... experience you should be fine.
This repo countains the following materials:
- Slides/KotlinQubGdscNov2022_Final.pdf Some introductory slides to get us started.
- Kotlin/Fundamentals Examples of the core Kotlin language.
- Kotlin/DSLs How to create Domain Specific Languages in Kotlin.
- Libraries/ComposeForDesktopCalculator Using Desktop Compose to build UI's.
- Libraries/ServicesInKtor Creating RESTful Microservices using the Ktor framework.
- Libraries/TestingWithKotest Writing TDD, BDD and PBT based tests via Kotest.