This development is supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components.
The ROSIN project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 732287.
The Volga packages have been developed and tested under ROS Melodic. Portabilty to other versions of ROS is not guaranteed so far.
The Volga packages require two external libraries that must be installed by hand: Ibex and OpenMesh.
This section is only for installing and building the core package. See below for usage with Moveit.
Download Ibex from
The current version is compatible with Release 2.8 and subsequent.
Follow the installation instructions.
Ibex must be installed as a dynamic library. To this end, use the
option. A typical way to install ibex is therefore:~/ibex$ ./waf configure --prefix=~/ibex --lp-lib=soplex --enable-shared
~/ibex$ ./waf install
Download OpenMesh from
The current version has been tested with Release 8.1 of OpenMesh.
Follow the installation instructions.
Create a new workspace, e.g.,
:~$ mkdir -p volga_ws/src
Install the root folder
of the Volga project undervolga_ws/src
. You must obtain the following folder hierarchy:~/volga_ws/src/volga/volga_core
Set the
path of the external librariesIbex
:~$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:[path-to-ibex]/share/pkgconfig:[path-to-openmesh]/libdata/pkgconfig/
Build and install the
~$ cd volga_ws
~/volga_ws$ catkin config --install
~/volga_ws$ catkin build volga_core volga_examples
~/volga_ws$ source install/setup.bash
Add the path of the external libraries
:~/volga_ws$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:[path-to-ibex]/lib:[path-to-openmesh]/lib
You can now try the following launch files and node:
Rigid body path validation
~$ roslaunch volga_examples rigid_body_path.launch
Kinematic path validation:
Note: this example requires the
package (UR10 model).~$ roslaunch volga_examples kinematic_path.launch
Validated inverse kinematics example:
~$ rosrun volga_examples ik_test
This section assumes you have successfully followed the steps above for
installing the core packages volga_core
and volga_examples
It explains how to build and install the volga_moveit
which contains a plugin for Moveit.
The volga_moveit
package requires a recent release of Moveit than the one distributed with ROS Melodic.
It has been developed and tested with moveit
Install the last version of Moveit by following the instructions here:
This should result in several packages installed in a separate workspace, say
package has been tested with the following package configuration:| geometric_shapes --------- 0.7.0
| moveit ------------------- 1.1.0
| moveit_msgs -------------- 0.10.0
| moveit_tutorials --------- 0.1.0
| moveit_visual_tools ------ 3.5.2
| panda_moveit_config ------ 0.7.4
| rviz_visual_tool --------- 3.7.0Note that you may need to also install dependencies such as:
Source the Moveit workspace:
~$ source moveit_ws/devel/setup.bash
Move to the Volga workspace:
~$ cd volga_ws
Build the package:
~/volga_ws$ catkin build volga_moveit
~/volga_ws$ source install/setup.bash
Check that the volga plugin has been added:
$ rospack plugins --attrib=plugin moveit_core | grep volga
Launch the demo:
$ roslaunch panda_moveit_config demo.launch pipeline:=volga
In the Panels menu, select
Motion Planning
In the
Scene Objects
tab of the MotionPlanning window, click onImport From Text
Choose the file volga_ws/src/volga_moveit/scene/triangle.scene
Move the robot goal state so that it has to avoid the triangle pane
Click on
Publish Scene
Under the
tab, click on ``plan''