A gomoku game with an artificial intelligence. The goban has a width of 19 tiles. Developped using the rust programming language.
# Between human:
cargo run --release -- --layers 4 --friend human --player human
# Human with ai:
cargo run --release -- --layers 4 --friend human --player ai
sdl2 glfw glutin
\ | /
opengl_graphics graphics (window)
\ / |
(2d) (core)
\ /
clap chrono piston
\ | /
|__ Cargo.lock
|__ Cargo.toml
|__ README.md
|__ main.rs
|__ one_test.rs
\__ src
|__ cli.yml
|__ cmd_option.rs
|__ one_test.rs
|__ bench.rs
|__ display
│ |__ console.rs
│ |__ draw.rs
│ |__ mod.rs
│ \__ mouse.rs
|__ ai
| |__ decision.rs
| |__ heuristic.rs
| |__ mod.rs
| |__ move_to_evaluate.rs
| |__ test_decision.rs
| |__ test_move_to_evaluate.rs
| \__ turn.rs
\__ board
|__ fn_str.rs
|__ go_board.rs
|__ mod.rs
|__ parse.rs
|__ team.rs
|__ test_capture.rs
|__ test_free_threes.rs
|__ test_win.rs
\__ tile.rs