this is a simple http server,which supports session manager,media(video,audio)transmission,static file,html render,..etc. ##how to run/use package me.gensh.core is all about http,it's not necessary to modify them,but you can modify those files below if you want:
- (program start)
- (Configure file)
- me.gensh.controllers (your logic code)
- (router file)
there is a dome code here already, you can just run id.
##start your logic code create file "" in controllers folder. add those code to
public static ResponseInterface domeAction = context -> {
context.render("Hello world");
then add the code below to file,in construction method:
public Router(){
//add your router here
Add("/dome", Dome.domeAction); //just add this line.
then run your code, then type "localhost:8888/dome" in your browser,you can see words "Hello world". ##static file you can change static folder in Configure file(
for example:
public final static String StaticFilePrefix = "/static";
then the files in "static" folder can be detected and return to browser if your url is start with "static". ##template render we use the Freemarker template engine as default render engine.
(you can also add your own render engine.)
change your code in section "start your logic code":
public static ResponseInterface domeAction = context -> {
String name = context.getParams().getString("name");
Map<String,String> data = new HashMap<>();
if (name.isEmpty()) {
name = "World";
data.put("title", "Dome page");
data.put("name", name);
context.render("test.ftl", data);
then you can add file named 'dome.ftl' in views folder.
code in file dome.ftl is show as below:
<h1>Welcome ${name}!</h1>
<p>title is:</p>
try url "localhost/dome/" and "localhost/dome/?name=WHO_AM_I"
why views folder?
you can change template folder by modify configure file:
final static public class View {
public final static String VIEW = "/your_template_floder/"; //"views" as default.