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Ignition Robotics

Ignition Robotics

Ignition Web Cloudsim is a web server that allows launching, running and processing simulations in the cloud. It currently has support for AWS, but support for other providers can be implemented.

Development and Code style


The main() and the package init() functions are in application.go. If you are starting to read this code, probably you will want to start from there.



Install base dependencies

System packages

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tar lsb-release gnupg pkg-config build-essential curl git mercurial


# Sanity check
if [ -n "`which protoc`" ]; then   
    echo -e "\\e[33mWarning: protoc is already installed in this system. Proceed with caution.\\e[0m"; 

curl -OL
unzip -d protoc3
mv ./protoc3/*/ /usr/local/bin/
chown root:root /usr/local/bin/protoc
chown -R root:root /usr/local/include/google

# Install protoc-gen-go
go get -u
go install


And then

echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gazebo-stable.list
echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gazebo-nightly.list
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys D2486D2DD83DB69272AFE98867170598AF249743
apt-get update
apt-get install -y libignition-transport7-dev

Install Go

Go version 1.15 or above (NOTE: we are currently using 1.15.2)

  1. Make a workspace (if needed), for example:
mkdir -p ~/go_ws
  1. Download server code into new directories in the workspace:
hg clone ~/go_ws/src/
  1. Set necessary environment variable (needs to be set every time the environment is built)
export GOPATH=~/go_ws

Install dep tool (we are currently using v0.4.1) to manage Go dependencies (in vendor/ folder)

Create a bin directory

mkdir ~/go_ws/bin

Move to the workspace's root

cd ~/go_ws

Install dep tool

export DEP_RELEASE_TAG=v0.4.1
curl | sh

Download application dependencies (vendor/)

cd ~/go_ws/src/

Download dependencies into vendor folder:

~/go_ws/bin/dep ensure

IMPORTANT NOTE: You should not use go get to download dependencies (instead use dep ensure). Use go get only when you need to modify the source code of any dependency. Alternatively, use virtualgo (see "Tips for local development" section below).

Compile the protobuf files and then build the application

cd ~/go_ws/src/
protoc --proto_path=. --go_out=. ignition/msgs/*.proto

Once proto files are generated, run:

cd ~/go_ws/src/
go install

Install mysql:

NOTE: Install a version greater than v5.7. In the servers, we are currently using MySQL v5.7.21

sudo apt-get install mysql-server

The installer will ask you to create a root password for mysql.

Then create the database and a user in mysql. Replace 'newuser' with your username and 'password' with your new password:

Login to the database server: mysql -u root -p


Also create a separate database to use with tests:

CREATE DATABASE cloudsim_test;
CREATE USER 'newuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cloudsim.* TO 'newuser'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cloudsim_test.* TO 'newuser'@'localhost';

Install Dind-Cluster to have a local Kubernetes with 1 master and 2 slave nodes

$ export DIND_IMAGE="mirantis/kubeadm-dind-cluster:local"
$ sudo CNI_PLUGIN="weave" ./ up
  • Check the cluster is working by: kubectl get nodes . You should see 3 nodes.
  • Label the nodes to have them ready to be used by Cloudsim:
    • Note, you can see node labels by: kubectl get nodes --show-labels
    • Disable master: kubectl label nodes kube-master cloudsim_free_node=false
    • Enable node 1: kubectl label nodes kube-node-1 cloudsim_free_node=true and then kubectl label nodes kube-node-1 cloudsim_groupid=
    • Enable node 2: kubectl label nodes kube-node-2 cloudsim_free_node=true and then kubectl label nodes kube-node-2 cloudsim_groupid=

Environment Variables

Create an .env file in the root of web-cloudsim folder. They will be automatically loaded each time the server runs. Remember to add it to .hgignore.

Add the following content:

export KUBEADM_JOIN=this value can be ignored when using a local kubernetes

# disable max simulations per team limit
# Timeout to wait for newly created Pods

# ign-transport environment variables
export IGN_VERBOSE=1
export IGN_PARTITION=foo
# This IGN_IP is needed if your machine has multiple IPs and you want ign_transport to know which one to identify with (eg. the one from Weave)
#export IGN_IP=

# SUBT specifics
# Grace period in secods to wait for the Gazebo container to finish
# Disable requirement for robot images to be inside a specific ECR repo
# Disable simulation score generation 

