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JSKOS Validation

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Validation for JSKOS data.

This repository contains tools for validating JSKOS data.

Table of Contents


For CLI usage, better use a client such as jskos-cli.

Install as dependency to your Node project (requires Node.js 18 or later):

npm i jskos-validate

We are also providing a browser bundle: It will be available under the global name JSKOS_VALIDATE which is an object with the member validate (see below).

Or clone the current version for development:

git clone
cd jskos-validate
npm ci
npm run build

Note: As of v1, the package includes precompiled JSON Schemas. This means that the schemas won't have to be compiled on first import, but the package size is larger.


As of v1, import the package as follows:

// ESM
import { validate } from "jskos-validate"
// CJS
const { validate } = require("jskos-validate")
// Browser
const { validate } = JSKOS_VALIDATE

This module provides validation methods for each JSKOS object type based on JSON Schemas and additional constraints.

let concept = { ... }
validate.concept(concept) // returns true or false
validate(concept)         // same if concept contains type field

let mapping = { ... }
validate.mapping(mapping) // returns true or false
validate(mapping)         // same if mapping contains type field

// ...

See npm module jskos-cli for a command line interface to JSKOS validation.


Setting the option unknownFields to a truthy value will not complain about additional fields. This is useful for instance to validate JSKOS data with newly introduced fields with an old schema.

validate(data, { unknownFields: true })


Option schemes can be set to an array of JSKOS Concept Schemes to be looked up by their URI in field inScheme of a concept. Scheme fields namespace, uriPattern and notationPattern are used for validation (unless these fields included in the inScheme).


Works like option schemes but enforces concepts to be inScheme of one of the given vocabularies.


Works like option schemes but successfully validated vocabularies are added to the list array of Concept Schemes (overriding vocabularies with same URI).

const schemes = []
validate.scheme(aScheme, { rememberSchemes: schemes })
validate.concept(aConcept, { schemes }) // includes aScheme for validation

This option is ignored if knownSchemes is set because in this case the set of vocabularies is fixed.

errors and errorMessages

Property errors and errorMessages of the validation function contain errors in detailled format and as array of error message strings, respectively.

if (!validate.concept(data)) {

if (!validate(data)) {


Returns the version of JSKOS specification that is used for validation.

validate.version // 0.5.4



Please work on the dev branch during development (or better yet, develop in a feature branch and merge into dev when ready).

When a new release is ready (i.e. the features are finished, merged into dev, and all tests succeed), run the included release script (replace "patch" with "minor" or "major" if necessary):

npm run release:patch # or minor, or major

This will:

  • Check that we are on dev
  • Run tests and build to make sure everything works
  • Make sure dev is up-to-date
  • Run npm version patch (or "minor"/"major")
  • Push changes to dev
  • Switch to main
  • Merge changes from dev
  • Push main with tags
  • Switch back to dev

After running this, GitHub Actions will automatically publish the new version to npm. It will also create a new GitHub Release draft. Please edit and publish the release draft manually.

Updating JSKOS Spec/Schemas

To update the dependency on the JSKOS JSON Schemas, update the commit hash in the corresponding entry in package.json to the latest commit hash in the JSKOS repository, then run npm i.


Please use GitHub issues for bug reports, feature requests or questions.

PRs accepted against the dev branch.

Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.


MIT © 2019 Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG)