[https://jenkins.zouzland.com/blue/organizations/jenkins/devops-project-api/branches/] <-- from this page you can create a new release. Check tag build and set a tag version like 0.3.0 and it will be built and deployed on heroku.
You can snoop around in the Jenkinsfile to see the all the pipeline steps.
Jenkins instance hosted on my server, same for my docker registry.
Your credentials are:
login: adaltas
password: adaltas
You can run your application in dev mode that enables live coding using:
./mvnw quarkus:dev
The application is packageable using ./mvnw package
. This command will also run Unit Test. You need DOCKER for unit tests to work.
It produces the executable devops-tutorial-0.3.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar
file in /target
Be aware that it’s not an über-jar as the dependencies are copied into the target/lib
The application is now runnable using java -jar target/devops-tutorial-1.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar
You can create a native executable using: ./mvnw package -Pnative
Or you can use Docker to build the native executable using: ./mvnw package -Pnative
You can then execute your binary: ./target/devops-tutorial-0.3.0-SNAPSHOT-runner
If you want to learn more about building native executables, please consult https://quarkus.io/guides/building-native-image-guide .
Native built with docker image quay.io/quarkus/centos-quarkus-maven:20.0.0-java11
To build the jvm docker image run this command from the project root:
docker build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm -t registry.zouzland.com/boutry/devops-tutorial-jvm:latest .
You can override any configuration with environment variables, but you can also mount a yaml file to /work/config/application.yaml
Exemple of a yaml file in src/main/resources/application.yaml
You need to flatten the variables like this quarkus.datasource.url.
To build this image, you need to connect to my private registry.
docker login registry.zouzland.com
login: adaltas
password: adaltas
I repackaged the a build image from Red Hat, that's why you need to login to my registry.
To build the native docker image run this command from the project root:
docker build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.native -t registry.zouzland.com/boutry/devops-tutorial-native:latest .
The native build should last around 6 minutes, it compiles java bytecode to native code.
In the registry, tags meaning:
- 0.3.0 -- version number
- latest -> points to the latest release. Right now it's 0.3.0
- snapshot -> latest build from jenkins
Release version can only be built from manual execution from Jenkins.
Run docker-compose up
and you will be served.
Connect to
You can connect to to play around with the API.
(To create a cat, you just need to give the owner id and cat name, no need to give all informations about ower.)
Warning: In the following section, I used minikube start --driver=docker
. It's only available on Linux and Mac. Because of that the way to access the gateway is a bit differente. I can't use the minikube IP, but I can use the external IP of the ingress gateway.
Create a registry secret containing the credentials to the registry.
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=registry.zouzland.com --docker-username=adaltas --docker-password=adaltas --docker-email=tt@tt.com
Just apply every yamls in k8s folder.
Postgres-volume and configmap should be applied first.
Don't forget to remove all k8s yamls from the step before
Create a registry secret containing the crendentials to the registry.
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=registry.zouzland.com --docker-username=adaltas --docker-password=adaltas --docker-email=tt@tt.com
Just apply every yamls from istio folder.
Postgres-volume and configmap sould be applied first.
You don't need minikube tunnel to access the cluster if you run minikube with minikube start --driver=docker
On a terminal:
export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
echo Click on http://$INGRESS_HOST/user/api
Run vagrant up
from ansible folder.
It will install every package you need and run docker-compose for you.
Connect to