Producer Consumer Application which will use Rabbit MQ as a messaging queue.Producer will produce message which will be sent to rabbit mq and finally consumer application will consume the message
1)Install Java and STS IDE
2)Download/clone bith Producer-Application and Consumer Application in STS IDE.
3)Right click and Maven Update->Force Update Build the Project
4)Install and Run Rabbit MQ--->>>>>brew install rabbitmq and brew services restart rabbitmq
5)Run Producer and Consumer Application on different ports to see the result real time.
Create a DockerFile in Producer Application. with mvn clean install
FROM openjdk:8
ADD target/spring-boot-docker.jar spring-boot-docker.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","spring-boot-docker.jar"]
Run MongoDb,Mmysql,Rabbit each on sepeerate docker container.
Screenshots Related to Project
1)Fanout Exchange
2)Topic Exchange
3)Direct Exchange