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Geoscience Data Catalogue

The GSQ Data Catalogue is an index of all geoscience-related data in digital, physical, or federated form.

The primary goal of the data catalogue is to make geoscience data FAIR.

Making Data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable (FAIR)

Figure 1: FAIR Data Principles

  • Findable: Data and supplementary materials have sufficiently rich metadata and a unique and persistent identifier
  • Accessible: Metadata and data are understandable to humans and machines. Data is deposited in a trusted repository.
  • Interoperable: Metadata use a formal, accessible, shared, and broadly applicable language for knowledge representation.
  • Reusable: Data and collections have a clear usage licenses and provide accurate information on provenance.

Core components of the data catalogue:

  1. Data Portal Catalogue – a CKAN-based data catalogue with a number of extensions that improve user experience and performance.
  2. Data Store - low cost, high volume data object storage (AWS S3 buckets).
  3. Data Schemas - standardised data models that represent a dataset: its metadata, elements and attributes, and relationships to other datasets and data elements. The data schemas based on DCAT2, ISO, GGIC, PPDM, and other standards.
  4. Controlled Vocabularies – agreed sets of terms to enable data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries.
  5. Persistent Identifiers (PID) – a long-lasting reference to a digital resource such as a document, file, web page, or other object.
  6. Linked Data – connecting related data so that a person or machine can explore the web of data. With linked data, when you have some of it, you can find other, related, data.

The 3 data catalogues

  1. GSQ Open Data Portal - a freely available catalogue of geoscience data.
  2. GSQ Internal Data Portal - an internal catalogue of data that is not yet classified as open data.
  3. GSQ Knowledgebase - a data catalogue of GSQ-owned datasets for use by GSQ geoscientists and other departmental users. NOTE: The Knowledgebase and Internal Data Portals are the same CKAN instance.

Work required by the supplier to develop the Data Catalogue:

Data Catalogue:

  1. Extend and optimise the CKAN Data Catalogue technology platform to enhance functionality, performance, and usability.
  2. Programmatically populate the data catalogue from existing metadata systems MERLIN, QDEX Reports, QDEX Data, GEM, geochemistry Microsoft Access database.
  3. Programmatically populate the data catalogue with metadata for geoscience data objects that are not in existing metadata systems, e.g. data on NAS or other storage. This will include activities such as extracting metadata from file header data.
  4. Optimise the search functionality for the data catalogue. CKAN uses SOLR as its search engine, but we are open to additional search capability, particularly that which allows for facetted searching and the ability to search across specific data attributes across the data store.
  5. Configure the security of the data catalogue according to the Access Rights security schema: e.g. open access, embargoed access, restricted access, metadata only access.

Data schemas:

  1. Assist GSQ staff to create, optimise and extend geoscience data schemas.
  2. Create schema validations.

Controlled vocabularies

  1. Optimise the performance and functionality of the vocabulary management tools.
  2. Integrate external (non-GSQ) master data sources into the vocabulary manager.

Persistent identifiers

  1. Integrate the data catalogue, lodgement forms, and other data collections to existing PID minting services.
  2. Create PID minting services where no National or State minting service is available.
  3. Apply PIDs to legacy data as part of data migration to the data catalogue and data lake.

Linked data

  1. Assist GSQ staff in the creation, extension, and optimisation of linked data.
  2. Optimise the performance and end user experience of the graph database to make data more discoverable and interactive.
  3. Implement visualisations of the linked data.
  4. Implement APIs to the graph database.

