- Download and compile zlib
- Use CMake and be sure to build a static library
- Set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to some folder that you have permissions to write to
- Compile then build the INSTALL project
- Copy the installed zlib folder to C:\Program Files (x86) so that OpenEXR finds zlib automatically
- Download and compile openexr
- Edit paths at the top of
and run within MATLAB
Read image
im = exrread(filename);
Read image and alpha channel
[im,mask] = exrread(filename);
Image can be 1 or 3 channels of floating-point data Mask will be 1.0 if there is no alpha channel in the file
Write image
Write image with mask in alpha channel
Image can be 1 or 3 channels Mask must be 1 channel the same size as the image
Does not support EXR images with uint16 data or float data All data is returned as MATLAB type double Negative, NaN, or Inf values in Y are set to 0 by exrwrite Negative, NaN, or Inf in RGB or alpha are preserved by exrwrite