This is an addon for the great TeleFrame project, to demonstrate what is possible with the addon interface.
With this addon you can remote control your TeleFrame with a web browser. You get the same output that TeleFrame is currently displaying, with a responsive interface.
For interaction you have a touchbar like in TeleFrame by default, with additional elements to
- toggle screen on/off when commands for screen on/off are defined in TeleFrame.
- uploading pictures/videos
- toggle full screen display (Works also with double click or with double tap)
The touchbar elements for the web interface can be adjusted separately in the configuration.
The following touch and mouse gestures are supported:
Gesture | Touch | Mouse support | Description |
Swipe left | one finger | yes | show the next image/video |
Swipe right | one finger | yes | show the previous image/video |
Spread | two fingers | no | Zooms the image/video in |
Pinch | two fingers | no | Zooms the image/video out |
To use a mouse for the swipe gestures: Move in the wanted direction while keeping the left button down and release the button during the movement.
Web server port Without configuration the addon starts a web server on default port 3000.
SECURITY WARNING: Do not make the web server accessible from the Internet. There will be no user authentication and everybody can access your TeleFrame! To implement this, it would be necessary to add user authentication to the server and operate it with SSL or use a VPN connection.
To install the TeleFrame-webRemote addon demo open a terminal and execute:
cd ~/TeleFrame/addons
git clone
cd TeleFrame-webRemote
npm install
../../tools/ enable TeleFrame-webRemote
Then Restart TeleFrame. Open a web browser and enter the IP of your TeleFrame including the configured port to remote control your TeleFrame.
For example:
To update the TeleFrame-webRemote addon demo open a terminal and execute:
cd ~/TeleFrame/addons/TeleFrame-webRemote
git pull
npm install
The following configuration options are available.
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
port | number | 3000 | TCPIP port on which the server should run. |
statusUpdateInterval | number | 1000 | milliseconds between polls for status updates. |
statusUpdateIntervalOffline | number | 10000 | milliseconds between polls for status updates, when TeleFrame is offline. |
touchBarElements | array | from TeleFrame config.touchBar.elements |
Strings to define the touchbar elements to be used. See the list below for available elements. |
Name | description |
showNewest | Show the newest image |
previousImage | Show the previous image |
playPause | Toggle play/pause |
nextImage | Show the next image |
starImage | Toggle the current image starred/unstarred |
deleteImage | Delete the current image |
mute | Mute sound output |
shutdown | Shutdown TeleFrame |
reboot | Reboot TeleFrame |
tfScreenToggle | Additional: Toggle TeleFrame screen on/off - Only available when screen switch commands are defined |
upload | Additional: Upload image/video to TeleFrame |
fullscreen | Additional: Toggle fullscreen view |
You have an old phone to spare which you want to setup as digital photo frame but have no screen connected to the server itself?
Create a virtual screen by executing the following command. Adjust the screen ID (:X) to your needs.
Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1920x1080x24+32 -fbdir /var/tmp
With the virtual screen running, you can now run the TeleFrame command. Make sure to use the same screen ID.
~/TeleFrame$ DISPLAY=:1 nohup npm start &
Success! The interface is now accessible on the port you defined.
Please feel free to add issues or send pull requests.
Special thanks go to the great TeleFrame project Without it this project would not have been possible.