This is the Drupal codebase that powers
The building of this project and the migration of from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 has been live-streamed on geerlingguy's YouTube channel; you can watch all the episodes and see episode summaries and resources here: Migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 - How-to video series.
I decided to open-source my website's codebase to help other Drupal users see how I built and maintain this site. If you like what you see or have been helped in any way by this project, please consider supporting me via Patreon, GitHub Sponsors, or another affiliate link.
Currently the process for deploying runs from the Midwestern Mac infrastructure playbook:
ansible-playbook main.yml --tags=deploy
This repository includes a
intended for building a production-ready image (with all code and assets included).
To build that image:
docker build -f -t geerlingguy/jeffgeerling-com:arm64 .
Then you can push the image to the official geerlingguy/jeffgeerling-com
repository on Docker Hub:
docker push geerlingguy/jeffgeerling-com:arm64
Note: The image is automatically built and pushed to Docker Hub via GitHub Actions every time a commit is pushed to the
The first time you start using this project, you need to create your local settings file:
cp web/sites/default/example.settings.local.php web/sites/default/settings.local.php
Make sure you have Docker installed, then run the following command (in the same directory as this README file):
docker compose up -d
Install PHP dependencies running Composer inside the container:
docker compose exec drupal composer install
Visit http://localhost/ to see the Drupal installation. Visit http://localhost:8025/ to see MailHog.
You can install Drupal using the install wizard, but we like to use Drush for more automation:
docker compose exec drupal bash -c 'vendor/bin/drush site:install minimal --db-url="mysql://drupal:$DRUPAL_DATABASE_PASSWORD@$DRUPAL_DATABASE_HOST/drupal" --site-name="Jeff Geerling" --existing-config -y'
At some point, I'll write up how to do it all with Drush, automated.
For now:
- Open Sequel Ace, download database from prod server.
- Open Sequel Ace, upload database to local environment.
Any time configuration is changed or any modules or Drupal is upgraded, you should export the site's configuration using the command:
docker compose exec drupal bash -c 'vendor/bin/drush config:export -y'
And then push any changes to the Git repository before deploying the latest code to the site.
- Set up the site like normal, make sure it's installed.
- Run
docker compose exec drupal bash -c 'composer update'
(to update everything). - Run
docker compose exec drupal bash -c 'vendor/bin/drush updb -y'
- Run
docker compose exec drupal bash -c 'vendor/bin/drush config:export -y'
- Commit any changes and push to remote.
- Run the deploy playbook to update the live site.
You can test the custom code in this project using phpcs
docker compose exec drupal bash -c './vendor/bin/phpcs \
--standard="Drupal,DrupalPractice" -n \
--extensions="php,module,inc,install,test,profile,theme" \
web/themes/jeffgeerling \
The Docker configuration for this project enables a MailHog container, which has a web UI available at
The php.ini
file for the local environment is automatically configured to use mhsendmail
to send PHP's email through the mailhog instance when you're using this project's Dockerfile
to build the Drupal environment.
When Drupal sends an email, it should be visible in Mailhog's UI.