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Django models for folders and folder-based row-level access control, inspired by AFS


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The geocamFolder Django app defines hierarchical folders and folder-based row-level access control inspired by AFS.

Folder Basics

The focus of the geocamFolder app is the Folder model. Each Folder has a name and a parent pointer. The parent relationship defines a familiar folder hierarchy:

$ ./ shell
>>> from geocamFolder.models import Folder
>>> Folder.mkdir('/foo') # saves a new Folder in the db
<Folder: foo parent=root>
>>> Folder.mkdir('/foo/bar')
<Folder: bar parent=foo>
>>> Folder.getFolder('/foo/bar') # fetches a Folder from the db
<Folder: bar parent=foo>

Folders are intended to serve as containers for other database objects. They can provide a familiar hierarchical way for your users to organize their data. To make one of your models aware of folders, give it a ForeignKey(Folder) field named folder and (optionally) make it inherit from the FolderMember mixin:

from django.db import models
from geocamFolder.models import Folder, FolderMember

class FolderAwarePosition(models.Model, FolderMember):
    x = models.FloatField()
    y = models.FloatField()
    folder = models.ForeignKey(Folder)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return 'x=%s y=%s' % (self.x, self.y)

Now you can place instances of your model in a Folder:

$ ./ shell
>>> from geocamFolder.models import Folder
>>> from myApp.models import FolderAwarePosition
>>> p1 = FolderAwarePosition(x=0, y=1, folder=Folder.getRootFolder())
>>> p2 = FolderAwarePosition(x=3, y=7, folder=Folder.getRootFolder())
>>> FolderAwarePosition.objects.filter(folder=Folder.getRootFolder()).all()
[<FolderAwarePosition: x=0.0 y=1.0>, <FolderAwarePosition: x=3.0 y=7.0>]

Access Control Basics

Besides organizing objects, the main purpose of folders is to provide a flexible form of row-level access control, which is the ability to grant users different permissions to different database objects, even different instances of the same model.

As of version 1.2, the built-in Django authorization system only provides model-level access control. This means you can grant user alice permission to write, insert, or delete all instances of your model Foo, but there's no way to grant alice permission to write some instances of Foo but not others.

The geocamFolder approach to row-level access control is to provide each Folder with an access control list (ACL) that grants access privileges both to the Folder itself and to any other objects contained in the Folder. Here's an example:

$ ./ shell
>>> from geocamFolder.models import Folder, Action
>>> root = Folder.getRootFolder()
>>> root.getAcl()
{u'group:anyuser': 'vl'}
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> alice = User.objects.create_user('alice', '')
>>> root.isAllowed(alice, Action.VIEW)
>>> root.isAllowed(alice, Action.CHANGE)
>>> admin = User.objects.filter(is_superuser=True)[0]
>>> root.isAllowed(admin, Action.CHANGE)

Let's pull the example apart. First, we asked what the ACL was for the root folder. The answer was {u'group:anyuser': 'vl'}, which means that any user can VIEW (v) objects in the folder and LIST (l) subfolders of the folder. Those are the default permissions for the root folder.

Then we created a new user alice and checked her permissions. Like all users, alice can use any permissions granted to group:anyuser, so she can view the root folder, but she can't change it. However, super-users can always do anything, regardless of the ACL, so admin can write to the root folder.

Access Control Lists

An access control list is a dictionary mapping agents to permission sets. An agent is a user or a group (using the User and Group models of the built-in Django auth app), and a permission set is a non-empty set of permissions from the following:

Permission Actions Controlled by Permission
VIEW View objects in the folder
LIST List subfolders of the folder
ADD Add objects or subfolders to the folder
DELETE Delete objects or subfolders from the folder
CHANGE Change objects in the folder
MANAGE Change the folder ACL

We have a standard string notation for permission sets: To show that a permission is included in the set we put its first letter in the string, so the permission set vl includes VIEW and LIST permissions. There are some standard permission sets that are used so often we give them nicknames in the Actions class:

Nickname Permission Set
WRITE vladc
ALL vladcm

Here's a typical ACL for the /groups/basinFire/public folder. Groups start with group: to distinguish them from users.

Agent Permissions
group:authuser vl (READ)
group:basinFire vladc (WRITE)
tjones vladc (WRITE)
group:basinFireAdmins vladcm (ALL)

A user U has a permission P if P has been granted in any of the following ways:

  • By user: There is an entry in the ACL granting P to U.
  • By group: U is a member of a group G, and there is an entry in the ACL granting P to G. (Note that users can belong to multiple groups.)
  • By special group: All registered users are considered to belong to group:authuser; by convention this membership is not recorded in the database. Similarly, all users, even guests who have not logged in, belong to group:anyuser.

Here's an advanced example of granting and revoking ACL permissions:

$ ./ shell
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group
>>> alice = User.objects.create_user('alice', '')
>>> basinFireUsers = Group.objects.create(name='basinFireUsers')
>>> alice.groups.add(basinFireUsers)

>>> from geocamFolder.models import Folder, Action, Actions
>>> f = Folder.mkdir('/basinFire')
>>> f.getAcl() # initial ACL inherited from parent folder
{u'group:anyuser': 'vl'}
>>> f.setPermissions(alice, Actions.WRITE)
>>> f.getAcl()
{u'alice': 'vladc', u'group:anyuser': 'vl'}
>>> a = Folder.mkdirAssertAllowed(alice, '/basinFire/alice')
>>> a.getAcl() # initial ACL inherited + ALL access granted to requesting user
{u'alice': 'vladcm', u'group:anyuser': 'vl'}

>>> f.setPermissions(alice, Actions.NONE) # revoke alice's write access
>>> f.getAcl()
{u'group:anyuser': 'vl'}
>>> f.rmdirAssertAllowed(alice, '/basinFire/alice') # this won't work
PermissionDenied: user alice does not have delete permission for folder basinFire
>>> f.isAllowed(alice, Action.VIEW) # but alice can still view via group:anyuser

>>> f.setPermissions(basinFireUsers, 'vld')
>>> f.getAcl()
{u'group:anyuser': 'vl', u'group:basinFireUsers': 'vld'}
>>> f.isAllowed(alice, Action.DELETE) # now alice has delete permission via group:basinFireUsers

Note that many functions in the Folder class have a "basic" and "assert-allowed" version. The assert-allowed version takes the requesting user as its first argument and checks that the user has permission to perform the action (raising PermissionDenied if not).

To enforce proper access control, code that runs within a Django view and performs actions on behalf of a user should typically use the assert-allowed version of the function with request.user as the first argument. Administrative scripts might use the basic version. But this is only a convention and usage is entirely up to you.

Objects Contained in Folders

[coming soon]


Some ACL systems have the ability to explicitly deny access by specifying negative rights to users who would normally have access through one of their group memberships. That feature is not supported by geocamFolder.

Copyright (C) 2008-2010 United States Government as represented by
the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
All Rights Reserved.


Django models for folders and folder-based row-level access control, inspired by AFS







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