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Mark Johnson edited this page Oct 6, 2018 · 22 revisions

Exporting an GeoTiff-Image from a Raster Coverage with the Cutline option

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For the cutline logic, the following 3 images are results after use

1927 Area of Eiskeller, Berlin-Spandau, Falkensee, Brandenburg

1927 Area of Eiskeller, Berlin-Spandau, Falkensee, Brandenburg

1927 Area of Teufelsbruch, Eiskeller, Berlin-Spandau

  • shows the cutout portion of the 'Original Image':
    • main POLYGON portion
      • which is only connected by a slim path
    • the 3 enclaves
      • with only the northern portion of the third being shown

1927 Area of Teufelsbruch, Eiskeller, Berlin-Spandau

1927 Minimal area for Valgrind tests

  • 312 x 231 Pixels
  • 193 x 143 Meters (rounded)

1927 Minimal area for Valgrind tests

Last but not least: Eiskellerweg

  • after August 1961, this path was the only connection between Eiskeller and Spandau
  • The schoolboy Erwin Schabe who, in September 1961, came home complaining that he'd been sent back by East German border guards while on his way to school along a narrow path that was surrounded by East German territory.
  • The result can be seen in the photo below, which was taken somewhere along this path

1927 Eiskellerweg Schoolboy

[An original article of the day from the Chicago Tribune from 1961-08-27] (

1961 Eiskellerweg Schoolboy

  • Years later, he admitted that he'd made up the story about being bothered by the guards because he didn't want to go to school. Of course, having a pair of armoured vehicles waiting for him every morning no doubt meant that skipping school suddenly got a whole lot harder. Fate works in funny ways sometimes.

  • In the 1994 Interview he gave, he also mentioned that he actually confessed this at the time

    • but everybody thought it would be better, that this should not be mentioned ...

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<-- 'Cutline Index'

2015-10-13: Mark Johnson, Berlin Germany