CKAN extensions

The following CKAN extensions are currently installed in the GSQ CKAN platforms:

Plugin Purpose Deployed in URL
ckanext-cloudstorage Enables storage of resources in AWS S3 Open & Private URL
ckanext-dcat Provides DCAT2 metadata export Open & Private URL
ckanext-drupal_api Enables page layout changes Open URL
ckanext-drupal_idp Handles session state for user authentication Open URL
ckanext-fpx CKAN adapter for FPX service Open & Private URL
ckanext-googleanalytics Enables traffic analysis Open & Private URL
ckanext-gsq-internal-theme Custom Geological Survey of Qld (GSQ) theme Private URL
ckanext-gsq-theme Custom Geological Survey of Qld (GSQ) theme Open URL
ckanext-harvest Provides a common harvesting framework for ckan extensions Open & Private URL
ckanext-or_facet Enables logic change for applying facets Open & Private URL
ckanext-pdfview Enables SAML SSO Open & Private URL
ckan-python3 CKAN compatibility with Python 3 Open & Private URL
ckanext-saml2auth Enables SAML2 based SSO Private URL
ckanext-scheming Create custom metadata forms Open URL
ckanext-scheming Create custom metadata forms Private URL
ckanext-spatial Adds geospatial capabilities to CKAN Open & Private URL
ckanext-syndicate Syndicate datasets to another CKAN instance Open & Private URL
ckanext-xloader Loads CSV (and similar) data into CKAN's DataStore Open & Private URL
ckanext-zippreview Preview contents of ZIP files Open & Private URL

You can see what plugins are currently installed with this API query

Data migration into the Data Catalogue

The following data migration is required:

Source Dataset Metadata source Target data schema Comments
QDEX Data 3D Models QDEX Data DCAT2 Dataset --
QDEX Data Airborne Geophysics GEM Airborne Surveys --
QDEX Data Geological mapping data -- DCAT2 Dataset --
QDEX Data GIS packages QDEX Data DCAT2 Dataset --
QDEX Data -- -- -- --
QDEX Data -- -- -- --
QDEX Data -- -- -- --
QDEX Data Wireline Logs -- -- --
Lodgement Portal Open Exploration Reports -- -- --
Lodgement Portal Open Industry Consultative Reports -- -- --
QDEX Reports Queensland Geological Maps -- -- Reports
QDEX Reports GSQ Record Series -- -- Reports
QDEX Reports Soils and Land Resources Reports -- -- Reports
QDEX Reports GSQ Exploration Reports -- -- Reports
QDEX Reports Departmental Publications -- -- --
QDEX Reports GSQ-Commissioned Industry Studies/Reports -- -- --
-- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- --
MERLIN Bibliographies MERLIN DCAT2 Dataset --

CKAN Facets

Facet Type AND/OR Metadata Field
Spatial bounds Bounding box AND spatial
Data Types Facet AND dataset_type
Commodities Facet/multiple OR commodity
Earth Science Data Category Facet AND earth_science_data_category
Geological Features Facet, searchable AND geologic_feature
Report type Facet AND georesource_report_type
Data Formats Facet AND
Date Multi value (with ranges) AND, intersect of date range dataset_start_data, dataset_completion_date
Access Rights Facet (Knowledgebase only) OR extra:access_rights

CKAN Advanced Search

Attribute Placeholder Prefix Validation Meta Title
Any attribute Enter a search term A-z, 1-9, space, “-” all
Title Enter any title none A-z, 1-9, space, “-” title
Persistent identifier Enter a Persistent Identifier See persistent identifiers below extra:identifier
Report PID Enter a Report ID cr 1-9 extra:identifier Search only dataset type report
Survey PID Enter a Survey Number, e.g. ss12345 Two characters or a-z plus+ 0-9 extra:identifier Search only dataset type survey
Permit ID Enter a Permit ID, e.g. “EPM12345” none A-z, 1-9 resource_authority_permit
Borehole PID Enter a Borehole PID, e.g. bh12345 bh 1-9 extra:identifier Search only dataset type borehole
Borehole Name Enter a Borehole Name A-z, 1-9, space, “-” title Search only dataset type borehole
Borehole Alias Enter any Borehole Alias none A-z, 1-9, space, “-” alias Search only dataset type borehole


This code repository's content are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), the deed of which is stored in this repository here: LICENSE.


Geoscience Information Team, Geological Survey of Queensland, Department of Resources, Brisbane, QLD, Australia,


Introductory page for GSQ's Geoscience Data Catalogue







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