C++ implementation for multi-target tracking algorithm from paper Multi-target tracking by learning local-to-global trajectory models.
Using Kalman filter and SVM classifier to generate tracking scores.
- imgSVM class trains/tests SVM classifier through images.
- Tracker is a higher level class including implementation of Kalman Filters and call of imgSVM class.
- cvLib implements methods for updating trackers and for other utilities specific for tracking task.
- cmpLib implements methods of image feature extraction and comparison.
- global.hpp/.cpp keeps intersection of global variables for both imgSVM class and tracking task.
./headTracking /data/gengshan/vid/testMultiTarget.avi y
- use distance to leverage svm score...
- divide updateTracker function
- optimzie display setting... put tracking result in detection result later.
- params: negNum in TrackingObj class.