udpreplay is a lightweight alternative to tcpreplay for replaying UDP unicast and multicast streams from a pcap file.
usage: udpreplay [-i iface] [-l] [-s speed] [-c millisec] [-r repeat] [-t ttl] pcap
-i iface interface to send packets through
-l enable loopback
-c millisec constant milliseconds between packets
-r repeat number of times to loop data
-s speed replay speed relative to pcap timestamps
-t ttl packet ttl
-f fastforward fastforward seconds, then play with normal speed
-b enable broadcast (SO_BROADCAST)
$ udpreplay -i eth0 example.pcap
$ udpreplay -i eth0 -f 600 -s 0.1 example.pcap
udpreplay requires CMake 3.2 or higher and libpcap-dev to build and install.
Building on Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt install cmake libpcap-dev
cd udpreplay
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
Building on RHEL/CentOS:
sudo yum install cmake3 libpcap-devel
cd udpreplay
mkdir build && cd build
cmake3 ..
$ sudo make install
This project was created by Erik Rigtorp <erik@rigtorp.se>.