This is a sample Rails application to
- demonstrate the use of these libraries:
- and to test gem dependencies on gem release. S.also geekq/workflow-activerecord#1
Start with an empty rbenv or rvm environment.
git clone
cd workflow-rails-sample
gem install bundler
bundle install
bin/rails db:migrate db:seed
bin/rails server
~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin/ruby-build 2.5.1 ~/.rbenv/versions/sample1
~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin/ruby-build 2.5.1 ~/.rbenv/versions/sample2
cd ~/projects/ruby
rbenv shell sample1
gem install rails -v '5.2'
rails new workflow-rails-sample
cd workflow-rails-sample
vim .gitignore
vim Gemfile
rbenv local sample2
gem install bundler
bundle install
bin/rails generate scaffold Article \
title:string summary:string content:text workflow_state:string author:string