- Repository structure
- Kubernetes architecture
- Connect and show SQL Server GeoKids empty shell database
- Review Flyway migration image
- Review Flyway migrations - SQL files (v1.0)
- Review Dockerfiles
- Review Kubernetes manifests
- Review Azure pipeline
- Push changes to repository
- Monitor Azure pipeline
- Check Flyway migration job status
- Review Flyway schema history
- Review changes in SQL Server GeoKids database
- Check GeoKids website
- Create Kubernetes and GitHub release tag
- Check pipeline CI options
- Review repository structure
- Check webapp rollout history - Kubernetes deployment
- Create version 2.0 branch (local repository)
- Exchange webapp versions
- Add new migrations to SQL scripts folder
- Review Flyway new migrations structure'
- Review Flyway migrations - SQL files
- Change pipeline CI options
- Push changes to repository (v2.0)
- Create pull request (master <- v2.0)
- Monitor Azure pipeline
- Check Flyway migration job status
- Review Flyway schema history
- Review changes in SQL Server GeoKids database
- Check GeoKids website - New frontend (v2.0)
- Repository cleanup and release tag
If you have questions or comments about this demo, don't hesitate to contact me at crobles@dbamastery.com