Just another Programming Language, or JPL, is a simple array based language that is good for image processing or simple neural networks. This language was created for the course CS4470 at the University of Utah by Pavel Panchekha and John Regehr.
The implementation here strays from the original specification and is a work in progress.
Whitespace and newlines are completely ignroed and relies on semicolons to separate commands and statements.
Strings may allow many different types of characters; not only those that fall in ASCII range [0, 255].
JIR is the intermediate language that JPL is written to before code generation.
JPL is converted to LLVM IR for the backend intead of NASM.
Writing JPL to LLVM IR (currently only interpreter support).
A staged interpreter utilizing MetaOCaml.
Record types.
File Attributes a term I came up with to describe macros at the module level.
Lazy JPL, maybe just for fun.