This project will no longer be maintained by Intel. Intel has ceased development and contributions including, but not limited to, maintenance, bug fixes, new releases, or updates, to this project. Intel no longer accepts patches to this project. GEOPM TUTORIAL
The top level directory of this repository contains a quick-start guide to using the geopm module on ALCF's Theta machine. This gives basic instructions on how to get started with GEOPM on Theta and provides some work arounds for some known issues.
The other files in this repository provide a step by step tutorial on how to use the GEOPM package. Each step has an associated source and cobalt script file. The cobalt script file will run the associated program and demonstrate a GEOPM feature. This tutorial has been modified from the standard GEOPM tutorial to be specific to the ALCF's Theta system. It makes use of the geopm module that is installed there and the scripts have been modified to use the cobalt resource manager. Each step in the tutorial is documented below in this README.
There is a build script called that will compile the tutorials with the Makefile using the Theta environment.
- Profiling and Tracing an Unmodified Application
The first thing an HPC application user will want to do when integrating their application with the GEOPM runtime is to analyze performance of the application without modifying its source code. This is shown in the COBALT script called tutorial_0.cobalt. This script can be submitted directly to the COBALT queue:
qsub -A <PROJECT_NAME> tutorial_0.cobalt
The COBALT script uses the geopmaprun wrapper script for the ALPS aprun job launcher:
geopmaprun -N 4 -n 8 --geopm-preload --geopm-ctl=process \
--geopm-report=tutorial_0_report --geopm-trace=tutorial_0_trace \
-- ./tutorial_0
The LD_PRELOAD environment variable enables the GEOPM library to interpose on MPI using the PMPI interface. Linking directly to libgeopm has the same effect, but this is not done in the Makefile for tutorial_0 or tutorial_1. See the geopm.7 man page for a detailed description of the other environment variables.
The tutorial_0.c application is an extremely simple MPI application. It queries the size of the world communicator, prints it out from rank 0 and sleeps for 5 seconds.
Since this script uses the command line option to the launcher "--geopm-ctl=process" or sets the environment variable "GEOPM_PMPI_CTL" to "process" you will notice that the MPI world communicator is reported to have one fewer rank per compute node than the was requested when the job was launched. This is because the GEOPM controller is using one rank per compute node to execute the runtime and has removed this rank from the world communicator. This is important to understand when launching the controller in this way.
The summary report will be created in the file named
and one trace file will be output for each compute node and the name of each trace file will be extended with the host name of the node it describes:
The report file will contain information about time and energy spent in MPI regions and outside of MPI regions as well as the average CPU frequency.
- A slightly more realistic application
Tutorial 1 shows a slightly more realistic application. This application implements a loop that does a number of different types of operations. In addition to sleeping, the loop does a memory-intensive operation, then a compute-intensive operation, then again does a memory-intensive operation followed by a communication-intensive operation. In this example we are again using GEOPM without including any GEOPM APIs in the application and using LD_PRELOAD to interpose GEOPM on MPI.
- Adding GEOPM mark up to the application
Tutorial 2 takes the application used in tutorial 1 and modifies it with the GEOPM profiling markup. This enables the report and trace to contain region specific information.
- Adding work imbalance to the application
Tutorial 3 modifies tutorial 2 removing all but the compute-intensive region from the application and then adding work imbalance across the MPI ranks. This tutorial also uses a modified implementation of the DGEMM region which does set up and shutdown once per application run rather than once per main loop iteration. In this way the main application loop is focused entirely on the DGEMM operation. Note an MPI_Barrier has also been added to the loop. The work imbalance is done by assigning the first half of the MPI ranks 10% more work than the second half. In this example we also enable GEOPM to do control in addition to simply profiling the application. This is enabled through the GEOPM_POLICY environment variable which refers to a json formatted policy file. This control is intended to synchronize the run time of each rank to overcome this load imbalance. The tutorial 3 script executes the application with two different policies. The first run enforces a uniform power budget of 150 Watts to each compute node using the governing agent alone, and the second run enforces an average power budget of 150 Watts across all compute nodes while diverting power to the nodes which have more work to do using the governing agent.
- Adding artificial imbalance to the application
Tutorial 4 enables artificial injection of imbalance. This differs from from tutorial by 3 having the application sleep for a period of time proportional to the amount of work done rather than simply increasing the amount of work done. This type of modeling is useful when the amount of work within cannot be easily scaled. The imbalance is controlled by a file who's path is given by the IMBALANCER_CONFIG environment variable. This file gives a list of hostnames and imbalance injection fraction. An example file might be:
my-cluster-node3 0.25
my-cluster-node11 0.15
which would inject 25% extra time on node with hostname "my-cluster-node3" and 15% extra time on node "my-cluster-node11" for each pass through the loop. All nodes which have hostnames that are not included in the configuration file will perform normally. The tutorial_4.cobalt script will create a configuration file called "tutorial_3_imbalance.conf" if one does not exist, and one of the nodes will have a 10% injection of imbalance. The node is chosen arbitrarily by a race if the configuration file is not present.
- Using the progress interface
A computational application may make use of the geopm_prof_progress() or the geopm_tprof_post() interfaces to report fractional progress through a region to the controller. These interfaces are documented in the geopm_prof_c(3) man page. In tutorial 5 we modify the stream region to send progress updates though either the threaded or unthreaded interface depending on if OpenMP is enabled at compile time. Note that the unmodified tutorial build scripts do enable OpenMP, so the geopm_tprof* interfaces will be used by default. The progress values recorded can be seen in the trace output.
- The model application
Tutoral 6 uses the geopmbench tool and configures it with the json input file. The geopmbench application is documented in the geopmbench(1) man page and can be use to to a wide range of experiments with GEOPM. Note that geopmbench is used in most of the GEOPM integration tests.
- Agent and IOGroup extension
See agent and iogroup sub-directories and their enclosed files for information about how to extend the GEOPM runtime through the development of plugins.
- YouTube videos
A video demonstration of these tutorials is available online here:
These videos do not reflect changes that have happened to GEOPM since September 2016 when they were recorded. In particular, the videos do not use the geopmpy.launcher launch wrapper which was introduced prior to the v0.3.0 alpha release. The tutorial scripts have been updated to use the launcher, but the videos have not. These videos also use the Decider/Platform/PlatformImp code path which are deprecated and will be removed in the 1.0 release in favor of the Agent/PlatformIO/IOGroup class relationship.