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Batchman and Robin in the paper: "Batchman and Robin: Batched and Non-batched Branching for Interactive ZK"


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Disjunction and Batched Disjunction for VOLE-based Zero Knowledge

This is the artifact for the paper: Batchman and Robin: Batched and Non-batched Branching for Interactive ZK to be presented on ACM CCS 2023.

Eprint link:


We acknowledge that our protocols based on QuickSilver repo available at: In particular, we fork the repo and develop based on it. We also tweak some emp libraries.

The file sha256.txt is obtained from

Set up Environments Including EMP Libraries

You can simply use sudo bash Or (step-by-step),

  1. mkdir setup && cd setup
  2. wget
  3. python[3] --deps --tool --ot --zk
    1. By default it will build for Release. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Release|Debug] option is also available.
    2. No sudo? Change CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.
  4. cd ..
  5. sudo apt install -y emacs iperf iftop clang

Install and Build

You can simply use bash Or,

  1. mkdir build && cd build && CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake ../ && make && cp ../sha256.txt ./

We tested above methods already on a vanilla Ubuntu 22.04 machine.


We have the following tests:

  1. Boolean single disjunction:

    1. bool_stack_mat_mul_RO: Boolean matrix multiplications, RO version.
    2. bool_stack_mat_mul: Boolean matrix multiplications, Lemma 5.4 version.
    3. bool_stack_sha256_RO: Repeating SHA2, RO version.
    4. bool_stack_sha256: Repeating SHA2, Lemma 5.4 version.
  2. Arithmetic single disjunction:

    1. arith_stack_single_disj_matmul: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, Lemma 5.4 version.
    2. arith_stack_single_disj_matmul_RO: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, RO version.
    3. arith_stack_single_disj_matmul_online: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, Lemma 5.4 version, online cost only.
    4. arith_stack_single_disj_matmul_online_RO: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, RO version, online cost only.
  3. Arithmetic batched disjunction:

    1. arith_stack_batched_matmul_v1: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, RO version.
  4. Arithmetic baseline QuickSilver:

    1. arith_unstack_single_disj_matmul: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, single disjunction, QuickSilver.
    2. arith_unstack_single_disj_matmul_online: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, single disjunction, QuickSilver, online cost only.
    3. arith_unstack_batched_disj_matmul: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, batched disjunction, QuickSilver.
  5. Repeating single disjunction:

    1. arith_stack_multi_single_disj_matmul: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, repeating single disjunction, Lemma 5.4 version.
    2. arith_stack_multi_single_disj_matmul_RO: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, repeating single disjunction, RO version.

Note that the auto script will help you compile executable files (under build/bin/):

  1. test_bool_stack_mat_mul_RO
  2. test_bool_stack_sha256_RO
  3. test_arith_stack_single_disj_matmul
  4. test_arith_unstack_single_disj_matmul
  5. test_arith_stack_batched_matmul_v1
  6. test_arith_unstack_batched_disj_matmul
  7. test_arith_stack_multi_single_disj_matmul

To obtain other executable files, please modify the file test/CMakeLists.txt.

How to Simulate Network Setting

We use tc command to simulate the network setting.

 sudo tc qdisc del dev $DEV root
 sudo tc qdisc add dev $DEV root handle 1: tbf rate 1Gbit burst 100000 limit 10000
 sudo tc qdisc add dev $DEV parent 1:1 handle 10: netem delay 2msec

Change DEV to the network card you need (e.g., ens5). Note that sudo tc qdisc del dev $DEV root needs to be executed before resetting the network. It is used to clean the tc setting.

Both P and V need to restrict the network, note that for 30ms latency, both parties should be set to delay 15msec.

You can use iperf to test the network throughput. Namely:

P: iperf -s

V: iperf -c [ip addr]

You can use ping to test the network latency. Namely:

V: ping [ip addr]

How to test the Comm. in the paper?

We tested it using linux command iftop e.g., on the P's machine, execute:

iftop -i ens5 -f 'port 12345'


Batchman and Robin in the paper: "Batchman and Robin: Batched and Non-batched Branching for Interactive ZK"







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