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Clean, simple, for styling the web.

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You can use csstyle with either Sass or postcss.

Getting Started

  1. Setup your project with either Sass or Postcss. If you're using Sass make sure you have the latest stable SASS (3.4).

  2. Add id="csstyle" to your html or body element. This is necessary so that components with their parts and options can nest indefinitely yet always be overridden by tweaks.

  3. Download csstyle from npm:

    npm install csstyle --save

    or from bower:

    bower install csstyle --save
  4. If you're using Sass, import into your stylesheets:

@import 'csstyle';

If you're using postcss, add csstyle as a plugin:

postcss([require('postcss-nested'), require('csstyle')]);

Be sure to include postcss-nested and csstyle in that order.

Now you're set and can start creating components with options & parts, adding in tweaks as needed. Enjoy!

Customizing Styling Conventions

csstyle lets you change the style conventions to whatever suits your style.

Default Symbols

  • options: \--
  • parts: __
  • tweaks: \+
  • rootId: csstyle


Override the defaults using SASS variables.

  • options: $csstyle-option-symbol
  • parts: $csstyle-part-symbol
  • tweaks: $csstyle-tweak-symbol
  • rootId: $csstyle-root-id


  $csstyle-part-symbol: '\\/';
  $csstyle-root-id: 'app';

With Postcss

Override the defaults by calling the cssytle function with an options object.

  • options: optionSymbol
  • parts: partSymbol
  • tweaks: tweakSymbol
  • rootId: rootId


  require('../csstyle')({optionSymbol: '\\-', partSymbol: '\\/', rootId: 'app'})

IMPORTANT NOTE All characters besides _ need to be escaped! However, if you are using dashes, only the first one needs to be escaped. Use two backslashes to properly escape. For example to use a forward slash to separate parts, set $csstyle-part-symbol to \\/. The generated CSS classes will then be escaped with a single backslash.


Can I use this with Libsass?

Yes. Libsass version 3.2.0 or greater fully supports csstyle.

How do parts react to component states like hover?

In Sass you can append a & to a selector or pseudo-selector to have it applied to the parent context. So for example to have a part react when the component gets hovered:

@include component(capacitor){
  background: red;
  @include part(flux){
    background: orange;
  &:hover & {
    @include part(flux){
      background: blue;
