A food recipe application with an API built using C#, .Net and client side/frontend built using React
To get the necessary dependencies, run:
dotnet retore
To run the application, navigate into the /API directory and then you can run:
dotnet wtach run
- Create a dev-data dir, and add two files
recipes.jsonandrestaurant.json. This two files would be used to create the recipe and restaurant data to be stored in the database
mkdir dev-data
touch recipes.json
touch restaurant.json
recipe.json should contain fields for - { Name, Ingredients, Description, ImageSrc, CookTime, Origin, Category} to match the Object props or Model props for Recipe, reference Models/Recipe.cs for more details
restaurant.json should contain fields for - { Name, Location, ImageSrc, Geolocation { Latitude, Longitude } } to match the Object props or Model props for Recipe, reference Models/Recipe.cs for more details