This is the artifact for the paper: Batchman and Robin: Batched and Non-batched Branching for Interactive ZK to be presented on ACM CCS 2023.
Eprint link:
We acknowledge that our protocols based on QuickSilver repo available at: In particular, we fork the repo and develop based on it. We also tweak some emp libraries.
The file sha256.txt
is obtained from
You can simply use sudo bash
. Or (step-by-step),
mkdir setup && cd setup
python[3] --deps --tool --ot --zk
- By default it will build for Release.
option is also available. - No sudo? Change
- By default it will build for Release.
cd ..
sudo apt install -y emacs iperf iftop clang
You can simply use bash
. Or,
mkdir build && cd build && CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake ../ && make && cp ../sha256.txt ./
We tested above methods already on a vanilla Ubuntu 22.04 machine.
We have the following tests:
Boolean single disjunction:
- bool_stack_mat_mul_RO: Boolean matrix multiplications, RO version.
- bool_stack_mat_mul: Boolean matrix multiplications, Lemma 5.4 version.
- bool_stack_sha256_RO: Repeating SHA2, RO version.
- bool_stack_sha256: Repeating SHA2, Lemma 5.4 version.
Arithmetic single disjunction:
- arith_stack_single_disj_matmul: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, Lemma 5.4 version.
- arith_stack_single_disj_matmul_RO: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, RO version.
- arith_stack_single_disj_matmul_online: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, Lemma 5.4 version, online cost only.
- arith_stack_single_disj_matmul_online_RO: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, RO version, online cost only.
Arithmetic batched disjunction:
- arith_stack_batched_matmul_v1: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, RO version.
Arithmetic baseline QuickSilver:
- arith_unstack_single_disj_matmul: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, single disjunction, QuickSilver.
- arith_unstack_single_disj_matmul_online: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, single disjunction, QuickSilver, online cost only.
- arith_unstack_batched_disj_matmul: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, batched disjunction, QuickSilver.
Repeating single disjunction:
- arith_stack_multi_single_disj_matmul: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, repeating single disjunction, Lemma 5.4 version.
- arith_stack_multi_single_disj_matmul_RO: Arithmetic matrix multiplications, repeating single disjunction, RO version.
Note that the auto script will help you compile executable files (under build/bin/
- test_bool_stack_mat_mul_RO
- test_bool_stack_sha256_RO
- test_arith_stack_single_disj_matmul
- test_arith_unstack_single_disj_matmul
- test_arith_stack_batched_matmul_v1
- test_arith_unstack_batched_disj_matmul
- test_arith_stack_multi_single_disj_matmul
To obtain other executable files, please modify the file test/CMakeLists.txt
We use tc
command to simulate the network setting.
sudo tc qdisc del dev $DEV root
sudo tc qdisc add dev $DEV root handle 1: tbf rate 1Gbit burst 100000 limit 10000
sudo tc qdisc add dev $DEV parent 1:1 handle 10: netem delay 2msec
Change DEV to the network card you need (e.g., ens5).
Note that sudo tc qdisc del dev $DEV root
needs to be executed before resetting the network.
It is used to clean the tc
Both P and V need to restrict the network, note that for 30ms latency, both parties should be set to delay 15msec
You can use iperf
to test the network throughput. Namely:
P: iperf -s
V: iperf -c [ip addr]
You can use ping
to test the network latency. Namely:
V: ping [ip addr]
How to test the Comm. in the paper?
We tested it using linux command iftop
e.g., on the P's machine, execute:
iftop -i ens5 -f 'port 12345'