This is the setup for
# setup virtualenv
virtualenv && cd $_
. bin/activate
# get the repo
git clone && cd
# set Ruby environment variables
. setenv-ruby-gem
# install Jekyll
gem install jekyll link-checker jekyll-mentions jekyll-sitemap github-pages
# edit content
jekyll build
jekyll serve # default port is 4000, set explicitly with -P
# check links
check-links _site
# view at http://localhost:4000
# commit changes
git commit -m 'my change' ...
# publish to live site
git push origin gh-pages
# update live deployment map
# content is managed at
python live_deployments
git commit -m 'update live deployment map' live-deployments.geojson
git push origin gh-pages
# adding blogposts
cd _drafts
# make sure to set the following YAML front matter:
# layout: post
# title: Some Title
# author: Firstname Lastname
# author_url: URL to link to the author (Twitter, GitHub, etc.)
# preview with `make drafts` and draft will show up as latest post
# when you are ready to publish:
# - rename the file as per the current YYYY-MM-DD
git mv _drafts/ _posts/
vi _posts/
# update the publish_date YAML front matter
# commit and push
git commit -m 'publish article'
git push origin gh-pages
For a Sphinx feel, there's a Makefile
the familiar targets:
make html
make linkcheck
make clean
make drafts