A port of GHC time library to Idris.
Currently, this library supports basis functionality in terms of UTC. All the calculations have been ported from (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/time). There is a lot of functionality that is available in Haskell time
library that still needs to be added to this port. Contributions are welcome!
Currently, this library has only been tested with Idris 1.3.3 (on Linux)
*Main> :doc Gregorian
Record Gregorian
MkGregorian : (year : Integer) -> (month : Int) -> (day : Int) -> Gregorian
The function is: public export
year : (rec : Gregorian) -> Integer
The function is: public export
month : (rec : Gregorian) -> Int
The function is: public export
day : (rec : Gregorian) -> Int
The function is: public export
*Main> :doc today
Data.DateTime.today : IO Gregorian
Return the Gregorian date based on the call to machine's getSystemTime
The function is: possibly not total due to: Data.Time.Clock.Internal.SystemTime.getSystemTime & public export
*Main> :exec today
*Main> :doc TimeOfDay
Record TimeOfDay
MkTimeOfDay : (todHour : Integer) -> (todMin : Integer) -> (todSec : Pico) -> TimeOfDay
The function is: public export
todHour : (rec : TimeOfDay) -> Integer
The function is: public export
todMin : (rec : TimeOfDay) -> Integer
The function is: public export
todSec : (rec : TimeOfDay) -> Pico
The function is: public export
*Main> :doc getCurrentUTCTimeOfDay
Data.DateTime.getCurrentUTCTimeOfDay : IO TimeOfDay
Return the current TimeOfDay based on machine's getSystemTime
The function is: possibly not total due to: Data.DateTime.getUTCTime & public export
*Main> :exec getCurrentUTCTimeOfDay
- LocalTime support
- Timezone support
- More mathematical operations on Gregorian dates
- Use dependent-types to Bound Month arguments based on Month number, which is currently bound with Fin 12.
- Formatting functions
- Use specidris
- Add to
- A lot of functions are not total. Need more %total-ity checks.
- Support Time resolution in nanoseconds.