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Send dynamic messages to other extensions

gdh1995 edited this page Feb 13, 2024 · 1 revision

If another extension accepts external messages, then you may use Vimium C to create and send arbitrary messages to it.

Command usage

The key command is sendToExtension which accepts id: str, data: Json-able and raw: boolean.

  • id is target ID of extension, which should look like a UUID on Chrome and Safari, while a mail address on Firefox
  • data is the main message body to send, and it may be a string, number or JSON object
  • raw is used to control message format
    • by default, a real message is: { "handler": "message", "from": "Vimium C", "count": command-count, "keyCode": last-keyCode, "data": data }
    • if raw is true, then the sent message is data itself

If the target extension does receive external messages, then it may return false to refuse messages from Vimium C and make sendToExtension fail;
all other types of returned values will be treated as "success", and a string value will be shown in HUD.


Send url on Vomnibar to another extension

Add such key mappings:

# `itemSedKeys` is executed when the current selected is a suggestion on enter
# - use `sedKeys` when the current is the input itself
# then `itemKeyword` is used to build a new URL
map xxx Vomnibar.activate itemSedKeys="1" sedKeys="1" itemKeyword="sendUrl"
map <v-ste> sendToExtension id="ADDONID" raw

Add this to Custome search engines:

sendUrl: vimium://run/<v-ste>##data={"type":"create","params":{"url":"$1"}}

Add this to Auto substitution of various text:

# always encode a string to ensure `"${it}"` is a valid JSON string

See .

Invoke ff2mpv 5.0.0+

To use LinkHints to select a link and then let ff2mpv opens it:

  1. add these to Custom key mappings:
map vvv LinkHints.activateOpenUrl sed="_ff2mpv"
# replace the id="**********" with id="" on Firefox
map <v-ff2mpv> sendToExtension \
  id="ephjcajbkgplkjmelpglennepbpmdpjg" raw
  1. add these to Auto substitution of various text:

See .