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Application Support for control the Java Process of Card Simulation


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CardSimulation-Loader-swift is the Swift counter-part to the Java CardSimulation-Loader project. The project serves as a (boot) loader for the G2-Kartensimulation.


The intented usage of this project is to ease integration and use of the G2-Kartensimulation with Swift projects. Specifically the Test-cases in these projects. This guide is separated in two (2) main parts. Describing (1) the usage of the CardSimulation-Loader framework (How-to) and (2) describing how-to maintain and explain the technical consideration(s) and implementation(s).

Framework and Runner

The project has two (main) products. One (1) The CardSimulationLoader.framework and the (2) executable CardSimulationRunner. Our main focus is on the framework as this contains all the logic and functionality. The runner is merely there to demonstrate/test the frameworks feature(s) and in rare cases can be used as a stand-alone CardSimulation-runner. This runner keeps monitoring the launched Java process for as long as either that process or its own process is shut down.


The sole purpose of this framework is to launch and monitor a G2-Kartensimulation Java process. For detailed usage information see the inlined documentation on SimulationManager and SimulationRunner.

Starting the simulator:

Of course the best way to find out how-to use the CardSimulation-Loader is by checking the SimulationManagerTest and SimulationRunnerTest to see their intended and tested use-cases. Next to checking the test-cases you also find some (example) configuration files in the Configuration.bundle [Tests/CardSimulationLoaderTests/Configuration.bundle].

In general you would prepare such a card-configuration XML as in the Configuration.bundle and pass it to the SimulationManager.shared by invoking its:

  configFile: URL,
  preprocessor manipulators: [XMLPathManipulator] = [],
  simulatorVersion: String = "2.7.6-352",
  simulatorDirectory: String = "simulator",
  waitUntilLaunched flag: Bool

Note: you can specify the G2-Kartensimulation version it needs to download/use.

The returned SimulationRunnerType can be used to monitor the newly started G2-Kartensimulation instance. To - for instance - figure out on which TLV-port the simulator is registered, just check the SimulationRunnerType.mode. When running the TLV TCP/IP port is projected there. And for convenience reasons made available through var tlvPort: Int? on SimulationRunnerType(s).

This SimulationRunnerType instance will need a CardTerminalControllerType (e.g. from CardTerminalControllerType) to expose this G2-Kartensimulation virtual HealthCard to the HealthCardAccess/Control realm.


/// Read configFile from included Resources Bundle
let simulatorConfig = Bundle(for: MyClass.self)
  .resourceFilePath(in: "Configuration", for: "configuration_EGKG2_80276883110000017222_gema5_TCP.xml")
/// Launch a G2-Kartensimulation with this configuration file
let runner = try SimulationManager.shared.startSimulation(
  configFile: simulatorConfig,
  preprocessor: [
    XMLPathManipulatorHolder.TLVPortManipulator(port: "0"),
    XMLPathManipulatorHolder.RelativeToAbsolutePathManipulator(with: XMLPathManipulatorHolder.CardConfigFileXMLPath, absolutePath: simulatorConfig.deletingLastPathComponent()),
    XMLPathManipulatorHolder.RelativeToAbsolutePathManipulator(with: XMLPathManipulatorHolder.ChannelConfigFileXMLPath, absolutePath: simulatorConfig.deletingLastPathComponent())
  waitUntilLaunched: true

... // Do amazing things with runner

/// Stop the runner when done
runner.stop(waitUntilTerminated: true)

Technical overview

As described in the previous section(s) the CardSimulationLoader provides an easy-to-use API to launch and manage a G2-Kartensimulation. In order to achieve this we need to combine some various technologies/environments (read: Nexus ←→ Java ←→ Swift → CardSimulationLoader API). Along with a nice twist to the SwiftPM and xcodeproj collaboration with regards to the Resource bundles we know from xcodeproject files, but apparently not exist in the Swift world).

The main components for this project to work:

  • Download G2-Kartensimulation Nexus artifacts

  • Launch and monitor Java Process

These two (2) steps are taken care of when using the SimulationManager to launch a simulation.

Maven step

The SimulationManager creates a transient pom.xml and executes a shell script to run mvn dependency:copy-dependencies. And puts these artifacts in the same transient environment to be cleaned (manually) by calling SimulationManager.clean upon finishing with the simulator(s). Reason for this is to not download the artifacts for every simulator instance in case they are launch sequentially - which is reasonable to assume.

Java process

When the artifacts are in place, the SimulationRunner creates a JavaProcess that will be launched/forked in a separate process. And monitors this process by reading/parsing the stdout and stderr to detect the tlv-port number and successful initialization.

To start developing the project follow the Project Setup section below 👇.

Getting Started

CardSimulationLoader requires Swift 5.1.

Setup for integration:

  • Carthage: Put this in your Cartfile:

    github "gematik/ref-CardSimulationLoaderKit" ~> 1.0

Setup for development

You will need Bundler, XcodeGen and fastlane to conveniently use the established development environment.

  1. Update ruby gems necessary for build commands

    $ bundle install --path vendor/gems
  2. Checkout (and build) dependencies and generate the xcodeproject

    $ bundle exec fastlane setup
  3. Build the project

    $ bundle exec fastlane build_all [build_mac, build_ios]


Application Support for control the Java Process of Card Simulation








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