- Gavin Hackeling: gmh283@nyu.edu
- James Beveridge: jamesbev@gmail.com
- Shawn Oakley: shawnoakley@gmail.com
Thursday, 2014/08/07
Tuesday, 2014/08/12
Lecture 3: From Simple Linear Regression to Multiple Linear Regression & an Introduction to scikit-learn
Thursday, 2014/08/14
- Lecture
- lecture_3_numpy_review.ipynb
- lecture_3_intro_to_sklearn.ipynb
- lab_3_multiple_linear_regression.ipynb
Tuesday, 2014/08/19
- Lecture
- multiple_linear_regression_review.ipynb
- object_oriented_programming_lab.ipynb
- matplotlib_intro_lecture.ipynb
- pandas_intro_lecture.ipynb
- pandas_lab.ipynb
Tuesday, 2014/08/21
Tuesday, 2014/08/26
Thursday, 2014/08/28
Tuesday, 2014/09/02
Thursday, 2014/09/04
Tuesday, 2014/09/09
Thursday, 2014/09/11
Thursday, 2014/09/16
Thursday, 2014/09/18
Thursday, 2014/09/23
Thursday, 2014/09/25
Thursday, 2014/09/29
Thursday, 2014/10/02
Thursday, 2014/10/07
Thursday, 2014/10/02
Thursday, 2014/10/09
Thursday, 2014/10/14
Thursday, 2014/10/16
Thursday, 2014/10/21
Thursday, 2014/10/23
For further help/troubleshooting, feel free to come by the office hours or contact us for further help.
In case you're running into issues setting the environment up on your local environment, you can download a machine image from the following link:
Use the following user info to login:
User: GADS
Password: gadspassword
NOTE: VMWare Player appears to occassionaly throw errors when dealing with this image. Therefore, it would probably be easier to use VirtualBox
To install the virtual machine on VirtualBox
- Install VirtualBox
- Select File>Import Appliance
- When prompted, select 'GADS-InstalledEnv_1(import).ova' (or whatever you decided to name the downloaded image)
- Click through the rest of the import process
- In the main menu of VirtualBox, highlight the name of the machine (it should be whatever you named the ova file), and press 'Start'.
The image has Ubuntu 14.04 installed. I found that the default RAM allocation (512 MB) was running a bit slow, so I adjusted the default allocation to 1024 MB. If you're running into performance issues, you may need to adjust the memory allocation settings.
The image has the following libraries installed on it:
- scikit-learn (v 0.15.1)
- numpy (v 1.8.1)
- pandas (v 0.13.1)
- scipy (v 0.13.3)
- pip (v 1.5.6)
- matplotlib (v 1.3.1)
- git
- nltk (v 2.0.4)
The class's git repo has been cloned as the following directory:
There is a small bash script (~/Desktop/courseGit/GADS12-NYC/update) that allows you to type 'update-GADS' in order to clone the latest version from the repo. The command is only soft-linked to the script, meaning that if 'update' is moved, the command won't work anymore. Even if that happens though, you can just type 'git pull' in the repo's directory to update your local repo.