# backup gz logs to S3 ?
export AWS_GZ_LOGS_ENABLED=false
export AWS_GZ_LOGS_BUCKET=web-cloudsim-keys

export AWS_INSTANCE_NAME_PREFIX=your-prefix

# possible values: ec2, minikube

export IGN_CLOUDSIM_SYSTEM_ADMIN=the-sysadmin-username

# Fuel environment used by certain competitions to show and access assets
export IGN_FUEL_URL=

# DB for Users (this extra DB is needed to have access to Users data)
# The User Data lives at the ign-fuelserver's DB
export IGN_USER_DB_PASSWORD=xxxxxxxx
export IGN_USER_DB_ADDRESS=localhost:3306
export IGN_USER_DB_NAME=fuel

# Also add env var for the cloudsim DB
export IGN_DB_USERNAME=root
export IGN_DB_PASSWORD=xxxxxxxx
export IGN_DB_ADDRESS=localhost:3306
export IGN_DB_NAME=cloudsim

# Email

# Logging
# Verbosity - 4 debug, 3 info, 2 warning, 1 error, 0 critical
export IGN_DB_LOG=false

# DO NOT log to Rollbar

# EC2 Machines
export IGN_EC2_AVAILABILITY_ZONES=us-east-1a
# All of the following variables should be updated to match the corresponding ids in your AWS account
export IGN_EC2_AMI=ami-08861f7e7b409ed0c
export IGN_EC2_SECURITY_GROUPS=sg-0c5c791266694a3ca
export IGN_EC2_SUBNETS=subnet-0e632d68a9032ab9d

# Configure AWS access
export AWS_ACCOUNT=your account id (eg. used by AWS ECR)
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your access key id
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your secret access key

# Auth0
export AUTH0_RSA256_PUBLIC_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

User registration

An authorized user is required to perform operations. Users are planned to be stored in a common database shared by all services. For now, registered users are currently being stored in the fuel database setup by ign-fuelserver.

The following steps create a user in the fuel database. This step requires a running instance of ign-fuelserver and web-app. If the user is required for local development, then these instances should be local as well.

  1. (Local development) Start ign-fuelserver.
  2. (Local development) Start web-app.
  3. Access the ign-fuelserver UI.
  4. Login with an Auth0 account.
  5. Insert your username to create a user and assign it the logged in Auth0 account.

Example routes to submit and shutdown simulations

Submit a new simulation:

curl -k -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/1.0/simulations -F name=testSim --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>'

Delete an existing simulation:

curl -k -X DELETE --url http://localhost:8001/1.0/simulations/{simulation-groupID} --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>'

Tip: an easy way to test if the web-cloudsim can connect to a kubernetes cluster is to run:

curl http://localhost:8001/1.0/k8/countpods --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>'

Note: To obtain <token> for a user, login with the user's Auth0 account on your target ign-fuelserver instance. The JWT bearer token can be found in the token value of the Local Storage.


  1. Create a Test JWT token (this is needed for tests to pass -- go test)

    TL;DR: Just copy and paste the following env vars in your system (.env)

     # Test RSA256 Private key WITHOUT the -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
     # It is used by token-generator to generate the Test JWT Token
     export TOKEN_GENERATOR_PRIVATE_RSA256_KEY=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
     # JWT Token generated by the token-generator program using the above Test RSA keys
     # This token does not expire.
     export IGN_TEST_JWT=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0LXVzZXItaWRlbnRpdHkifQ.iV59-kBkZ86XKKsph8fxEeyxDiswY1zvPGi4977cHbbDEkMA3Y3t_zzmwU4JEmjbTeToQZ_qFNJGGNufK2guLy0SAicwjDmv-3dHDfJUH5x1vfi1fZFnmX_b8215BNbCBZU0T2a9DEFypxAQCQyiAQDE9gS8anFLHHlbcWdJdGw
     # A Test RSA256 Public key, without the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE-----.
     # It is used to override the AUTH0_RSA256_PUBLIC_KEY when tests are run.
     export TEST_RSA256_PUBLIC_KEY=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDdlatRjRjogo3WojgGHFHYLugdUWAY9iR3fy4arWNA1KoS8kVw33cJibXr8bvwUAUparCwlvdbH6dvEOfou0/gCFQsHUfQrSDv+MuSUMAe8jzKE4qW+jK+xQU9a03GUnKHkkle+Q0pX/g6jXZ7r1/xAK5Do2kQ+X5xK9cipRgEKwIDAQAB

    In summary, in order to make go test work with JWT you will need to set the following env vars:


Run the backend server

First, make sure to set the AUTH0_RSA256_PUBLIC_KEY environment variable with the Auth0 RSA256 public key. This env var will be used by the backend to decode and validate any received Auth0 JWT tokens. Note: You can get this key from: (or from your own auth0 user). Open that url in the browser and copy the value of the x5c field.


