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Easy stremio on Docker


Stremio is a free application which lets you stream your favorite shows and movies.

The Docker images in this repository bundle stremio-server, ffmpeg and web player for you, ready to use in a small Alpine image.

My motivation for doing this is having it running on my RPi5 and couldn't find something that has both player and server but also the official image seemed too big but also lacks the Web Player and doesn't work out of the box if no HTTPS is configured.


Idea here is to have both Stremio web player and server run on the same container and if IPADDRESS env variable is setup generate a certificate and use it for both.

The Web player runs on port 8080 and server runs on both ports 11470 ( plain http ) and 12470 (https).

  1. If you exposed the ports 8080, 11470 for HTTP just point your streaming server (http://{LAN IP}:8080/) in settings to the lan ip address and set the server to be http://{LAN IP}:11470/ and enjoy. Make sure you set NO_CORS=1 with this option.

This is the easy option since there is no need to setup dns or have an external ip. Do not set the IPADDRESS env variable if you just want HTTP. You do not need to expose port 12470 with this option but you will only be able to use the webplayer with HTTP.

  1. If you set your public IP address for the IPADDRESS environment variable, then the Stremio server should automatically set the certificate to the wildcard * and should generate an A record for your public IP address. You should then expose ports 8080 and 12470 to your servers and then setup port forwarding to your router to point these two ports to your server. Once this is done you can point the WebPlayer to your streaming server on port 12470.

To find the FQDN that the certificate is pointing to, look at the folder you mounted for a file with a .pem extension. The filename is the domain you need to add your your hosts in case of local ip address.

  1. If you set IPADDRESS to your private ip address then the server should still set the certificate to the wildcard * and have the subdomain set as 192-168-1-10 assuming your private is Full domain should look like You can then setup your /etc/hosts in Linux or c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts in windows to point that host to your lan address like : # this is an example. set your own ip and fqnd here.

Then you can point your browser to and setup Streaming server to .

To find the FQDN that the certificate is pointing to, look at the folder you mounted for a file with a .pem extension. The filename is the domain you need to add your your hosts in case of local ip address.

  1. If you want to use your own custom certificate and domain, you can specify them using the CERT_PATH and DOMAIN environment variables. The server and web player will load the specified certificate.
$ docker run -d \
  --name=stremio-docker \
  -e CERT_PATH=certificate.pem \
  -e DOMAIN=your.custom.domain \
  -v ~/.stremio-server:/root/.stremio-server \
  -p 8080:8080/tcp \
  -p 12470:12470/tcp \
  --restart unless-stopped \

Make sure the certificate file is placed in the same folder that you expose in /root/.stremio-server. For example, if your certificate is located at ~/.stremio-server/certificate.pem on your host machine, it will be accessible inside the container at /root/.stremio-server/certificate.pem.

The WebPlayer will be available at https://your.custom.domain:8080 and the streaming server at https://your.custom.domain:12470.


You don't need to have both Stremio Server and Web Player running. One could use the Stremio web player ( Stremio's web player should also work for options 2 and 3 above because the web player requires that the server's URL is in HTTPS.

You can also use the native clients for options 2-3 since they use https but those clients also run a server so there is no point doing this.

Another option is to use an External Media player like VLC or any other supported by stremio to avoid transcoding on the docker container. This would help if you don't have GPU transcoding or some other good CPU.


I added stremio shell html files under http(s)://{Your stremio url}:{port}/shell/ . One should be able to get the old online stremio version of the files that are in Defaults to the normal webplayer on the root "/". I have had issues playing youtube videos with these files though and I assume so will you.


  • A host with Docker installed.


1. Install Docker

If you haven't installed Docker yet, install it by running:

$ curl -sSL | sh
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
$ exit

And log in again.

2. Run Stremio Web + Server

To automatically run stremio web player and server in http, simply run:

$ docker run -d \
  --name=stremio-docker \
  -e NO_CORS=1 \
  -v ~/.stremio-server:/root/.stremio-server \
  -p 8080:8080/tcp \
  -p 11470:11470/tcp \
  --restart unless-stopped \

The Web UI will now be available on http://YOUR_SERVER_IP:8080. Set streaming server to http://YOUR_SERVER_IP:11470 add your add ons and start watching your favourite movie.

💡 Your configuration files and cache will be saved in ~/.stremio-server


These options can be configured by setting environment variables using -e KEY="VALUE" in the docker run command.

Env Default Example Description
IPADDRESS - Set this to enable https
NO_CORS - 1 Set to disable server's cors
CASTING_DISABLED - 1 Set to disable casting
WEBUI_LOCATION - Sets the redirect page for web player and automatically sets up streaming server for you when one tries to access server at port 11470 or 12470. Default is
FFMPEG_BIN - /usr/bin/ Set for custom ffmpeg bin path
FFPROBE_BIN - /usr/bin/ Set for custom ffprobe bin path
APP_PATH - /srv/stremio-path/ Set for custom path for stremio server. Server will always save cache to /root/.stremio-server though so its only for its config files.
DOMAIN - your.custom.domain Set for custom domain for stremio server. Server will use the specified domain for the web player and streaming server. This should match the certificate and cannot be applied without specifying CERT_PATH
CERT_PATH - certificate.pem Set for custom certificate path. The server and web player will load the specified certificate.

There are multiple other options defined but probably best not settings any.


To update to the latest version, simply run:

docker stop stremio-docker
docker rm stremio-docker
docker pull tsaridas/stremio-docker:latest

And then run the docker run -d \ ... command above again.


We build our own ffmpeg from jellyfin repo with version 4.4.1-4 This plays well and its what stremio officially supports.

FFMPEG add configure options

You could build your own image with extra ffmpeg configure options. Your new option will probably require that you have the -dev libraries installed for alpine.

If you cannot find the -dev libraries in the alpine repo then you might need to compile them as well.

  xvidcore-dev \
  fdk-aac-dev \
  libva-dev \
  git \
  x264 `ADD-DEV-PACKAGE-HERE` && \

Add your extra options at the end line before the && :

--prefix=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg --extra-version=Jellyfin --disable-doc --disable-ffplay --disable-shared --disable-libxcb --disable-sdl2 --disable-xlib --enable-lto --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-gmp --enable-gnutls --enable-libdrm --enable-libass --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libbluray --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libdav1d --enable-libwebp --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265  --enable-libzimg --enable-small --enable-nonfree --enable-libxvid --enable-libaom --enable-libfdk_aac --enable-vaapi --enable-hwaccel=h264_vaapi --toolchain=hardened `ADD-OPTION-HERE` &&

You also add the dev libraries to the above line from configure where you see lots of -dev packages installed. Those packages are purged later so you will also need to install the normal library (not the headers) in the end.

apk add --no-cache libwebp libvorbis x265-libs x264-libs libass opus libgmpxx lame-libs gnutls libvpx libtheora libdrm libbluray zimg libdav1d aom-libs xvidcore fdk-aac curl libva `ADD-NON-DEV-PACKAGE-HERE` && \

The lines shown above might have changed so just try to use common sense on where to add your package. If you want hardware acceleration you might need to compile it with the driver for your hardware. The version of ffmpeg that we compile comes with (VA-API)[]. You will probably need to expose your hardware device inside the container in order to make it work. Server tries to see if it can use any devices on first start. You can see those log messages to see if it worked for you.

Add support for Intel CPU Transcoding

If you have an Intel CPU and you are running Linux you can expose the devices :


Make sure the drivers are added to the docker image

apk add --no-cache intel-media-driver

Releases later than 1.1.9 should have the drivers installed and one just needs to expose the devices mentioned.

docker compose :

  - "/dev/dri/card0:/dev/dri/card0"
  - "/dev/dri/renderD128:/dev/dri/renderD128"

cli :

 --device /dev/dri/renderD128:/dev/dri/renderD128 --device /dev/dri/card0:/dev/dri/card0


Builds are setup to make images for the below archs :

  • linux/arm/v6
  • linux/amd64
  • linux/arm64/v8
  • linux/arm/v7

I can add more build archs if you require them and you can ask but I doubt anybody ever will need to install these containers in anything else.

Build tags

  • latest -> Builds automatically when new version of server or WebPlayer is released. Builds WebPlayer only from release tags.
  • nightly -> Builds automatically daily from development branch of web player and gets latest version of server.
  • release version (example v1.0.0) -> to have old releases available in case there is something wrong with new release.

Images saved in Docker Hub

Build your own

You can build your own image by running the below command. By default it will build from development branch of web player and latest version of the server. If you want to build from latest release of web please you can add --build-arg BRANCH=release or the branch that you want.

docker build -t stremio:myserver .

Common Use Cases

Useful links

Stremio addons


I recommend setting up dnsmasq or similar to cache your dns queries since Stremio seems to be spamming with requests to trackers.

The config option you need with dnsmasq is :


then you set your dns server to the ip address of your dns caching server and you are set.

Last words

I don't intend to spend much time on this and tried to automate as much as I had time to. PRs and Issues are welcome. You can also fork and do as you like with the code but if you find some issue please do let me know.


No releases published


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  • Dockerfile 33.8%
  • Shell 23.0%
  • TypeScript 22.4%
  • JavaScript 20.8%