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ESPHome Ecodan heatpump

ESPHome implementation of the CN105 protocal. It can operate as standalone or with slave (melcloud/procon) attached. It includes server control mode, realtime power output estimation and realtime daily energy counters.

The remote thermostat protocol CNRF is supported by It implements a virtual thermostat that can be linked with any temperature sensor.

available languages

English (default), Dutch, Italian, French, Spanish. Select the language in ecodan-esphome.yaml file. If you want to contribute with a translation: copy the file ecodan-labels-en.yaml to ecodan-labels-xx.yaml, fill in all the labels and submit a pull request.


Feature description
Server Control Restrict/Allow Dhw/Heating/Cooling
Proxy support Use a Melcloud WiFi adapter or procon melcobems unit in combination with the esp
Realtime metrics Power output, Consumption, Production, COP (no external meter required, FTC6+)
Misc Fan speed, Compressor starts, Outdoor unit thermistors



Here's how it's connected inside the heatpump:


The esphome component will be auto detected in Home Assistant:


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