Cloudsim optional Env vars (in the .env file)

  • export IGN_CLOUDSIM_SSL_PORT=(default 4431)
  • export IGN_CLOUDSIM_HTTP_PORT=(default 8001)

Also, if using Kubernetes with EC2:

  • export KUBEADM_JOIN=kubeadm join IP:PORT --token ...
  • export KUBE_MASTER_IP=the ip of the master node.
  • export IGN_TRANSPORT_IP_INTERFACE=ethwe (if using Weave Network in the kubernetes cluster)
  • export AWS_GZ_LOGS_BUCKET=a bucket name to upload gazebo logfiles.

Note: To backup GZ logs into S3 it will also require a kubernetes secret called aws-secrets in the cluster. That secret should at least contain the following AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY entries. You can create the secret by running the script included with the web-cloudsim code. These are the contents of that script:


# This script is used to create a Kubernetes secret with name 'aws-secrets' based on existing
# environment variables: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
# This Secret will be used by the cloudsim server.

kubectl create secret generic aws-secrets --from-literal=aws-access-key-id=${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} --from-literal=aws-secret-access-key=${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}

Note2: to find the value for the KUBEADM_JOIN env variable, from the kubernetes master, run: sudo kubeadm token create --ttl 0 --print-join-command and copy the results. Read the for more info.


The cloudsim server will try to connect to a Kubernates master. To do this, it will look for the following config file: <home>/.kube/config.

For more details and tips about kubernetes, see the file.


  1. Get the linter (gometalinter)

    cd ~/go_ws
    curl -L | sh
  2. Run the linter

    ./bin/gometalinter $(go list

Note you can create this bash script:

curl -L | sh -s -- -b $GOPATH/bin
$GOPATH/bin/gometalinter $(go list

Troubleshooting tips

  • When running in Elasticbeanstalk (EBS from now) you can login to the ebs host with eb ssh, and from there you can see the web-cloudsim server logs by running docker logs -f <container>.
  • You can tweak and restart the cloudsim server docker container running in the EBS instance by opening shell to the container docker exec -ti container-name /bin/bash , update the code, rebuild the code inside the container by doing go install, and finally exiting the container and restarting it docker restart container-name. That will relaunch the cloudsim server process.
  • You can see the logs of a kubernetes pod by kubectl logs pod-name or kubectl logs -f pod-name. If the pod has multiple containers then you can kubectl logs pod-name container-name.
  • You can get a shell to a running pod container by kubectl exec -it pod-name -- /bin/bash. If the pod has multiple containers then you can kubectl exec -it pod-name -c container-name -- /bin/bash to open a shell into a specific container.
  • You can see status and errors of a pod by kubectl describe pod pod-name.
  • If you need to manually update a Kubernetes Node's labels:
    • To remove a label: kubectl label nodes nodeName labelName-
    • To update a label: kubectl label --overwrite nodes nodeName key=value


Mysql tips

  • Backup a DB: mysqldump -P <port> -h <dbserver> -u <user> -p <clouddbname> > mybackup.sql
  • Tip: Backup only a set of tables: mysqldump -P <port> -h <dbserver> -u <user> -p <clouddbname> <t1 t2 t3> > mybackup.sql
  • Restore a DB: mysql -u <user> -p <clouddbname> < mybackup.sql

Debugging inside a docker container

If you ever need to debug the application as if it were running in AWS or the pipelines, you need to do it from inside its docker containter. To do that:

Most ideas taken from here: Mysql and Docker

  1. First create the docker image for the web-cloudsim server. docker build web-cloudsim . Write down its image ID.

  2. Then run a dockerized mysql database. docker run --name my-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<desired-root-pwd> -d mysql:5.7.21 This will create a mysql docker container with an empty mysql in it.

  3. Then you need to connect to that mysql container and run some commands: docker exec -it my-mysql bash. From inside the container, connect to mysql using the client (eg. mysql -u root -p) and create databases cloudsim and cloudsim_test. eg: create database cloudsim_test;.

  4. Run the web-cloudsim docker container and link it to the database. docker run --name web-cloudsim --rm --link my-mysql:mysql -ti <web-cloudsim-image-id> /bin/bash. This will open a new terminal inside the server container.

  5. Then from inside the server container you will need to set the Env Var that points to the linked docker mysql. eg. export IGN_DB_ADDRESS=""

After that you can run the server (from inside the container) invoking the web-cloudsim command, or run tests by doing go test.


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