No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
This API client was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the swagger-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 1.10.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.go.GoClientCodegen
Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:
import "./swagger"
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
DungeonsAndTrollsApi | DungeonsAndTrollsAssignSkillPoints | Post /v1/assign-skill-points | Send multiple commands to the Character bound to the logged user. The order of execution is defined in the message. |
DungeonsAndTrollsApi | DungeonsAndTrollsBuy | Post /v1/buy | Buy Items identified by the provided ID for the Character bound to the logged user. |
DungeonsAndTrollsApi | DungeonsAndTrollsCommands | Post /v1/commands | Send multiple commands to the Character bound to the logged user. The order of execution is defined in the message. |
DungeonsAndTrollsApi | DungeonsAndTrollsGame | Get /v1/game | Sends all info about the game. |
DungeonsAndTrollsApi | DungeonsAndTrollsGameLevel | Get /v1/game/{level} | Sends all info about the game level. |
DungeonsAndTrollsApi | DungeonsAndTrollsLevels | Get /v1/levels | Sends info about |
DungeonsAndTrollsApi | DungeonsAndTrollsMonstersCommands | Post /v1/monsters-commands | Control monsters. Admin only. |
DungeonsAndTrollsApi | DungeonsAndTrollsMove | Post /v1/move | Assign skill point to the attribute for the Character bound to the logged user. |
DungeonsAndTrollsApi | DungeonsAndTrollsPickUp | Post /v1/pick-up | Equip the Item from the ground identified by the provided ID for the Character bound to the logged user (unused). |
DungeonsAndTrollsApi | DungeonsAndTrollsPlayers | Get /v1/players | Sends all info about all players. |
DungeonsAndTrollsApi | DungeonsAndTrollsRegister | Post /v1/register | Register provided User to the Game and create a character. |
DungeonsAndTrollsApi | DungeonsAndTrollsRespawn | Post /v1/respawn | Respawn the Character bound to the logged user. |
DungeonsAndTrollsApi | DungeonsAndTrollsSkill | Post /v1/skill | Use a skill (provided by an item) by the Character bound to the logged user. |
DungeonsAndTrollsApi | DungeonsAndTrollsYell | Post /v1/yell | The Character bound to the logged user yells a messages (visible for everyone). |
- DungeonsandtrollsAttributes
- DungeonsandtrollsAvailableLevels
- DungeonsandtrollsCharacter
- DungeonsandtrollsCommandsBatch
- DungeonsandtrollsCommandsForMonsters
- DungeonsandtrollsCoordinates
- DungeonsandtrollsDamageType
- DungeonsandtrollsDecoration
- DungeonsandtrollsDroppable
- DungeonsandtrollsEffect
- DungeonsandtrollsEvent
- DungeonsandtrollsEventType
- DungeonsandtrollsFogOfWarMap
- DungeonsandtrollsGameState
- DungeonsandtrollsIdentifier
- DungeonsandtrollsIdentifiers
- DungeonsandtrollsItem
- DungeonsandtrollsItemType
- DungeonsandtrollsKey
- DungeonsandtrollsLevel
- DungeonsandtrollsMap
- DungeonsandtrollsMapObjects
- DungeonsandtrollsMessage
- DungeonsandtrollsMonster
- DungeonsandtrollsPlayerSpecificMap
- DungeonsandtrollsPlayersInfo
- DungeonsandtrollsPosition
- DungeonsandtrollsRegistration
- DungeonsandtrollsSimpleItem
- DungeonsandtrollsSkill
- DungeonsandtrollsSkillAttributes
- DungeonsandtrollsSkillEffect
- DungeonsandtrollsSkillGenericFlags
- DungeonsandtrollsSkillSpecificFlags
- DungeonsandtrollsSkillUse
- DungeonsandtrollsStun
- DungeonsandtrollsUser
- DungeonsandtrollsWaypoint
- RpcStatus
- SkillTarget
- Type: API key
auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAPIKey, sw.APIKey{
Key: "APIKEY",
Prefix: "Bearer", // Omit if not necessary.
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)