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Hackathon project showcasing cross chain parallel computation.

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Interop Proof of Work

Parallel computation on the superchain.


The idea is that there is a coordination contract InteropPow on chain A which the user interacts with directly, and an instance of PowWorker on multiple chains (here just two chains A and B). When the user calls InteropPow, the x-domain messaging system is invoked to trigger PowWorker to mine some nonces (or “results”). The PowWorker then sends the results as concatenated 8 byte strings back to the InteropPow.

		actor U as User
		participant IP as InteropPow (A)
		participant Wa as PoWWorker(A)
		participant xA as L2toL2CrossDomainMessenger (A)
    participant R as Relayor
    participant xB as L2toL2CrossDomainMessenger (B)
    participant Wb as PowWorker(B)
      U ->> IP: run(chainIds)
      IP->>xA: sendMessage()
      xA->>R: emit SentMessage"run()"
      R->>xA: relayMessage("run()")
      xA->>Wa: run()
      activate Wa
        Wa ->> xA: relayMessage(reportResults())
      deactivate Wa      
      xA ->> R: emit SentMessage("reportResults()")
      R->> xA: relayMessage("reportResults()")
      xA->>IP: reportResults()
      R->> xB: relayMessage("run()")
      xB->>Wb: run()
      activate Wb
        Wb->>xB: relayMessage"reportResults()"
      deactivate Wb
      xB ->> R: emit SentMessage("reportResults()")
      R->> xA: relayMessage("reportResults()")
      xA->>IP: reportResults()
		IP->>U: Emit "All Results" 


You could load balance your computation across the superchain gas markets. As in, route your computational work to where gas is cheap. You can also get N fold speedup, where N is the number of chains, for appropriately parallelizable computations.

Example output

You need a private key in a .env file funded on chain 0 of the interop devnet.

npx ts-node script.ts


 interop-pow git:(gk/init) ✗ npx ts-node script.ts
⚖️ User balance is  0.899979915965011963 on chain 0
⚖️ Relayor balance is  0.099997872652836462 on chain 0
⚖️ Relayor balance is  0.100994849691212438 on chain 1
🧂 CREATE2 deployment salt: 0x5f49333E8433A8fF9CdbD83Cf10184f20D8FDf65000000000000000000000000
📜 interopPoW already deployed to  0x477142f6D5a705BC02E86132EF1E801b44959336  on chain 0
📜 worker already deployed to  0x80A494f0142A980b0BB5Ef63B6f1cecB16579621 on chain 0
📜 worker already deployed to  0x80A494f0142A980b0BB5Ef63B6f1cecB16579621  on chain 1
🗳️ tx launching with hash 0x0ecdf436961d75b23ce5662a0817a2debe69f8d0885fa9ad39c300d1c03905fb
⚒️ tx confirmed
🗣️ polling for state every 500 ms...

Querying results... 0 ms
worker0 (LOCAL) cached results have length: 320
worker1 (REMOTE) cached results have length: 128
InteropPoW.allResults has length: 320

Querying results... 1000 ms
worker0 (LOCAL) cached results have length: 320
worker1 (REMOTE) cached results have length: 128
InteropPoW.allResults has length: 320

Querying results... 2000 ms
worker0 (LOCAL) cached results have length: 320
worker1 (REMOTE) cached results have length: 192
InteropPoW.allResults has length: 320

Querying results... 3000 ms
worker0 (LOCAL) cached results have length: 320
worker1 (REMOTE) cached results have length: 192
InteropPoW.allResults has length: 512

You can see we get the local results within one block. The remote results come back within a couple of seconds.


Hackathon project showcasing cross chain parallel computation.







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