You will need just my js/index.js file, but I shared my whole www folder.
create the Cordova project:
/////////////////////// Cordova /////////////////////////
1, cordova create nowPlaying com.nowplaying nowPlaying
2, cd nowPlaying
3, cordova platform add ios
4, cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-media
5, cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-nowplaying
/////////////// fix the "MNowPlaying.m" file //////////
Download the MNowPlaying.m file from:
and replace the nowPlaying/platforms/ios/nowPlaying/Plugins/cordova-plugin-nowplaying/MNowPlaying.m file
with my MNowPlaying.m file (overwrite the MNowPlaying.m file)
copy : my js/index.js file and
paste: into your nowPlaying/platforms/ios/www/js folder
(overwrite the index.js file)
Recommended setting in Xcode:
Tested on iPhone 6s