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Tom Kralidis edited this page Aug 7, 2022 · 6 revisions

Project Graduation Checklist

Based on the OSGeo Project Graduation Checklist version 2.0.


This checklist is based on the pygeoapi master branch at

Incubation Checklist


The project has demonstrated that it has an open, active and healthy user and developer community:

Copyright and License

We need to ensure that the project owns or otherwise has obtained the ability to release the project code by completing the following steps:



Release Procedure

In order to maintain a consistent level of quality, the project should follow defined release and testing processes.

OSGeo Committees and Community

The OSGeo Foundation is made up of a number of committees, projects and local chapters. This section gathers up information these groups have requested from OSGeo projects. These expectations are not mandatory requirements before graduation, but a project should be prepared to address them in order to be considered a good OSGeo citizen.


The OSGeo Board holds ultimate responsibility for all OSGeo activities. The Board requests:

  • A project provide a Project Officer as primary contact
  • select a project officer: Tom Kralidis (PSC vote)
  • The Project Officer should be listed at Officers and Board of Directors and Contacts
  • This person is established when the incubation committee recommends the project for graduation
  • Your community can change the project officer as needed
  • Add an agenda item to the next board meeting so they can recognise the change of officer.


Access to OSGeo's Marketing_Committee and associated Marketing Pipeline is one of the key benefits of joining the OSGeo foundation. The Marketing Committee requests:

  • Marketing artefacts have been created about the project in line with the incubation criteria listed in the OSGeo Marketing Committee's Marketing Artefacts. This lists the documentation requirements for OSGeo-Live. Marketing Artefacts include:

  • Application

  • Application Quick Start

  • Logo

  • Graphical Image

  • Ideally, stable version(s) of executable applications are bundled with appropriate distributions. In most cases, this will at least include OSGeo-Live, but may also include DebianGIS, UbuntuGIS, and/or osgeo4w, ms4w, etc.)

  • pygeoapi is part of OSGeoLive, UbuntuGIS, Conda, DockerHub, FreeBSD and PyPI. See and for more information. The project also has promotional / marketing materials (stickers)


  • Projects do not exist in isolation; and are expected to communicate and collaborate on key issues.

    pygeoapi works with both upstream (GDAL, PROJ, rasterio, shapely, etc. and downstream projects via msc-pygeoapi as well as the pygeoapi ecosystem of plugins


The System Administration Committee is available to help with infrastructure and facilities. Information for this committee is collected as part of the Project Graduation Checklist.

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